Oh shit, what did I get myself into.
/tr/ - tinder general
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post more pics of this thiccqueen
The only proper response is to bring a second girl, then grab them both by the necks and force them to make out with each other.
That chicks looks like something out of Russian or German WWII propaganda.
you must be pretty hot op. good job. dont fuck this up
>she will never dominate you
why live
She's a bot
find out what she means by two different personalities.
cuz multiple personality disorder is not a real thing so... prob just a dumb chick who watched too much tv... have fun with the fling tho
You have a shot with the real Claire Underwood
Psychopath. Pls stay safe OP
>she doesn't know we know she thinks you're stupid, but she's actually stupid
Wait there's more!
That is all.
That what you look like when you spill spaghetti
i would say nice counter troll but it's a bitch so its probably sincere
>Oh shit, what did I get myself into.
You found a slutty woman on the downward side of her peak beauty who wants a tall, rich, dominant man.
Welcome to tinder.
>American Heroes
OP i'm not kidding i am unfortunately a sociopath and i can tell you that she is too, I know that look
not LARP
don't make any promises or commitments to her, be casual as possible
This is the female equivalent of the Navy seal copypasta
>first pic has multiple people on it
>she's the fat/ugly one
Explain this shit
this also pretty much confirms the sex with her would be fucking AMAZING
>not implying that she was the fat girl in the picture to begin with
>tfw you're the least attractive dude in your friends group and so you never get any chicks
it's a hard life man
You, sir, are a real American hero.
Until she stab you in your sleep.
I know that every profile with more than one person she's going to be the fat one, but who are they trying to fool?
! This is some Navy Seal copypasta shit. The Assalamu alaikum is what makes it art.
Went on a breakfast date with this qt this morning, She had that powerlifter look in her pictures and told me "yeah, I love to work out, but I'm so out of shape right now", and I was sure she was gonna turn out to be kinda fat and not attractive like most amateur female powerlifters. Lo and behold, she is actually way more fit than on her pictures in real life and attractive as hell. Might be the first time ever someone has undersold them self on
Date turned out amazing. Was a good morning.
shes pretty cute user, looks mildly thicc too. good job! i hope it doesn't hurt when it all falls apart
This is so retarded, if she really is a spiritual master that lets no negativity affect her then why did she write all this shit. Literally just 2 paragraphs of bragging
I change country for my profession every three months anyway, so relationships falling apart is part of the plan anyway. Live and let live
Never use a group pic as your first pic
She could bear you strong Nord children user. Do it
I find girls like that all the time. They motivate way to rigid opinions with gasbag philosophizing that is completely empty of meaning at anything but a surface level read.
That's what happen when daddy don't discipline there girls.
>Wow you have no sense of humor. I live life lightly. I see the positive in every negative. And vice versa. Im a social worker and a drug counselor. im a public servant and I'm too humble to day that i am a hero, however many have said I saved their lives. It is incredibly insulting that you seem to express me from just 2 messages. Lol.
> I had no intentions to rub you the wrong way. Im having a wonderfully, grateful, an inspiring day... im not letting your negativity ween me into a negative realm. I am very experienced in Buddhist meditation and so i will send you off with, "may you enjoy happiness and its causes. May you be free from suffering and its causes." Have a wonderful day. Assalamu alaikum!
This is the kind of bitch that would cut my brake lines or and unbolt all but one lug nut in my car when I talk to another girl for more than 20 seconds.
Doing god's work user
holy fuck audible kek
Yeah, she seems fun, doesn't she.
>express that you know me
>Wow you have no sense of humor. I live life lightly. I see the positive in every negative. And vice versa. Im a social worker and a drug counselor. im a public servant and I'm too humble to day that i am a hero, however many have said I saved their lives. It is incredibly insulting that you seem to express that you know me from just 2 messages. Lol.
> I had no intentions to rub you the wrong way. Im having a wonderfully, grateful, an inspiring day... im not letting your negativity ween me into a negative realm. I am very experienced in Buddhist meditation and so i will send you off with, "may you enjoy happiness and its causes. May you be free from suffering and its causes." Have a wonderful day. Assalamu alaikum!
holy fuck, you people are faggots. No wonder women don't respect you. You shouldn't be scared of the woman, the woman should be scared of YOU.
This bitch is crazy, good luck my man.
Enjoy getting killed
Daughter I like fucking???
