Redpill me on numales boys, how do I identify them, how do I avoid them, how do I avoid their fate?
Pic somewhat related I think
Redpill me on numales boys, how do I identify them, how do I avoid them, how do I avoid their fate?
Pic somewhat related I think
A good rule of thumb would be if someone is overly emotional.
Women in arguments become very emotional and angry unless you concede every point she makes, numales behave similarly in that they become loud and angry but usually not violent.
>how do I identify them
You will know.
If you don't...
>has a beard
>will bring up bigotry/racism/etc. in any conversation
>likes popular TV shows, talks about them constantly
>talks like a woman
>virtually no muscle mass, almost always skinnyfat
>often vegan
Visual aid for (you)
>how do I identify them
Look in a mirror. Look for that.
how is this Veeky Forums related
Did you mean the average cookie cutter untrained and unmotivated "male"?
Now how do I avoid becoming one/avoid being indoctrinated into their circles?
Numales are the opposition to everything this board holds ideal and motivational.
You could think of it as something you aspire and vow to never come close to become.
Numales are unfit, don't wanna become one which would hinder Veeky Forumsness
Who's worse numales or magapedes?
How do I detect stupid faggots shitting up a fitness board?
Oh wait.
From these I only have a beard.
Does that make me a semi-numale? I like growing some facial hair because without it I look way too young.
Quit the current pozzed social media, fb, twitter, instagram etc
women are specially vulnerable to shit like this, if its hip on their cunty circle of friends they will soon do it too
social pressure is real and will cause shit like pic related
>Avoid most media, ESPECIALLY Vox, Buzzfeed, Salon etc. That means TV too
>Regular exercise
>Get a good 8 hours of sleep
>Go for a walk
>Stop using your phone
>Eat a good diet
Basically shit that increases testosterone. They did a test on the buzzfeed writers and their test levels were at 300. That's below the fifth percentile.
Numales grow beards because they want to fit in to the le manly man archetype. Does it look good on you? Compare your facial hair to that of a numale. The decision is up to you. I quite like my facial hair and I think it suits me. Having facial hair alone does not make you numale.
That is fucking grim
I want to say "that poor poor man" but then again if he is dumb enough to do that...has he earned it?
I don't get the second post. What happened?
leddit is the numale breeding nest
He voluntarily castrated himself and his anti-child wife is going to ''treat'' him for doing her bidding.
> (OP)
Did you mean the average cookie cutter untrained and unmotivated "male"?
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:04:16 No.43381697▶
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Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:05:06 No.43381707▶ Now how do I avoid becoming one/avoid being indoctrinated into their circles?
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:05:52 No.43381714▶
Numales are the opposition to everything this board holds ideal and motivational.
You could think of it as something you aspire and vow to never come close to become.
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:06:18 No.43381719▶
Numales are unfit, don't wanna become one which would hinder Veeky Forumsness
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:06:23 No.43381722▶
Who's worse numales or magapedes?
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:08:19 No.43381738▶
How do I detect stupid faggots shitting up a fitness board?
Oh wait.
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:08:28 No.43381743▶From these I only have a beard.
Does that make me a semi-numale? I like growing some facial hair because without it I loo783
That is fucking grim
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:13:36 No.43381805▶
I want to say "that poor poor man" but then again if he is dumb enough to do that...has he earned it?
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:16:15 No.43381833▶
I don't get the second post. What happened?
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:17:30 No.43381846▶
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1.74 MB
leddit is the numale breed
They are taking the piss out of couples who announce they are expecting on social media.
Notice the ballon that says "its a girl" with the girl part crossed out.
So 'they' decided to chop his balls off and now they are mocking preggos
ks like a woman
>virtually no muscle mass, almost always skinnyfat
>often vegan
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:01:33 No.43381666▶File: 1493482169067.jpg (133 KB, 1024x768)
133 KB
Visual aid for (you)
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:03:08 No.43381684▶
>how do I identify them
Look in a mirror. Look for that.
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:03:25 No.43381688▶ how is this Veeky Forums related
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:03:58 No.43381693▶
File: 1509292893046-1.jpg (38 KB, 313x393)
38 KB
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:04:13 No.43381695▶
Did you mean the average cookie cutter untrained and unmotivated "male"?
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:04:16 No.43381697▶
File: 1499407098443.png (1.29 MB, 1024x768)
1.29 MB
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:05:06 No.43381707▶ Now how do I avoid becoming one/avoid being indoctrinated into their circles?
