
I'm sitting in a hospital bed (bored as fuck) because I woke up today with my heart pounding. EMTs took me to the hospital with a 210 pulse. That was 3am. Finally around 4pm the afib rhythm broke.

Now I have heart pills and blood thinners. Am I fucked, boys? Are my lifting days over?
>29 yo
>can't lift bad heart

Other urls found in this thread:


Lift heavy.
Die young.
> Literally fucking won

Best of luck to you user. Try to die on a PR day.

Too many sips?

creatine... not. even. once.

Probably my rampant alcoholism. It's what the docs are blaming.

Control your drinking you degenerate
Do you really wanted some fermented wheat to be the cause of your death?

How much do you drink?

a bottle of rum every 2 days (half of it one day, the other half the next day), no rest days

Yeap, thats too much. Are you going to quit?

6-9 drinks every day. It's really not a lot compared to a lot of alkies

How big is the bottle? What's your weight?

A liter, I'm 5.4" (yeah, im a manlet, i should kms bla bla bla) 60kg, would say ~16%bf

After all this shit I might have to do it

Let me guess, you're on beta-blockers and coumadin. You might faint if you do cardio, since beta blockers lower BP and heart rate, so that's out of the question. Doctor tell you to stop lifting permanently or just for the first few weeks? I'm guessing you could lift light. Better be careful around those weights, you're gonna bruise like a banana.

well, lifting definitely leads to hypertrophy of your heart which could lead to myocardial infarction if you have bad heart health.

I was under the impression that cardiac hypertrophy only happens if you lift heavy at rest?

>lift heavy at rest

what? I dont know what you mean by this? Ventricular hypertrophy usually occurs with any kind of physically demanding activity in order to increase stroke volume.

But is it not making my heart healthier?

I know that feel. I just found out I have Wolff Parkinson White syndrome. Dont know all the ramifications of it yet, read that some kind of surgical burning can treat it.
tfw I only found out because of lifting. Stopped before I even really started.

yet you worry about your fucking lifts? fuck off you lush you were never gonna make it

it is.... but if your coronary arteries are not supplying enough blood to the area of tissue that had gone under hypertrophy, this will lead to no contractions in area of heart that isn't getting enough blood, which leads to even more hypertrophy, which could lead to even more amount of tissue not contracting. This basically results in enlarged heart but not a significant increase in stroke volume. So your heart is trying to work really hard to even just contract let alone try to pump blood. But again, this only happens if you have a bad circulatory system going on or just a messed up heart.

Lul, if I sleep with my arm above my head it goes numb, also occasional prolonged tingling in hands. All of which started happening after I tried some shit 8$ protein powder. Not saying it completely caused it, but it expedited it.
Fuck it brah, better to be a lion for one day than to be a sheep for a hundred years

Correlation =/= causation

Dumb fuck

>tfw i've taken 2 scoops of jack3d original formula everyday for 5 years straight
>probably gonna die soon

it was a good run brehs

>less than a fifth a day

dawg that is a weak ass habit to fuck your heart up that much so young.

>mfw three fourths through a bottle of whiskey
>mfw smoked since I was 13 and only recently quit (40 days now)
>mfw contemplating going to a gas station to buy cigarettes
What's the risk of my heart just exploding if I have a cigarette now?

Cigs r bad no do

but how much damage am I doing if i have just one (1) cig

it's my birthday even

"Not saying it completely caused it, but it expedited it."

This is not too much
t. russkie

Muslim here, Islam could have saved you. Now it's better you just die you little vermin.

I thought having a bad heart meant that you got to go on an adventure to learn that phydivsl limitations aren't the end of the world while discovering the meaning of inner beauty.

Technically Christianity bans those substances as well. That's the main reason for Prohibition: a Christian organization bullied people into making it an amendment. There are still large swaths of the US that are dry counties. All of them are highly Christian.

Cig smokers are absolutely hands down the most PATHETIC of any addict.

As an ex smoker I can concur. You get all the side effects of dying early from addiction with exactly none of the perks. It's terrible.