My tinder is fucked. It hasn't let me log in for like two months, it just says try again later.
Do I need to wipe my phone? Reinstalling does nothing.
I also can't get matches but that's because I'm still too fat. I'll get there.
Dad I'd like to fuck
get back to the real world bud
Doing the lord's work.
Only if you let them. Older women like this who say they wanna be dominated will ruin your life if you handle them wrong, but if you descend upon them with the fury of god whenever they step out of line even a little they will be demure and fantastic after a while.
The best part about being able to punish someone is that you have an actual vector to change their behavior if they annoy you. Idk how people in normal relationships survive.
>texting and snapping a girl for the last month
>hung out and had sex a bunch
>suddenly ghosts me
damn nigga...I feel like a huge cuck
First actually funny screengrab in this thread
You got needy and clingy probably. She just wanted some dick.
Fucking ruthless
Top fucking kek
the real world is for fucking faggots, I am a wild animal. I have enough testosterone for a small city.
If OP was cool at all he would make the girl (and any other women) sit on the floor, only men get to use chairs. If he really followed through on that kind of behavior with full eye contact and a straight face, the bitch would be frothing at the loins.
What part of "women like to be used and degraded" do you faggots not understand? Psycho bitch literally even said it verbatim in her profile.
You're telling me I'm the one who needs to get back to the real world? No bitch nigger, you are.
A tiny, frail, unremarkable woman puts on a smug face and some presentable clothes and suddenly she's somebody you have to respect and walk on eggshells around? Get fucking real. Put her in a headlock and pour vodka down her throat while you laugh at her and call her a filthy whore. You know you want to, and that's what she wants you to do too.
really dodged the ol' bullet there, user
I remember this girl. She got caught up in some kind of scandal. They made a documentary about her called "Gone Girl". Check it out sometime.
sounds like you came out on top bud
It's no wonder why westerners have low birthrate lel. Rich roastie went career and wants a gigachad now.
fucking savage, dude. Did she respond?
Alpha as fuck
Possibly, maybe you're right. I forgot good portion ofchicks like to be degraded.
Too fast anons? What could I do better??
shoulda called her a roastie cunt in your first message imo
>matched 11/26
>waited till 12/24 in order to use that line
Playing the long con, I see.
stop talking to them like a faggot and just demean them and tell them to fuck you
Not ask her why she's on tinder.
She gave you an opening with the carving pumpkins.
why are you hiding the girls identity, what do you gain from it
she dropped you a line with going to the pumpkin patch and you completely whiffed it, user
Tell her that you want to carve her "pumpkin"
Thank you too
What was I supposed to do with pumpkins? And am I supposed to ever ask what the girl wants on tinder?
What line?
literally wanted you to ask her to go with her lmao
You dumbass why would she be on tinder if not to get fucked. She's not there to look at dudes Pic and masturbating.
Girls are on tinder because they either want to fuck or to tease guys who want to fuck. Don't make her have to say it.
this nigga gets it.
Tell her to meet you somewhere, and then tell the same thing to a second girl without telling either of them.
When they show up and there's two random girls, just say "Oh, her? We're having a threesome. I'm like a wild animal, one woman is never enough to satisfy me."
Grab each one by the back of the neck, make her stick out her tongue, insert molly and order her to swallow.
Take them where you like and fuck them until they make ahegao.
why not
not even meming. Be just enough of a dick to let her know you don't care about her bullcrap and get right to the date setup
Alright so I'll avoid that from now on. Thanks user. Pissed I fucked it up.
Well time to kms
Some want a legit relationship tho
Anyone that does that is at once alpha as fuck and completely insane
why the fuck do i keep seeing people do this? I was at a bar with my friend the other night, two girls come up and ask us for a cigarette, we talk for a few minutes about the spot, and my friend, out of nowhere
>so, haha, what are you girls trying to get out of tonight? =D
It was so bad I had to close my eyes for a second, never seen two girls visibly dry up so fast
Because girls like things to just happen.
Having to put themselves in a situation of going "yeah I'm a slut I just wanna get my brains fucked out" goes against every social norm they've been exposed to and only the biggest sluts will admit it.
Some *say* they want a legit relationship. Even if they do, they still want to be fucked first.
I just got tinder and recently broke up with gf of three years I have no clue what I'm doing
Getting the date asap is good but I'm not about being a dick
Not the ones who say no hookups??