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:05:52 No.43381714▶
Numales are the opposition to everything this board holds ideal and motivational.
You could think of it as something you aspire and vow to never come close to become.
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:06:18 No.43381719▶
Numales are unfit, don't wanna become one which would hinder Veeky Forumsness
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:06:23 No.43381722▶
Who's worse numales or magapedes?
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:08:19 No.43381738▶
How do I detect stupid faggots shitting up a fitness board?
Oh wait.
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:08:28 No.43381743▶From these I only have a beard.
Does that make me a semi-numale? I like growing some facial hair because without it I look way too young.
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:10:03 No.43381764▶ File:
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File: GettyImages-51277239028921188.jpg (385 KB, 1290x726)
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Numales Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)16:56:31 No.43381610▶ Redpill me on numales boys, how do I identify them, how do I avoid them, how do I avoid their fate?
Pic somewhat related I think
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)16:59:56 No.43381648▶
A good rule of thumb would be if someone is overly emotional.
Women in arguments become very emotional and angry unless you concede every point she makes, numales behave similarly in that they become loud and angry but usually not violent.
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:00:37 No.43381655▶ (OP)
>how do I identify them
You will know.
If you don't...
>has a beard
>will bring up bigotry/racism/etc. in any conversation
>likes popular TV shows, talks about them constantly
>talks like a woman
>virtually no muscle mass, almost always skinnyfat
>often vegan
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:01:33 No.43381666▶ File: 1493482169067.jpg (133 KB, 1024x768)
133 KB
Visual aid for (you)
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:03:08 No.43381684▶
>how do I identify them
Look in a mirror. Look for that.
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:03:25 No.43381688▶ >
Sounds just like you. Faggot
Redpill me on numales boys, how do I identify them, how do I avoid them, how do I avoid their fate?
Pic somewhat related I think
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)16:59:56 No.43381648▶ (OP)
A good rule of thumb would be if someone is overly emotional.
Women in arguments become very emotional and angry unless you concede every point she makes, numales behave similarly in that they become loud and angry but usually not violent.
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:00:37 No.43381655▶ (OP)
>how do I identify them
You will know.
If you don't...
>has a beard
>will bring up bigotry/racism/etc. in any conversation
>likes popular TV shows, talks about them constantly
>talks like a woman
>virtually no muscle mass, almost always skinnyfat
>often vegan
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:01:33 No.43381666▶ File: 1493482169067.jpg (133 KB, 1024x768)
133 KB
Visual aid for (you)
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:03:08 No.43381684▶ (OP)
>how do I identify them
Look in a mirror. Look for that.
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:03:25 No.43381688▶ how is this Veeky Forums related
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:03:58 No.43381693▶ File: 1509292893046-1.jpg (38 KB, 313x393)
38 KB
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:04:13 No.43381695▶ (OP)
Did you mean the average cookie cutter untrained and unmotivated "male"?
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:04:16 No.43381697▶File: 1499407098443.png (1.29 MB, 1024x768)
1.29 MB
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:05:06
The shill bot is glitching again
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:03:25 No.43381688▶ how is this Veeky Forums related
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:03:58 No.43381693▶ File: 1509292893046-1.jpg (38 KB, 313x393)
38 KB
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:04:13 No.43381695▶ (OP)
Did you mean the average cookie cutter untrained and unmotivated "male"?
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:04:16 No.43381697▶File: 1499407098443.png (1.29 MB, 1024x768)
1.29 MB
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:05:06 No.43381707▶ Now how do I avoid becoming one/avoid being indoctrinated into their circles?
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:05:52 No.43381714▶ Numales are the opposition to everything this board holds ideal and motivational.
You could think of it as something you aspire and vow to never come close to become.
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:06:18 No.43381719▶ Numales are unfit, don't wanna become one which would hinder Veeky Forumsness
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:06:23 No.43381722▶
Who's worse numales or magapedes?
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:08:19 No.43381738▶
How do I detect stupid faggots shitting up a fitness board?
Oh wai
social pressure is real and will cause shit like pic related
Anonymous 10/29/17(Sun)17:10:09 No.43381766▶ Simple
>Avoid most media, ESPECIALLY Vox, Buzzfeed, Salon etc. That means TV too
>Regular exercise
>Get a good 8 hours of sleep
>Go for a walk
>Stop using your phone
>Eat a good diet
They are unrelated, just two numales sterilized while treated like children to make up for it
>/pol/ mongrels think they're in position to talk shit about anyone
amazign. somebody should study this phenomenon