What the fuck is wrong with fatties?

What the fuck is wrong with fatties?

>what the hell is wrong with americans

should be a fucking grenade pinned to the base of the candy bowl

Why is it that every time something makes it to the front page of Reddit, it starts popping up all over Veeky Forums?

Is it because we're secretly Reddit?

nothing a little diabetes can't cure

Honestly, because nobody but the seriously autistic retards cares if you browse reddit or not.

Good content is good content.

>Good content

You're funny.

You're autistic.

Maybe, but it could be worse.
I could browse reddit.

reddit has good content, but awful comments

Veeky Forums has mediocre content, but good comments

>Maybe, but it could be worse.
It couldn't possibly get worse, you're already a moron on Veeky Forums.

Tbh I browse reddit


Is Veeky Forums the most normie board? there's no way this faggot thinks anyone but autistic rejects post on imageboards



Reddit steals the content from here. This place steals the content from youtube and random sites including Facebook.
Some redditors even steal from Reddit that got stolen from here that got stolen from Facebook and post it here.

The circle of life.

This webm has been posted on Veeky Forums for a long fucking time.

me 2

me 3

it's an ad for the camera

Fucking newfangs of newfags kill yourself.


This one has popped up in /fph/ threads for a long time, but I know what you mean. Answer is that a pic is a pic, it's the THREADS that make the difference.
Example: you guys remember that one pic that popped up a few days ago about the fit guy who got fat and had kids? Well I saw the same thing on plebbit, probably came from there desu. Veeky Forums, however, realized how sad this was and how he should have not let his body deteriorate. Plebbit sang his praises and said how great he was, a example for all men, "brought me to tears oh mah gawd" kind of shit.
Honestly it is a good thing that there's such a juxtaposition over that shit, as it makes the comparisons so much easier and makes my disgust for the people who participate in that website stronger than ever.

>what is wrong with X
Come on she's not even deepthroating

How would you even know that shit is from reddit anyway? Unless you...

no it doesn't, not really. The only reddit boards I ever visit are those for a podcast that gets next to no discussion on Veeky Forums and the roids board because it's more active than fraud. Just about every subreddit is pure karmawhoring cancer. The fitness board on reddit is many times worse than Veeky Forums since the board isn't nearly as hostile as it needs to be to dyels asking dyel questions or obvious shilling of morons trying to make it on instayoutube

Shit rolls downhill, friend.


She's CLEARLY Italian.

Its no secret that there is a large crossover between userbases.

Reddit has way better porn than Veeky Forums faggot.

Do you have substantial proof of that

imagine the mess...

gotten a few rare videos that would otherwise cost money, not to mention the dozens of vids I have saved. Can't believe I used to waste my time competing with trap threads on gif just to get new content.

kill your fucking self right now you cancerous piece of shit

>t. cancerous piece of shit


POS are entitled to have as much fun as anyone, asshole

>rare videos
mind sharing?

>POS are entitled to have as much fun as anyone, asshole

Proof. And they can swim as good as anyone.

would if i was on my desktop, just check out r/joi lots of good videos up right now that won't last another 24hrs

thx fren


just go ahead and watch cuckold porn while pretending to the cuckold you fucking loser

jacking it to video of another man fucking a girl is the actual definition of cuckold
joi is really a general term for when the women encourages you to jerk off to her, so I really don't see how you think it's cuckold


>t. joi cucks

just let her tell you how to jerk off while another man fucks her