>bulk >getting easier gains and building strength faster >unhappy with body due to visible increased body fat >probably like 13% >realized I was happier making slow gains and slow strength progression but prefer being 9% >about to cut
Ive been working out for years so have a decent body already but man, I just can't handle not being cut. Does not feel as good mentally. Sure I fill out a shirt better but its not for me. Props to anons that can
Dylan Murphy
If you're gaining too much fat then tweak your diet you moron
Caleb Thompson
Bulking is a meme, and an excuse for fat anons to think they’re being healthy while they scarf down a fourth cheeseburger. Don’t bulk, it’s not healthy.
Julian Hernandez
who's the fluid druid ?
Adam Brown
Might be the first time I've seen an attractive musclefu be posted here. 100% because of face, though.
Cooper Collins
So you're not attracted to muscular women?
I'm just trying to fathom how you rationalize your thought process.
>Finally a musclefu that is attractive >Her body is gross though It's her face I like
Jose Turner
If women can get this swole does this mean low t guys like me have no excuse to be skinnyfat lanklets?
Gabriel Green
bulking and trimming go on cycles, it's not complicated. who cares about a 5% bf increase that will disappear in a week of 700 cal keto?
Hunter Peterson
most muscular women are butt ugly
Robert Rogers
Says the fatass that’s been on a permabulk.
Cycles don’t work because people just like the bulking aspect. They don’t have discipline to cut. Stay fat
Robert Evans
I work with a guy who is repulsed by women who even look remotely fit. The funny thing is his wife is supposedly a sports medicine major or some shit but you sure wouldn't know it looking at her.
Cameron Perez
She is semi-attractive because of her face. Would be more attractive with a feminine body.
Caleb Ramirez
I started working out for the first time a month ago, i was about 140 at 6'1". I'm now 160 with no increase in body fat. I've never been able to gain weight in my life until I now started eating almost 5kcal a day. I'm never going to have problems trimming with my body type.
Noah Martinez
>Cycles don't work because people don't do them right
That's like saying your car sucks because you don't ever change the oil
John Rivera
>resulting directly to insults this is some serious projection going on here, sorry you cant keep the pounds off buddy
Oliver Gomez
Read the sticky with the part about body recomp. It tells you to jump from 10-15 just deal with the sad meme and then cut hard when you're done
Jayden Ortiz
>*sips juice*
Camden Kelly
No shit. I understand your retarded point.
The point is you're giving critique in a category you don't even like.
It's like someone who hates pizza reviewing the most renowned pizza places as terrible because he doesn't like pizza.
Nolan Nguyen
>this nigga gained 20 pounds of muscle in a month HAHAHAAHHA
Believe it or not there’s a psychological aspect to it. Most can’t handle it, and just eat a ton, and end up becoming fat fucks.
Hudson Thomas
>not being able to read
taylor rose
Isaiah Hill
What exactly did I fail to read? You said you don't like having higher fat levels so I said to teak your diet. Bulking and cutting is a thing because It's easier for weak minded people who don't know proper nutrition.
Jonathan Adams
No, it's like a person who loves pizza being served pizza with old boar semen on it.
Kayden Young
No, bulking is a thing for weak minded people. They want to get “big” but can’t do it with proper nutrition. So they shove everything in sight into their mouths and, surprise, end up fat.
Angel Morales
How is it like that at all? Okay let's try a game.
>Wow that's the first attractive skinny girl I've seen posted. But only because of the face, her body is gross and needs more muscle.
Adam Martin
>you made gains hahaha please explain your mentality here
Kevin Nguyen
That literally fits my example given that you're attracted to muscular women transitioning.
Elijah Morris
are you literally retarded? that's how it works >bulk to ~18% >trim to under 10% >repeat untill huge you have issues if you can't stand looking a little less lean for a few weeks, sounds like you just want perma ottermode but have shit genes
Jaxon Martin
Wait wait, you actually believe you gained TWENTY POUNDS of muscle in a month? If it weren’t so sad how delusional you are, this would be even funnier
Nolan Ward
Holy shit you're retarded. I hope you are still a teenager and still get to become an adult.
Luis Foster
please quote where I said I gained only muscle mass, obviously it includes water weight and unnoticeable bodyfat, but the way you're sperging out about any of it really shows a lot about your character
Oliver Flores
Look at the big adult using ad hominem.
Sebastian Smith
You keep proving my point.
Aaron Johnson
dear lord please help this fat child
Leo Mitchell
you must be ugly if you can't attract qts at 13% bodyfat while being buff
Jaxon Parker
You can clean bulk retard.
Jacob Russell
I did not mention one thing about women not liking me. I said I was not content with it. Please go to school
Christian Kelly
This has turned out to be such a shit thread. Why is it hard for people to accept that some people got into fitness for different reasons than them and don't necessarily want to be huge. As a matter of fact if you ask most people their ideal body type before they start working out it'd be someone with very low bf and good definition. Not someone huge who can be cut for two months a year.
Kevin Gonzalez
That’s why he’s going to eat less/ eat clean again, aka quit bulking. You could almost call it tweaking your diet.
Hudson Allen
Do women say the same about most muscular men?
Christopher Brooks
do said men have ugly faces?
John Nguyen
What else can you say to someone whose argument literally is "your taste is shit"?
Elijah Reed
It means she's on gear, for sure more than natural test level for a male