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At least 10 posts too early, but I'll use the chance to kickstart the thread properly
Candito LP upper control today.
Did 6x4 pause bench and 3/5/3/3/5 pullups superset
3 supersets of RPE 9 CGBP and seal rows
3 supersets of RPE 9 seated db press and curls
Ate oats with soymilk and blueberries for breakfast
Half a kg of quark with chia between classes
Pasta with kidney beans for lunch
Bread with caramel pb and a shake with another tub of quark, strawberries and Stevia for dinner
2700 kcal, 150 protons
Didn't listen to anything, feeling sleepy, bye
Took my trip off to say I'd really like to marry this girl
Deload week
Sumo: 355 3x5
Slingshot: 275 3x5
Chins: bw 3x5
Memeburn bench, did 6 triples and 2 doubles, and for pump set did 3x8 cgbp
Then i did like 40ish reps of weighted chins, 50 shrugs, and ohp.
I ate like 2.5 cups of rice with black beans before for lunch, now i will have fish and some milk later.
Are you still doing memeburn?
Strength doesn't care.
Build momentum.
Is that trappy?
Not very passable, tee bee aytch.
Yeah I'm just really fatigued from not deloading for like 5 months. Shoulder was feeling kinda funky from sleeping in it wrong Sunday night so I felt it would be appropriate to take a much needed deload instead of risk injury.
Have you been injured yet?
I am REALLY feeling my chest during bench, like it's almost sore, and my chest has never been sore.
Besides the elbow bursitis that healed in 10 days, no
This is the opposite of what I believe. Explain
What a CUTE
How's the squatting going?
Deloading on everything, but before that I decided to Hepburn fronts with a couple back squat singles before to maintain form and back squat gains.
I want to get STRONG
Abandoned Nuckols?
I know you don't. Getting strong requires working hard over a long period of time. You spend your time blogging unironically on a Japanese cartoon board as a replacement for human interaction.
>tfw not sure if my bench went up from cuckols but still starting a new cycle
more like cheaters BTFO
youre mean
Yeah. I can't recover in time for the next week. It doesn't work very well with hepburn. Not to mention that the back offs felt murderous and I was only ever able to get the rep minimum.
fuckton of seated rows and seated OHP, not much else due to injury (should be all gucci come next week though)
leftovers of some huge crockpot monstrosity I made earlier, like 1.5k cals and 120g brotons huge
some lad on youtube explaining boring shit I need for work
the looming sense of dread that comes with staying up until 3am shitposting on a weekday
>bench machine
>press machine
>close-grip bench
>paused deadlift
Mom's homemade soup.
Biggie and Johnny Cash.
Not bad.
Squat 5x3 at 350
Wide Grip Bench 4x5 at 225
OHP 3x10 at 95
Barbell Rows 4x10
Curls 3x15
Band pull aparts, 3x20
travelling all day, deadlift and bench tomorrow. comfy af
tacos and tamales. gotta love that central american cuisine
the entire discography of The Weeknd
sleepy, not myself
If all I eat for veggies is brocolli and spinach is that enough?
squats 3x4 first rep 2ct pause
dedlifs 3x4 first rep paused off the floor
practicing snatch
had a pork sandwich and an oktoberfest beer for dinner.
stress dissipating. wrote up an improptu deload week because I was feeling really run down last week and work over the weekend really beat me up. definitely wouldn't have been able to handle full intensity this week.
good base, but also get you some potatoes, onion, and cook everything with garlic and you'll be healthy af
thanks for the guide, cant see why people would ridicule tho
yep, from now on im gonna set it to 70%, the 75% cant be right. unless cuckols wants us all injured
how does one set up a deload week?
in 3x high, day 1 and 2 are 75%, then day 3 and 4 are 70%
in 3x med, all days are 75% are you guys sure there's a typo only for day3?
I dont like garlic because im paranoid about getting garlic BO
Our love is like a ship on the ocean
d-don't rock the rock the boat
don't rock the boat baby
>tfw lifting has become your meaning to life
Who else here on the road to becoming a coach?
Chance Mitchell is a strong dude but an insufferable elitist cunt, Kang is even worse considering what a little twink shit he is (although I agree that bryce lewis would out-total a natty dan green)
candito my boi for lyfe
>midterm tomorrow
>try to study
>masturbate to hentai for like 2 hours
Is it normal to be incapable of getting into a safe back deadlift position without squeezing against the bar? Unless I hold the bar and squeeze my chest up against the weight, my lower back remains rounded.
do you consider this to be a website sale?
if it's a private university you're gonna pass anyway
if it's public university the shit is easy anyway
don't sweat it. academia will always be there. art only lasts while we're alive
>hentai is art now
Hentai is the highest form of art
wtf ben rice streams on twitch
>3x8 at 65% is harder than 6x2 at 80%
kill me
This is what happens when you never do proper rep work.
user are you me?
i can literally bench Nx2 or Nx3, but 2 or 3x8 just wreck me....
My bench volume is pretty decent, but squats over 5 reps kills me, and I never deadlift beyond 6 reps and that pushing it.
plug it into cronometer; probably not
I got sick in the middle of a nuckols cycle and missed a week.
Should I continue or restart?