>be white
>have shit genes
el oh el

This post freaks me the fuck out. I'm 22yo and recently been feeling some weird shit going on in my chest for the past few weeks. I took some Adderall to suppress my appetite last week and drink coffee everyday. I had a panic attack at work and heart was beating through the roof. Not taking Adderall again. Today I drank a cup of coffee at 1am after waking at 12am. When I stand up my heart rate sky rockets. I smoked for 3 years from when I was 15-18yo. I was obese most of my life, but weigh a lot less and I'm coming close to a 6pack. It's not serious enough for me to want to go through the trouble of hitting the Dr office, but it is worrying a bit. Idk what to do I'm only 22 and I don't wanna fucking die randomly from a heart attack or stroke. I'm not gonna drink anymore caffeinated coffee starting today.

Heart hypertrophy is bad when its pathologic, not when its caused by exercise.

OP here, this sounds exactly like what I went through. I took it as anxiety for a long time until yesterday morning. If you check your pulse while you feel like that and if it's not a regular rhythm, schedule an appointment. Don't wait for it to get this bad.


No it didn't, if anything you just got more muscular or fat and that can cause the numb arms while sleeping.

I have a resting heart rate of ~50 and it can get up to ~190 when I'm running. How fucked am I?

Dude I’m on a beta blocker (albeit low dose) and all it does is stop me from having panic attacks in public speaking and board room type situations. I can still work out and plow your gf with the virility of a Tibetan monk who’s never felt a pussy before in life.

Yo OP don't freak out.

I had a similar condition when I was a teen, got seizure like tachycardia which would last anything from 10 minutes to 5 hours and net me a resting pulse up to 240 with blood pressure down to 50/30 at times.
It would also come completely unannounced and random which made it hard to get an EKG during the condition.

After I finally got one the doctors found out I had a additional wire on my AV node inside my heart which would sometimes get active and give a double signal to the heartbeat contracting muscles.
Ofc this completely fucks you up while active.

They said it wasn't that uncommon and was easily fixed. Took them about half an hour going through my leg vein and I've never had any problems since.
Maybe ask your doctors if this could be something similar?
As far as I know it's pretty hard to diagnose they asked me all kind of stuff if I was on drugs etc before they found it.

They wanted to put me on beta blockers too but luckily they found the real cause before I actually started taking them.

I was Born with SVT en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supraventricular_tachycardia
I can still lift and do cardio and shit. You just have to learn your new limits and take it slow. Since you had this it would be best to go natty if you are not already for your own health. Don't take sips or preworkout anymore, no point in stressing your heart. When you are lifting take it slow and easy, then work your way up. No nessicarly in weight, but intensity.
good luck heartbro

OP is 5'4 he's either spic or gook

are beta blockers bad?

t. probably has tachycardia, resting pulse is something like near 200 sometimes

nah dude you're fine. I had cancer and went through chemo, which deteriorated my whole body including heart, and I still lift. You definitely can't touch roids, but everything else is alright. Just ask your doctor you retard

perhaps it is a lot because you woke up with your heart in such distress it required you visit A&E / ER

>not drinking a bottle a day and reaching pirate mode

The doctor decided to go with some blood pressure medicine and baby aspirin to help prevent blood clots for now.

I'm going to my primary on Monday or Tuesday and from there I'll go through the full litany of hoops to jump through to find out what's wrong with my heart. It's been squirrely since I was a teenager and I am adamant about finding out what's causing now that it's no longer "just stress."

My cousin had two small holes in his heart that would cause him to completely black out if he exerted himself too hard. They did the same thing, went up through his legs and fixed that shit. Now he can continue being a weirdo goth faggot without worry.

Not a doctor man but that's seriously not good.

My dad drinks like 3 times what I drink. 25% of the population gets tired and sleepy when they drink. That's me. 6-pack in and I'm laying on the couch droopy-eyed. Not drunk, mind you. Just really, really tired.

>Not a doctor man but that's seriously not good.
fuck mang im not even fat, bmi 21 fffffffffffuck

I think over masturbation or drinking or a combination of both caused it. I know you guys don't believe fapping causes problems but for me it makes my heart race like crazy if I jerk off more than once a day. That night I went on a spree and did it like 4 times.

I also drank all the time without heart issues, but even without drinking if I whacked off to much I'd wake up with my heart pounding.

I dunno, I'm just gonna quit both to be safe.

is it possible that, being an emotional faggot, a break up heart break can have negative impact on the human heart literally?

