Should I use gloves Veeky Forums ?
What are the downside of callous hands?
Should I use gloves Veeky Forums ?
What are the downside of callous hands?
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try this
>Wanting soft effeminate hands like the rest of the increasingly soft, effeminate men in the Western world.
Third-worlder's don't know how good they have it.
women find them attractive.
one of the worst things you can hear from a woman is "you have soft hands".
>arrrrgh xD le manly male le hard rough hands xD le manly I eat LE STEAK! le STEAK and le BEER le so MANLY xD le BEARD! btw guys have you been on le artofmanliness? so le MANLY!
Grip the bar properly and cut any oversized ones off using a clean sharp blade.
look at this numale shit
These usually peel off during heavy didly sessions. And then bigger callous form. Should I change my grip or callous is good?
Thanks user. Much appreciated.
>taking a screenshot
>editing the screenshot
>posting the screenshot
>typing out all of that
lmao now what would make you so mad you'd go and do that?
Using proper grip will help, but you will still get them. Mine have never looked like ops though, so his grip must be shit
It will chafe your boyfriends dick when you wack him off believe me I fucking hate it when my hubby does a pull day and his hands are like fucking fish hooks
He gets fucktons of disgusting blue haired, Dr who tshirt wearing ladies.
Puusy is pussy my dude.
Do women see something that doesn't look like a fucking caricature?
Brain blast
hrs talking about the poster but you also sound like a fucking low test poor excuse of a man
Scooby wears gloves and he's more masculine than you. Calluses fucking hurt I wish I didn't have them.
>tfw every girlfriend I've ever had has mentioned how soft my hands are
no downsides
no downsides
do not wear gloves, jesus christ man get it together
I've seen this picture somewhere else before so I'm really confused as to why he'd need to take a screenshot.
>can't go back when soft hands become fashionable again
>seals off masseuse as a potential backup occupation forever
>robs you of the closest thing you will ever have to the touch of a female
>more easily caught under your opponent during thumb wrestling
Aesthetics and it can hurt. If you can use gloves, doing so is better than not.
Literally no downsides