What motivates you to get up in the morning?

What motivates you to get up in the morning?

The alarm

Money. I get up at 4am. If you can't get out of bed just kill yourself and save us the shit posting threads,

I lift first thing in the morning and I can't wait to get out of bed.

That fleeting feeling that I'll meet her some day.

The shaky belief that somehow THIS is the day that everything gets better...

This. I love lifting in the morning.

Crawling out of the pit and taking on the longmen menace

An evaporating sense of duty. Pour your guts into a job, serving a manager that will likely move up the company ladder in 2-4 years, leaving you with a new manager who doesn't owe you shit.

Morbid fascination about how much I can self destruct by "accepting myself"

Breakfast sips


The exotement I get from looking at my weight loss progress in the mirror

the gym

The urgency to sneak out of my one night stand's dad's house she snuck me into last night.

Maybe someday, little buddy

>he gets up before 7am
dont tell me some of you actually do this

I need to check on people, workout, and pretend that I don't want to lay in bed and not move until I die.

The last part is the hardest.

Pre-workout sips and dat am workout session.

t. cuck

I'm my own manager and define my own pay

Coffee, vaping and studying

Lifting is more of an afternoon thing but gets me hyped up anyway

>he sleeps past 5:30am

>tfw job doesn't permit me working out in the morning

I wish I could wake up in the morning
Instead I work at night and sleep in the day.

grappling with one of my best mates

Probably just me though.

The beleif that it's not too late to change things.

I just don't fucking know how man

As much as I know that sucks, I can't help but think there is a comfy element to being nocturnal.

I have like 3 jobs and an online business. The planning and scheduling keeps me occupied.

knowing that the love of my life exists.
also, i make oatmeal ahead of time so every morning i wake up and heat that up for breakfast

The need to move

to hit my macros and hit the gym

that and if I don't get up for work I'll lose my job and end up a neet

I'm getting fit before i do a mass shooting
Hopefully mass
I don't want to be another fuck up who doesn't even get in the News

Lifting and getting a qt redhead gf to have sex with then cuddle after and watch anime. Literally all I want.

It'll get better, user. Just keep pushing.

I get up around 6:30 but I'm trying to train myself to get up at 5:30. Sometimes I do get up at 5:00 or 5:30 and I feel good, but it happens randomly. Even if I go to bed at 7 or 8, I tend to sleep past my alarm.

Coffee. Seriously though I love coffee and I'm excited every morning to get up and make fresh coffee. Also I really enjoy my morning oatmeal.

T-Thanks senpai

>dubs trips dubs pattern


Np user

Are you me?

thirst, coffee craving, need to shit

the pain is slightly lower every morning that it was before, so that helps in motivating me to keep going. she is still the first thing I think of every morning and every night, but soon maybe I'll meet a girl that can take that away. I'm not out looking to meet someone else, just trying to stay busy and keep the bad thoughts at bay for the day. the mornings and nights are always the hardest, right when you are alone with your thoughts. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't suicidal, but I'm trying to direct the pain into some good self improvement. it may seem like something so small, but I have brushed my teeth every night, cooked for myself, and gone to the gym every day since she left.

that maybe it will get better. somedays it does, others it doesnt. but i think its always worth giving it a shot.

The best time for me to wake up is around 6am, if i get up before that even better but i usually just sleep past 7 and go to work at 8-830-5pm

I love waking up early, just dont do it often

>What motivates you to get up in the morning?

I may be depressed and losing hope but I'll never give up, wake up, go to work and do the same thing in hopes one day i'll wake up from this hell

>I'm the only one who can change things
>i'm the only one who locks himself away from the world

We don't bring them o the pit
We bring the pit to them


The fact that my Staff would write me up as UA as enough to get me out of bed. I hate the military so much...


just sneak out now user

>shaky belief that somehow THIS is the day that everything gets better...

Hang on user. Just a little bit longer. The storm is get worse, but it will pass soon enough.

The day will be longer and I manage to do more

The hope that maybe one day I won't be useless. I have no passion, I'm failing my classes, my diet's fucked because i'm hardly eating, and I'm struggling to make it to the gym more than maybe twice a week.

I've come to the part of my life where i realize most things are possible, but take effort. I'm hopelessly depressed, it's taking a huge toll on my life and I'm struggling to function. And the worst part is that I'm perfectly aware of it and the impact it has. I can pull myself together and get something done, but then I'm spent. I also know success is nothing but compounded victories. My life is a dead end of one step forward one step back. Has been for going on 3 years.

I guess its less waking up, so much going to sleep though, i don't struggle with waking up. Mornings are nice, if I'm awake to see them.

try drinking, lots

I smoked a ton of weed over the last year, fixed the insomnia, but thats about it. Made anxiety worse, but i could have a good time at least.

