
I'm sitting in a hospital bed (bored as fuck) because I woke up today with my heart pounding. EMTs took me to the hospital with a 210 pulse. That was 3am. Finally around 4pm the afib rhythm broke.

Now I have heart pills and blood thinners. Am I fucked, boys? Are my lifting days over?
>29 yo
>can't lift bad heart

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Lift heavy.
Die young.
> Literally fucking won

Best of luck to you user. Try to die on a PR day.

Too many sips?

creatine... not. even. once.

Probably my rampant alcoholism. It's what the docs are blaming.

Control your drinking you degenerate
Do you really wanted some fermented wheat to be the cause of your death?

How much do you drink?

a bottle of rum every 2 days (half of it one day, the other half the next day), no rest days

Yeap, thats too much. Are you going to quit?

6-9 drinks every day. It's really not a lot compared to a lot of alkies