Ass or tits.
This question will determine if you're actually fit or not.
Choose wisely
Ass or tits.
This question will determine if you're actually fit or not.
Choose wisely
XDDD this. Fpbp
(((Femenine))) Dick
Legs nigger
Vag. Waist. Collar bones.
also neck and clavicle
t. patrician
Bellybutton and hip bones
Ass, 100%. There is no question.
Good tits will amuse you, a good ass will give meaning to your life.
>Scribbles in note book furiously
The equilibrium, I would have never thought of this.
Fucking faggot.
Why don't you two go fuck.
Fucking disgusting.
Go jerk off to hentai then faggot.
Not that bad, I guess.
That determination, you sir, are fit.
Not that bad
Good face shit body?
Fucking faggot.
Hip bones, but the belly button?
You are a faggot sir.
You pass.
Voice and canthal tilt
Coccyx all the way
I am a tit guy. But a girl without tits can still be hot.
A girl without an ass is an abomination.
>ctrl+f "pits"
>0 results
Armpits, feet, back of the knee, nape.
My son said this to me before he died, son are you still alive?
Come back to me.
not fat
>Armpits, feet, back of the knee, nape.
I know you are baiting but why do people like these stuff anyway?
It’s like having 3 pussies
> convinced a girl to let me do it, felt good
>not fat
In america only 33% of people are not overweight, there are most likely less than 33% women who are not overweight, I wish you luck in your journey user.
I don't like it to user, but some people just have those fetishes, it's better than those diaper fetishes /b/ likes so much.
Nape is sexy as fuck, you can bite the ears while licking her from behind. Feet is actually my fetish. I just like it. I discovered pits were my fetish by lurking /a/. Back of the knee is extremely lewd.
I don't settle for "or".
You don't take no for a answer, you are the definition of fit sir.
Here is your certificate
That's not where the nipples are supposed to be
Ass on face and tits on my cock. gf.
Ass. Girls with a good ass look amazing when you're pumping them from behind and they love taking cock
I choose muscular mare puss.
A nice face and a healthy body is the most important thing to me. I prefer tits relating to sex but I'd rather masturbate to asses.
Everyone who said ass. I'm truly disappointed.
You're all closet homosexuals 2bh.
sauce, no ketchup
On a second thought I don't prefer to masturbate to asses, I just happen to do it more when I break my nofap because of a picture I see from here that is often of a girl with a thick butt. I actually become the hardest when I see a vagina.
usually ass
but right now Im seeing a blonde qt with nice tits, bad ass
Why not both?
Hey Bob are you voting republican or democrat?
>Why not both?
You see the problem here? You have to pick.
But I have voted for both.
You can't vote for both at the same time. You can say ass now and if your testosterone heightens it will change to tits.
tits, because the ass can be worked on. if i can get a big juicy ass by doing squats once every month a chick should be able to build a nice ass
Ass, easy as cake to decide.
Tits, but only ones the size in this thread >hooge titcows
I used to have a long term gf with huge perky tits, her body was mostly perfect with skinny waist, nice hips and a fine butt. Her butt not really popping though, it was nice enough, but not like them insta hoes. I was kinda addicted to looking at big butts on the internet at the time. Her measurements, 95DD-65-95.
Anyways, that went south and and I found a girl with a huge phat bootay but smol tits. Her measurements 95B-67-105 literally badonkadonk. Now I'm addicted to looking at big tits on the internet.
You really cant win anons.
In that order
Its like this fit.
The average ass is better that the average pair of tits.
But the best tits are better than the best ass.
This makes tits the connoisseur's choice.
in that order