Drinking just makes me tired and sad.

knowing im going to bed later on

Money, all the people depending on me, and the promise that I can come home and sleep later. Also anime

If you really do a mass shooting, your body won't get shown that much in the news, mostly your face. Aim for minorities.

go to /pol/, take the redpill and realize jews are to blame for your depression for creating this horrible world for white males

If i'm inclined to blame anyone, i blame my parents for never teaching me how to build reltionships or how to be happy with life.

Single mother, workaholic father.

Vitamin D

The quicker I get up the quicker I can go to the gym, the quicker I can destroy my depression through exercise, the quicker I can have the strength of will to kick my waster of a wife to the kerb.

sleep does not help when the soul is tired...

It's hard to say. I don't really have a motivation, but I don't hate myself either.

the cocaine on my night stand
it's like coffee but more motivating


It’s just instinct at this point



Kinda sad desu

This stupid fucking picture

Life is a motherfucker, it really is, people are either idiots assholes or incredibly boring, events are meaningless, posessions are fleeting and happiness is for other people.

literally, the only thing I can think of that is worse than going about the pissing contest that is life is staying in bed and thinking about things.

As a neet I'll wake up and spend 2-3 hours laying in bed browsing the internet, mostly Veeky Forums, on my phone.
After I've read most of the new/active threads or articles or whatever and am caught up on the discussions I'll get bored and get up from my bed to find something to distract myself for a bit while new content is being created so I can come back to it and browse it for another straight 2-3 hours again later in the day

Black coffee

Too much sleep gives me migraines.
Job gives me money I can spend on gym memberships and peanut butter.
Do the math, kiddo.

The organic kind or salty ones with other shit added in?

Broseph, do I look like the fancy prancing homo la la man kinda shitposter?
Organic erryday.
MyProtein Crunchy atm.

Pretty sure I have sleep apnea and it’s hard as fuck to get out of bed. I feel like shit everyday. Too bad I have to pay the fucking mortgage so I get up.


Yeah unfortunately this is mostly true. Like I'm always imagining something in my mind that I work towards to bring happiness but am never in that happy state. For example a good job, a new car, maybe some event coming up that comes and goes like a flash in which for a day I may be temporarily entertained.

But at the end of the day we're here and there's no reason to be mopey little bitches about life.

>having a job

Good diet and regular exercise?
I used to feel like shit everyday too when I ate poorly and didn't work out.

i just refuse to be the guy who quit. i dont get any joy out of not quitting but quitting would be even worse.

i think its just a personality thing, some people are meant to see life as a series of complex challenges

>i blame my parents for never teaching me how to build reltionships
shut up user just stop talking

I do both. Believe me I’ve explored damn near every avenue. My wife confirmed my sleep apnea this weekend by telling me I was having some breathing issues when I fell asleep before her. I’m gonna invest in a chin strap and some breathe rite strips. Hope to see a big difference.

You can even get respirators and apparently people feel amazing in the morning after wearing them.
Quite expensive but maybe better with health insurance if you've got a thing saying it's a real medical condition and shit.

the thought of overhead pressing

Yeah I’ve seen those respirators. They’re like $500. With that said I would spend it in a heart beat if it meant waking up actually feeling refreshed again. Gonna try these cheaper alternatives first but definitely will keep these in mind.

eeh desu the other guy has it right, if you really need to blame someone, it's your parents.

>What motivates you to get up in the morning?

I usually have to pee. And also, my wife's son wakes me sometimes. This is what happened last time.

my bf

>What motivates you to get up in the morning?
Going to the gym, the only thing that makes me happy.


Zyzz is my light and inspiration

He's the reason why i lift at all.

The springs digging into my hip bone and ribs motivates me to get up..6/7 hours on my bed is my body can handle before I'm forced to take part in the conscious dimension once again.

>poor feels

I';ll tell you kids what has helped me change my path in life

I started waking up and walking outside my neighborhood, started looking at people in their 40-60s and noticed how these are ust regular people living their life. Not much difference between me at all, I started to see that no matter what imgoing through right now it means it wont last forever if you work on yourself, i actually started to realize that if i work hard everyday, stop fapping, stop living on weeb chat, i might end upo making it one day and actually find someone, and live a normal life

it starts with you, life is going to work itself out if you try, it always does but you have to try


motivates me now?
having to pay rent

Nothing, but i still do it most days.

Getting to see my friends at uni. It's about all I have left

what the fuck do you do when you work and have not been to uni

I am always excited to see my cats and hit the gym. Everything else just kind of happens.