Any of you guys know how to fix back rounding when maxing out on deads? my working set of 3.5 pl8 is fine...

any of you guys know how to fix back rounding when maxing out on deads? my working set of 3.5 pl8 is fine, but once i start to reach my 1RM, my back will start to round during the middle of the lift. ive heard its linked to weak legs/glutes, anyone care to help out?

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This is one of those things that's hard to diagnose without seeing it. Rounding on deadlifts is kind of the default form breakdown but there's a shitton of different things that can cause it (similar to how just about every weakness when squatting can result in you getting pitched forward).


OP try to film a form check for us

squeeze your chest up seems to do it for me

this. OP go watch rippetoe teaching deadlift, the video who teaches like 15 different people. That's what actually taught me how to have correct form.

alright since you guys bothered to reply ill upload a webm of my 3.75 pl8 pull

i did, my form is almost perfect on lower weights, its just that its hard to progress to heavier weights cause form breaks down and i dont know what weaknesses to target to fix it.

I think /plg/ would be a better place for you to do that. Some people actually lift there.

Your core might be weak, or you don’t know how to embrace your core properly.

Your core is weak and you're raising your ass too fast. Do some Romanian Deadlifts to work on strengthening the back and buy yourself a quality lifting belt.
If your back is rounding you're literally ego lifting. Take the weight down till you can do it with proper form.

op here

weak glutes

Looks more technique than strength. You're a bit too far over the bar at the start and so can't sit back/really get your hamstrings into it.

don't know if you've seen this yet but give it a once over

your hips went up first, op. don't do that. that's what's causing it from what i'm looking at.

Wear a helmet while deadlifting, it will save your life eventually

right at the 4 second mark you can see your hips move first.

havent seen this one yet, thanks m8

would you recommend a snatch grip romanian?

normal grip doesnt do it for me, my shitty leverages puts my knees in the bar path

That's a shitty belt, does it have Velcro?

You start hunched back already, it's a technique issue, and you also hit your knees on the way back, meaning you don't move your hips back when doing the negative part. Besides you don't push your scapula back and chest up.

Stop ego lifting, drop the weight and fix your form, you need it our you WILL get a residence in snap city

which ever grip you want, the objective is to work your glutes, hamstrings and lats. It's a good assistance exercise for DL, make sure you squeeze your ass in like you're trying to hold back a massive fart at the top.
Your belt is shitty:

thanks my guy, and thx everyone in this thread,

you from HK/Singapore?

>drop the weight and fix your form
Came here to say this. OP, your 1RM isn't really where you think it is. Your 1RM is the max that you can lift safely with good form.

That said, incredible work! I wonder what percentage of people could lift that much weight off the ground.