what do you do for calves, Veeky Forums?
What do you do for calves, Veeky Forums?
calf raises
I help develop young cows
Be massively fucking fat all your life then lose all the weight and you'll be left with big calves.
You can go hiking up and down inclines, ride a bike, or play soccer. Did you know that these are also cardio and get you calf gains along with your heart gains?
>tfw i know this feel
I jump rope in merrells, stairmaster, and HIIT sprints. In fact that is what I do for legs as a whole.
I've got juicy calves from 30 years of being a hambeast.
explosive squat jumps
This is the only real answer. Either this is take long walks with heavy weights on your back.
looks like a butt
Bike everyday and make sure your seat is properly adjusted
I moved to a new street that's shaped like a circle that goes about two miles around with a steeeep fuckin incline. Walking the dog up that thing every day has legitimately done wonders for my calves.
running and jumprope works good
if i wanted to go to home depot or some shit and get a piece of wood to do calf raises on in my home gym, how high should it be?
I have exquisite calves.
shoe size?
Run on your toes and calf raises my friend.
I forgot to say that is also right. I predominately cycled for a year and a half almost every day.
3 sets of standing calves followed by 3 sets of seated calves, twice a week, nice and controlled with short pauses at the top and bottom.
I see fuckers doing seated calf raises and they just throw the weights around. They slap 45s on either side and just blast them out.
Always pause at full extension for a few seconds for that crazy burn.
> seated calf raises
> how does anatomy of the gastrocnemius work
what a dumb meme machine that is, unless you need soleus gains for whatever reason
Post calves
So you post your knee and shin?
Orbital Trek/Orbital Cycle machine on your toes
Honestly you'll develop elite calves in months
Did calf raises for ages (a year), but wasn't able to fully engage my calf at the top of the exercise because of sesemoid injuries from sports
Dude at footy with enormous calves and explosiveness like fuck said all he does it Orbitrek/Orbital Cycle on his toes
Long slow distance running
Calves want volume .
nice cankles lmao
Incline walking at 5km/h and 15% for at least 20min a day has done miracles for me. I only do that for cardio
Based cross country workouts
Basically this
You need to work the soleus as much as the gastrocnemius, look it up