>bumper plats
wuts wrong with using bumper plates
>3x8 at 65%
this is piss easy tho
are you obese
>raffy is still trying to convince people that he looks like livia and not a hairy hobbit
what is his end game?
pls help solve my mystery
I kinda like Chance for some reason I cannot fathom myself, but this both had me chuckle and get slightly mad. johnny btfoing left and right, and probably grinning in front of his screen the entire time
learn to cue your lats better on conventional. snatch grip kinda forces tension in your mid back, find a way to replicate that tension with a conventional grip
I wish I knew but I shall watch it happen to the very (hopefully gory) end
>pls help solve my mystery
your deadlift tech is absolutely horrible if that is the case
film it next time and post it here
Thats kind of the problem, I have my lats tight as a nuns cunt on other grips too, got practically raised on the squeeze an orange in your armpits/try resist someone tickling you cue as a wee noob and even do the whole arm flail and lock lats setup thing, you could crack an egg on them at any given point in the lift.
I probably should just do even more conventional/sumo for exposure and stop worrying, I just found it weird that there seems to be no form or other body issue that could easily explain it.
>tfw stop doing a lift so another you are weaker at catches up instead of working on both to fix the problem
lmao ultimate cope, but technically it works
I will, thanks
oh boy here it comes!
man I'd say I got three solid Norman khan logs that just slid out into the toilet at ease
The norman khan was practically jumping into the toilet
Oh hold on what's this.. I.... Hrrrgggg PLOOOP PLOP
just dropped a fourth Norman khan into the bed
Mhmm I can feel more cooking in the oven, I'm not done quite yet...
ooooh yeah the Norman khan continues to slide out to the toilet with ease, log after log
It's almost as if Norman khan wants to go into the toilet and wants to be flushed the fuck back to India... Huh
Round three to commence shortly
hmmm this one taking a few minutes
Not sure if anymore Norman khan is gonna come out
Like I feel something so I think there must be something that's gonna come out but this is taking some time
I tooted a little but no khan has poured out yet... At least not since my last post
Maybe I'll just call it a day
Why do I find rack pulls from just below the knee so difficult
bring her hoem
Wow that last khan was just a splatter mess
Most of all now I feel more khan moving down and.. And... Brrrrffffpfttt
Wow wow it's just
It's a almost liquid squishy stream of Norman khan that's continuously pouring out now ahaha what is going on
This is a whole different khan that I was experiencing before
No doubt this is a different meal than before and maybe the caffeine kicked in forcing this runny squishy khan matter to pour out
Ah am I about to squeeze some more.. Almost... Almost... Man this Norman khan took a dark turn went from clean logs to this splattery almost DIRREAHA like substance
Think I'm done for today for good now though
terrible positioning, probally because of excess knee flexion
Am I supposed to go for RPE 10 on texas method fridays? Say I'm supposed to squat a new 5RM, which I do, but I KNOW I can get 1 more rep in @ RPE10, is it worth doing? Or are you supposed to have a little left in the tank when setting new 5RM PRs?
going to rpe10 on a weekly basis is not a good idea
better save that energy and do a couple of backoff sets
I guess i guess :/
you should do backoff sets on TM though
dont fall for the 1 set on ID is enough meme. D something like whatever weight you hit minus 5-10% of that weight
Nice blog
I make great progress though. I'm still increasing weekly at 210kg squat
tricep doms
arms gorwin
that cant be real
at what weight did you start
talentchads reeeeeeeeeeeeeee
It's not that unusual I was nth from 110 skwaat to 190 on tm program is good but gets taxing after a while
wait paraolympics have powerlifitng events and normal olympics dont? xD
no. A cripple can't squat
Delete this stupid fucking cringe post
powerlifting is dominated by cripples
I need to be 115kg already and move to strongman
just bloatmaxx, 2 TV dinners with each meal and you'll be 115kg in no time
strongman is a joke for roiders
straps suits 1inch pulls lmaoo cant beleive people do this 'sport' even pl looks good next to it
Naah, I preffer to get strong with big 3 until 115kg and stay athlethic, than move to it
1.5y and im there
how many months did that take ? did you safely add 2.5kg each week always at 5rm?
I want to lift atlas stones, farmer carry and move trucks/airplanes, throw heavy objetcs in the air not to deadlift kek
are you a brainlet how is that different from lifting a barbell
the only difference is that strongman 'looks' more impressive because you are lifting big objects but not necessarily heavy of through a long ROM.
Actually that is the whole appeal to strongman, big dudes lifting big stuf becuz it looks cool.
our love is like a truck
ask me how I know you are manlet
good advice, but I would also recommend to watch grizzly on youtube
you have body of manlet just long legs so your arms look real short LOL
i definitely wouldn't recommend watching grizzly while bloatmaxxing, getting bloatmogged that hard while eating your TV dinners might give you indigestion
maybe watch him after for inspiration
Took me 9-12 months in total I did a couple of cuts here and there and general life and flus getting in the way. I added 2.5kg weekly yeah. I'm sure in the early stages I could have added more but just probably would have stalled earlier
my legs are actually short thats why Im a squatter?
Like 50kg. I was also 50kg
nope you are ''squatter'' because your arms are too short for your legs so your squat looks good compared to your terrible deadlift
reality is ur 2 small to be a strongman plus u heav terrible build for it
on day 1 what % of 5rm did you use?
How tall are you anyway?
holy shit that manlet rage