>tfw too dumb to not take care of my body
>this is what numales really think
man there was a comic like this were a guy claimed that indians didnt lift because they realized it was useless now that powet tools had been invented. anyone got it
Faggot is already saggy now, not in 50 years, when he'll be super interesting. "Look, I drew a picture 50 years ago!" before he hops into an early grave from obesity-related diseases (it's pretty obvious that this is aimed at the fat acceptance community).
Well from a practical standpoint it's pretty true..
do normies really think thats true? Im an engineer, blacksmith/knifemaker on my free time, go to concerts all the time, cook, with a different girl every week, and STILL have time for gym. Cope, fatbodies
>be beauty
>be intrinsically good
>be easily attainable for any human willing to dedicate 5 hours a week to barbell training
>tfw vicious relativists hate you out of ego defense.
The maker of existence has planted within every human the potential for greatness, and these weaklings spit on his gifts. I forgive them, but honestly how can you be so blind
>tfw to many pictures too draw too go too gym
I take care of my body so I can pick girls up and fuck them standing up.
fuck you fag
Trips speak truth.
Chicks dig that shit
>Still has a tattoo
The definition of cope
>implying you cant lift and then read a book or hang with friends
How dumb is this numale comic creator, I mean his life has to be pretty pathetic to become a webcomic creator anyways.
normies can think what they want
girls can think what they want
I lift for strength and personal aesthetics, the fact that what I believe looks good is also what frat girls stereotypically think looks good
is just a happy coincidence.
that half-assed attempt at making the comic """animated""" really pisses me the fuck off and i'm not sure why.
No don't your realise that life is like a low budget high school film where people are divided into distinct groups like the jocks and the nerds and don't have unique personalities or interests. If you work out you're obviously a dumb meathead with nothing interesting to say and its impossible to have other interests
The premise is garbage.
Realistically that unfit piece of shit isnt reading books or leading a curious life, hes leading a lazy one, an overfed one, hes sitting in front of a screen not moving for hours at a time, hes browsing the internet or watching lets plays and treating his body like shit.
the idea of a curious life and a "muscly" one being mutually exclusive is garbage.
The entire "dont judge me by flabby body but i'll judge you for your fit one" is fucking stupid.
The comic is about justifying fat peoples insecurities, its ok to be shit because your not really shit your quirky and interesting and curious.
Its a sour grapes parable for nu-males.
>I wish I had a burger in my hand
>that under chin
rest of comic for the uninitiated
return of /fitlit/ when?
Here is the artist. Numale personified.
I think you’re projecting to an extent.
I literally only know one guy that even plays video games, and even he also reads and does rock climbing.
Nobody fucking watches let’s plays.
You only see this shit on the internet, irl people will think you’re a literal mongoloid if you play video games to any notable extent
different guy here, there are at least two people where I work that play video games regularly and sometimes talk about it, they're even on Discord, and they're more successful than I am as far as love and wages and not having to do grunt work
What is it with people and fucking beanies?
Are their heads cold? Is their circulation so bad they need to warm up their blood as it journeys around their head?
It’s like a fedora for the alt-hipster
>used to wear beanies all the time
>can't anymore
I wasn’t saying playing video games makes you a mongoloid, I said the average person looks down on it. It’s not a common thing, it just seems that way because those people flock together on the internet.
Now, unless you work with like 5 people total, 2 guys playing video games doesn’t go against what I said.
You do lose a large amount of heat through your head. If it's cold out why not wear something to stay warm? When it's warm out and people wear them for fashion is when I wtf
The person who made this is just pandering to overly self conscious faggots. The fact that they get this defensive over their own mediocre body only proves that they're the ones who are incredibly judgemental.
This is anecdotal, but I lift because it makes me feel more healthy, confident, and slightly less depressed. It requires discipline which is something I used to lack.
No one says you have to lift. But trying to demoralize those who do is fucking sociopathic.
let the inferior ones alone. You can't save them, they can only save themselves.
I am a little. This comic reminds me of the peice of shit i used to be and the lies i told myself, years of bullshit just trying to justify my own lazy, gluttonous existence.
Well, have you asked yourself why theyre doing better than you in those regards? Or why you think theyre doing better than you?
I wear beanie too when it is cold outside. Numales and hipsters use them as fashion statements. Look at the fat guy's picture again, his beanie isn't even covering his hairline. It is entirely for show, not function.
