Mouth fitness

Anybody else /assbreath/ here?

No matter what i do it wont go away. I use mouthwash multiple times a day and brush too.

Also have yellowing teeth and white strips are expensive as fuck

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Let's examine why things usually smell like shit. Typically, something is usually decomposing.. usually organic, yes? Unless it's a chemical smell or something.

So why do we think your mouth smells like shit? Oh I don't know, maybe because you don't take as good care of it as you think you do.

You need to be brushing three times a day (morning, mid day, and before bed) and obviously flossing and mouth washing once a day. You shouldn't be using shitty toothpaste either, not all are made the same.

Oh yeah and I'm going to go out on a limb and say most of the fluid you're drinking each day isn't water.

Probably wont make it tbqhfam.

undereating is one of the most common causes of halitosis
make sure you're getting enough in you every day my man

>drink exclusively water

I do this.

>shitty toothpaste
Whats good toothpaste and what is bad toothpaste. There are 8 million different kinds

could skipping meals do this?

I sort of merge lunch and breakfast into one meal

have you tried flossing or brushing your tongue

ya its like its coming from deeper in my mouth

>Ignores most important part of my post about 3 times / day plus F-L-O-S-S-I-N-G every single day

I wouldn't consider any toothpaste bad, but I would consider some way better than others. I use Crest Pro-Health Advanced Deep Clean mint.

I guarantee you do not floss, that is always the problem. Once I started regularly doing that (years ago), I could wake up in the morning and my breath was clean smelling before brushing.

1.Hydrate and drink up to a gallon of water
2.Go over your diet thoroughly. You might be eating something that's giving you the breath or have an undiagnosed condition
3.Cut back on sweets
4.STOP USING MOUTHWASH ALL GODDAMNED DAY, it's killing off the good bacteria that's keeping your mouth healthy.
5.Brush your teeth and tongue with baking soda and gargle with hydrogen peroxide in the mornings and before you go to bed
6.Chew bubble gum.

Make sure to brush your tongue and cheeks thoroughly as well. Not just your teeth and gums.
Hunger gives you keto breath, but it goes away once you've eaten. If your breath is bad through the whole day, it's probably not from undereating.

If you seriously are doing all of what I said above, then perhaps you are getting / already have Tonsillitis or tonsil stones

Do you brush your tongue. I bet you don't. Do you gargle mouthwash after brushing?

>don't use mouthwash all day
>gargle hydrogen peroxide twice per day
What's the difference between the two as far as killing bacteria is concerned (other than one tasting awful and being way more toxic)?

>tonsil stones

I bet its something like this apparently its like the worst smelling shit imaginable

Get an appointment with your dentist and let him check what's actually going up. You should be going at least twice a year to get your stinkhole checked anyway.

hydrogen peroxide doesn't kill bacteria, think of it as a car wash for your mouth

my dentist is a fucking asshole and im not saying that in a cliche "omg i hate my dentist he pokes me in the gums and it hurts"

He might be the worst human being on the planet , and to top it off his teeth look like absolute fucking shit.

>Brush your teeth and tongue with baking soda
He'd rather sandpaper his fucking teeth you bastard

No. Hydrogen peroxide is used to sterilize all kinds of shit.

then go to another dentist you mong

Hydrogen peroxide actually kills the bad germs in the mouth
Mouthwash actually just sterilizes the mouth but dries it out and leaves sugar behind which causes horrible bad breath. And without the saliva there to help kill bacteria and prevent it from setting up shop..your mouth is basically ground zero of a bad breath bacteria orgy.

you realize there is more than 1 dental office in a county, right?

Get your stomach checked, OP.

Both mouthwash and peroxide have broad spectrum efficacy against basically all bacteria. They both kill everything. Also I've never seen a mouthwash that has sugar in it. Do you have an example of a single one that does? And how the hell does mouthwash reduce saliva production?

I used to have the same problem bruh, if you are serious about freshening your breath give this stuff a shot. It is particularly helpful with morning breath.


You probably have some infected gums somewhere or bad teeth that you don't know about. Go to the dentist man.

The alcohol dries out the saliva glands and basically all of them have some sugar substitute in them that bacteria love

Everytime I floss my gums bleed and are sore for hours. Plus my front teeth are so close together I can't fit the tape between them. What do?

That just means they are infected (likely gingivitis) and you are not taking proper care of them. If you regularly brush and floss it will hurt but if you keep doing it it will go away eventually. Unless you have an incredibly extenuating circumstance, there’s no such thing as teeth that are too close together to floss.

Shitty breath might come from a tooth cavity.

Thanks dentalanon. I'll start using a waterpick since I'm a pussy.