*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
>Fat as fuck
I've read both their works.
Taleb the more talented of the two.
They are going to the fatass redfaced old man convention
with special appearance by The White Beards
Taleb's book "Antifragile"s draws heavily on Rippetoe's "Starting Strenght". I love both of them.
All these faggots shit talking coach Rip are fucking stupid. You'll never achieve his level and you are probably a bunch of dyels who think GOMAD is a meme and judge him based on that.
make "get in loser we're ...." memes with this please
Going to explain why the squat is the king of all exercises and should be done every work out
This is why you have no friends you jackass. It's also why you will never have a girlfriend,loser.
... going to Snap City
taleb is anti-vax and anti-gmo.
Nice projection
He's a good statistician so I don't really see the point of that comment.
Aslo anti GMO is a valid opinion.
Vaccinations have ruined an entire generation of american's and everyone outside of america knows it but won't speak up.
GMO is not allowed in most of the civilized and third world nations on the planet.
gmos are literally different DNA strains coding specific new things in whatever the product is. your stomach acid breaks down proteins into amino acids and cannot tell the difference between non gmo or gmo. how is it a valid opinion?
most anti-vaxers are american. the rest of the developed world knows americans are dumb as fuck.
going mad
Hey guys the NY Dairy Farmers convention is two blocks that way.
Because the only people producing GMO's is monsanto. The majority of a number of different food crops are now solely monsanto crops. Monsanto developed a pesticide which inhibits growth in every normal plant. They then developed plants which could tolerate their pesticide. They make increasingly resistant strains so that crops can be sprayed with more and more of it.
Did I mention Monsanto is merging with Bayer? If that doesn't put off any red flags as to why GMO foods probably aren't the way forward (at least for the time being) then I don't know what to tell you.
user, look up what bill gates fucking people did in that one african village and why they were forced to leave and why the money that was paid to the government wasn't enough to prevent them for going for their heads.
The rest of the world takes them to task over this shit.
Except in china, but the chinese do not fucking trust their government/businesses and go to other countries to get clean foods and things.
NO ONE in the rest of the world is having monsanto's shit.
>muh monsanto is evil meme
>more like couch
All of what I had in my post is 100% factual stuff, which you can find in 1 minute on fucking wikipedia.
Where did I bring morality into it? They are a business, and one that only cares about making money. They aren't interested in making more nutritious crops, they just want crops that can be made in abundance (by weight) and which can deter most all other pests and natural crop killers by being coated with as much pesticides as it takes to ensure consistent yields.
Also having the most major food crop producing companies that is literally genetically engineering your food merging with the one of the largest pharmaceutical companies who makes money off of sick people may present a tiny conflict of interest.
>mfw you literally have no argument
having read what you just said makes it pointless to form an argument. cba
>cant be arsed
>types a response
>could've pointed out a fault with the same amount of characters
Just gtfo shill.
i make shillions from monsanto and bayer.
If you wanted to bitch about Monsanto and their dumping of PCB's it would be more rational, but show some SOUND scientific research that proves that glyphosate and GM crops are unsafe and then we can talk. Pesticide hysteria, shitty third world farming tactics, and ignorant parroting liberals are what haslve maligned these companies and GM crops.
pretty sure rip is pushing 60. i unironically hope i look that good at 60.
>still responding
>still no arguments
brb gonna go pick up 5kgs of Monsantoâ„¢ soy beans to start my transition desu
>squid ink place
Yeah, gigantic corporations have never silenced, shut down or covered up research that could be harmful to their profits....
You can not say that a company which produces genetically modified crops, which will form the building blocks of your diet, merging with a company that only makes money from sick people isn't a gigantic conflict of interest.
Literally what need do we have for GMOs besides to line monsantos pockets?
Exactly. You just read some bullshit that says "hurr durr Monsanto is evil" and you parrot it back. Or you probably were orbiting some fat feminist whose protest of the week it was and actually have no idea of the science behind it all.
>a company that only makes money off of sick people
The fact that you have no idea that Bayer already dwarfs Monsanto in agriculture tells me all I need to know about your ignorance on the subject.
thanks for argumenting for me user
brainlets will brainlet
What? That you thought Bayer was only a pharmaceutical company? That you have no argument aside from some talking points that you read online somehwere? How is that arguing for you? I'm still waiting for you to school me on how GM crops are unhealthy. On how glyphosate is unhealthy. But I've got a feeling you can't do that. And on the off chance that you do come back with something that is scientifically factual, I will destroy it, because you have no clue what you are talking about.
Bayer crop science market cap - 2bn
Monsanto market cap -53bn
Say again ?
This was not me.
gms are safe and so is glyphosate