>Christianity bans
you literally HAVE TO drink wine in order to be accepted to heaven

>Just really, really tired.
you might just have a tired liver, try eating less

Go to the doctor dip shit. A $50 copay is better than death from some unknown heart condition.

Absolutely. Stress, including emotional has a huge impact on your heart and mental health too. You've got to get yourself out of that pit.

well, fuck


Are you in bad shape?

fucking drink more water you dumb faggot. fellow alkie here. seriously water and eat an egg on toast. I mean you're already getting enough calories from the drinks just mitigate your alcohol intake

>Atrial Fibrillation at 29

You're not fucked OP but you do have to watch your condition with a watchful eye.
Atrial fibrillation is when the top two chambers of the heart; The atria start to go batshit. This wouldn't be so bad if it was just that, because they're spasming, the blood in those chambers will stick around for a bit and runs the risk of a clot forming in your heart, the clot can dislodge and got to your lungs/brain/heart.

Blood thinners should try and stop clot formation and the heart drugs should try and keep the atria beating normally, just please stick to your medication. Also, avoid the following:
>Excessive drinking
>T4/T3 supplements

If you have episodes of infection, stress, pain or require surgery, bring up your Atrial Fibrillation with someone as all of those can exacerbate the problem.

As long as you stay on top of that all you should be gucci.

Thanks, Doc.

>and eat an egg on toast
Why this? I get the water, but why an egg on toast?

Just throwing it out there that as someone studying dietetic, any of the people trying to "gain mass" are doing literal damage to their health
>Frequent weight gain/loss screwing with insulin resistance and adiposity
>Overconsumption of protein|/saturated fat from meat sources increasing risk of CVD
>Body dismorphia
>Improper knowledge of micronutrient benefits
>Improper use of supplementation
>Improper conclusions drawn from questionable "scholarly articles"
>Complete lack of understanding about the biological mechanisms of micronutrient and macronutrients

That being said, there's a lot of good advice as well, and the intelligent, world-weary individual can separate the bogus from the science

egg has enzymes that break down alcohol.toast just because I like egg on toast and it tastes great as a whole while drunk. and the fullness helps. I hope you aren't drinking while hungry

Shit I'm sorry, didn't mean to generalize "anyone gaining mass". What I was trying to refer to are some of the dirty bulkers/weight gainers
Not saying gaining mass is inherently unhealthy

That's why you go keto when you cut. Prevents loss of muscle, even your heart. This is one of those things they don't tell you about when they whine about how hard the keto diet is.

well you've surely heard of non-alcoholic fatty liver. not saying it's your case, but it's proof that eating too much has a tax on your liver. overworking the liver, overproduction of necessary digestive hormones, insulin etc. and not leaving enough time for your liver to actually cleanse itself. think of it as an always sore muscle, but the exercise is digesting. stuff that your body naturally throws out get oversaturated in there, because there is so much a liver can do.

how this relates to tiredness, i don't know the exact neurobiologic mechanism, but it's often cited as symptom of a sore liver, so there's that.

so this might be the case for you if you're barely energetic during the day

Makes sense. A lot of people say they have increased energy while losing weight even while on a large caloric deficit.

this is the most retarded post I've seen in a while, congrats

hope this is bait 4 ur sake

also, the normal function of the liver is to digest and to cleanse in cycles* . if you're eating all the time without leaving time for cleansing, well you can see where that is headed.

>*actually simultaneously but with changing emphasis of one course of action, given the limit of the livers energy economy

>Unironically thinks saturated fat is bad


i've experienced that as well, but also got a feel for what cortisol feels like. which made me better understand the physical roots of my anxiety and control it better though so no complaints there

Explain further.

I'm in fine shape. It's just that it's such an extreme range. I wanna know if I gotta do something about it or nah.

The chances that user is a doctor is pretty slim bro. If you're worried, and it doesn't cost you an arm and a testicle, just go get checked.

>210 pulse
>being rushed to the hospital
>not being rushed to the gym

I legit lol'd

>He has tachycardia, what do we do?
>Get him to the gym, fast!
>EMT has sirens blaring, engine at full rev, leaning out the window waving at people to move

>the bench is in the squat rack
>dudebro is curling on it