>omg user, you're getting huge
>we should be work out bud- wait, why are you walking away
Omg user, you're getting huge
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Dont worry OP, one day you'll make it
wearing gymshark is a euphemism for being a mudshark
Well, why did you walk away?
When you made it
But still got crippling anxiety
does that bother you, why?
trying to do cable rows
girl with 10/10 gymshark ass was coaching her mom?/older lady at the cable 90 degrees from mine. she sees me and then stands so that her ass is in my line of sight 6ft away while im trying to row. she keeps looking over her shoulder.
felt like i had the sun infront of me, i was too scared to look directly at it.
If she presented it then I think you're allowed to stare her down.
>wait, why are you walking away
That hit too close to home.
>t-thanks for the daily dose of reality user
Autistic faggot
the bigger I get the more anxiety I have it's really odd
How exactly?
Good lord Christ almighty holy fuck MUH DIIICK
idk lifting has just made me really self concious it's like I HAVE to be better than the average person now
Because having zero self-worth is unattractive, kiddo.
>somebody gets to fuck this
>it will never be me
im crying
from my penis
>yy-you too!
Proceed to take my bf's dick and post on Veeky Forums
FACT: Gymshark is the gear of stereotypical gym thots
Damn, Katie Holmes looks like THAT?
Stop comparing your life to others. It's even harder when you do.
story of my life.
OP got close to making me rage from self-hate.
I get mired 3 to 5 times a day. couple times a week a girl will actually find an excuse to talk to me, and one of two things will happen
1) I'll say something stupid then walk away, or
2) My anxiety won't be that high so I'll be able to talk to her, which will slowly make her realize I have no social experience and SHE will walk away after 3 minutes max
living is like a videogame where you don't know the rules, and when you figure one out, there are other five related to what you just learned.
I've been on my self-improvement ride for 13 years now. 77 pounds lost back in 2005, lifting, getting jobs, driving lessons, hobbies, learning skills, dressing better... but I still feel like I am behind everyone else, like I should have been at this level when I was 24yo AT MOST (I'm much older)...
I wish I had a dad tell me these things when I was a teenager. learning alone has been so awful.
lmao that sloot followed me on ig (im assuming she just wanted me to follow back, then she'd unfollow)
i dmed her and we had a conversation, then i asked her if she was following me just for a follow back and she pretended to get mad and unfollowed me
I feel you
Fuck man. Muh dick. Why do I only get to bang girls that have probably never seen a gym from the inside?
Damn man. Feels like you should've been able to get much further than that in 13 years time.
Still it's never too late. Keep at it.
I'm done. This is the perfect body. Nice, small tits, phat ass.
>small tits
u w0t, faggot?
>What is taste and why does it differ between persons?
I've had sth with a girl with E cup tits. Shit was too much for me to handle. Could have also been because I wasn't really attracted to her - she had the physique of a brewery horse. But hey, every hole's a goal
I just like my tits small and firm, not huge and saggy
Honest question
Does this ever happen to you guys?
I mean ive NEVER in 6 years of working out met a girl who likes it outside of the gym...
i know user. it's like all those hours you did working out, week after week, month after month, year after year were all for nothing.
her face is a good 8.5, but her ass is too big and tits just a touch too small. overall a 7.5. for ME
Ok we get it, you're a manly man, user.
niggers are apes
I mean the last girls I had sth with were like "omg user,you are so hot". So it pays off in a way. I just wish I could return the compliment
That's totally fine bro. It's all in the eye of the beholder
ya'll are probably still in that awkward phase. soon you'll be jaded with life from working a shitty job just pay the bills; family and friends will start dying. then you'll have no more anxiety because you just wont give a fuck anymore.
Im a guy and wear gymshark clothing personally because its super fucking comfy.
poorfags. you want women to notice you in the gym? dress like you give a shit then
this broad is 19
geezus fuck
she getting for sure them sugar walls stuffed post workout with hot creamy cum
and it aint you
you done fucked up nigger. they almost never accept dms from guys for obvious reasons
>actually caring about what you wear in the gym
I mean if you want to spend a shitton of money on clothes you will only sweat in,go ahead. I have mostly old stuff. As long as it's polyester I don't really care.
I just wish I could have pic related. Probably looks stupid as fuck, but I can't order them anyway, they don't ship to europe
>dress like you give a shit
>by wearing gymshark
Fucking kek.
>you want women to notice you in the gym?
>implying they will
mate, ive seen tons of girls at the gym and they are either 13 year olds or are dragged there by their bf
They dont notice jack shit
>i was too scared to look directly at it.
Are you a virgin? Cause i am and this describes my feelings too.
>small and firm
>huge and saggy
cause theres nothing in between right
>ywn have a gymshark athlete gf
I just want that ass on my face lads
>workout, but slightly fat because food dont get mired
>but have no problem chatting up women... at all
>get laid regularly, gym bunnies or otherwise
Guys, trust me, your body is 5% of the attraction...
Please, I can only handle so much
Well, there isn't, really, unless you count plastic surgery tits or very very young women
Is that made in China?
girls of that caliber don't need to show interest in men. all the men they are considering will show interest in them, they just need to play along to get things going.
they don't have time or interest in putting effort into hitting on men.
No that's what she wants you to do
Stare but stare at her, not her ass, as if to say wtf are you doing
Then walk up to her and ask her for a spot
Ok then how do you do it?
I struggle to even find a girl to talk to but i can perform well if i find one so what are your tricks
There was a time I would have cried because of fucking Chad but now I feel like breaking some PRs and get my own cutie. Also:
>unilateral db press
Fucking memer.
She's wearing a sport bra yall dumbasses..they don't look small
not officially, just emotionally
>Why do I only get to bang girls that have probably never seen a gym from the inside?
>Why do I only get to bang girls
>bang girls
Quit crying faggot, if an "incel" like me is happy with my life when by almost everyone's opinion I should be depressed and suicidal, then what the fuck is your problem?
A woman has never complimented me
>ass is too big
Don't make me insult you, user
whats all the hubbub? Yeah the ass is fat but her face looks like a 13 year olds
>her bf is black
I guess its true, black men really do get the best women
you know where you are buddy?
>ass is too big
Dicklet detected
he literally looks like the metaphysical platonic ideal of chad
No its not
that's the best part
>whats all the hubbub? Yeah the ass is fat but her face looks like a 13 year olds
When the first sentence is the question and the second is the answer.
Whats a mudshark?