This ^
>Taking an interest in improving your strength, physique and fitness instantly precludes you from being curious, interesting or productive in any other sphere of life
Imagine coping this fucking hard that you literally can't even see your bias and insecurity shaping your worldview, and then thinking you'really actually insightful or incisive enough to put your shit-tier thoughts in a comic for people to read
Every time I see this it makes me so mad
probably because of my obsessiveness and literal autism and the fact I've only been working for a year despite being 29
now find me some whisky, sonny
People with poor time management can think that to get muscular you must have given up the entirety of your free time to get that way not realizing it's a small part of your daily life.
Itll get better breh, obsessiveness can be a blessing, just learn how to direct that focus in meaningful ways. Autismo is a hurdle for sure, but you can learn to deal with it, im pretty sure i have some sort of low level autism, but its a lot less of an issue than it was like 4-5 years ago.
29, better late than never man.
Rationalizing not taking care of your body: an intro to overcoming insecurity by shaming people who care about their physical health.
pol uses shitty comics to rationalize their inferiority too.
yeah I know, I just got too much perspective for a minute there
fortunately I'm good at compartmentalizing reactions, which I think is the autism
pretty good 10/10
ayy lmao
Good post.
this pic has been discussed to death. fuck off you nasty faggot
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
only one mentioning pol is you faggot
B8-iest B8 to ever B8 on this board
An almost cliche example of sour grapes.
Spending an hour every other night working out, which is good for you and can be therapeutic, and eating healthy most of the time but being smart about when to have junk food doesn't make you boring.
Why do people think that they’re too busy to exercise? It really doesn’t take that much time.
Nietzsche wrote some great stuff about the rise of victim-hood and the glorification of weakness. Predicted this slow, but very powerful, cultural shift a long time ago. It will only get worse.
>implying 5 hours of your week will make you a dumb person
fuck, those guys that claim they're the shit are dumb as fuck
Sometimes I can't be bothered working out or want to eat like a fatty. But I don't wanna be another boring fat or skinny fat man.
And odds are he draws himself a lot better-looking than he actually is.
This is why I started lifting.
this guy is cheeky as fuck since he obviously lifts
>middle panels
His entire attitude is wrong. His goal shouldn't be not being ashamed of his body, it should be being proud of his body, not because he has "accepted" its mediocrity, but because he has rejected it and changed it for the better.
What the fuck, I imagined him as the typical soyboy nu-male with a frail skinnyfat body, but he actually has a ton of potential, he's doing a real disservice to himself by letting go of himself.
>making a webcomic justifying degeneracy with a 9gag-tier punchline and lazily animating it for no reason
>eating less and going to the gym
which is the better use of your time?
That bothers me more than his pathetic attempt at justifying being fat and weak, desu.
Isn't he doing exactly what he says is wrong ?
I mean I'm a flabby fuck and I think lifting is pretty pointless but I don't go around judging people's intelligence based on their muscles. Lots of stupid people are ripped, lots of stupid people are fat, same goes for intelligent ones and those in the middle.
Saving and using this, thank you based user
I want to cuddle with him.
11/10 also gonna use this
>I literally only know one guy that even plays video games
>Nobody fucking watches let’s plays.
I think YOU are the one projecting now, buddy. There's literally millions of people watching LPs daily. Heck, Pewdiepie alone can pull these numbers, and that's not considering all the other people on Youtube, Twitch and whatever other platforms there are.
And your anecdotal evidence about how many people play video games is so obviously irrelevant, even addressing it is a waste of time.
>it's more like
It's still a self-flattering image for sure.
I also don't get what he wants to achieve with this "what people really think about fit guys" - it's the exact same approach that he condemns just two panels earlier. People don't look at fatties and think "Wow, he must be rich to be able to afford so much food!", people think "What a lazy gluttonous piece of shit with no self-control or discipline". And between that and "oh, he spends a lot of time in the gym", it's pretty obvious which is perceived better.
So bringing perception by others into the mix after previously arguing to ignore it really backfires here.
kek, it fits so well
You're kind of missing the point. Let's plays are kindof a bad example, but a great number of adults waste a considerable amount of their time on youtube/facebook/reddit/binge watching netflix.
>using an expression coined by a fat sack of shit
>nobody I know plays video games or watches lets plays
the trips of truth
Balding and insecure
Implying you cant be Veeky Forums and have other hobbies
How the fuck was this not the first response?
Where can I read his stuff on this in particular? Seems like it would be pretty interesting these days.
I wonder if the artist has seen the edit? He needs to confront his delusional coping for what it is.
This flabby cunt is the very definition of sour grapes.
Lmao saggy with a hot gilf, and great dopamine system to enjoy life as well as more respect from others you've met when you weren't sag
>pretending to believe that fitness = spending every waking second in the gym
the depth of my disdain for these people is unfathomable
Quite clearly he does