>romanian deadlifts
>not dead
>not from romania
Romanian deadlifts
>Preacher curls
> I’m atheist
>standing press
>not credentialed
>bench press
>don't press the bench
>sumo dl
>not even from japan
Tricep extensions
>not a triceratops
>pull ups
>i'm already potty trained
>romanian deadlifts
>my lower back is dead
>fuck gypsies
>incline curls
>naturally straight hair
>concentration curls
>listening to a podcast while lifting
>rack pulls
>skull crushers
>no romantic feelings toward my skull
>hammer curls
>didn’t bring any tools
>good mornings
>one armed rows
>not a paraplegic
>decline bench
>get some pretty good DOMS, because I don't do that particular exercise very often
>I haven't worn diapers in years
>Arnold press
>Name's Jim
Only funny one
>french press
>from burgerland
gonna rename it the Freedom Press
>skull crusher
>leg extensions
>still a manlet
>Kokolov press
>not even a communist
>decline benchpress
No thanks
>ids only bregfast :DDD
>free weight
>can't take them home
>chin up
>still feel sad
>not wearing squat diapers
>I'm still alive
>Don't need to when you have your squat plug
>bulgarian split squat
>I'm not even robbing anyone's house
Always my favorite
>Have to walk
>zercher squat
>find nothing
>barbell rows
>Don't even raise my voice
>cable flies
>still attached to the machine, so a max height of 9 feet or so
>the press
>don't hate Donald Trump
>actually is 3 sets of 7
>calf raise
>I ain't no heckin farmer
>weighted dips
>never catch myself saying "who put fishing lures in my grizzly?"
>decline bench
>do it anyway
>don't say excuse me after
>pistol squat
>not illegal in NYC
>used arms
>and no dead gypsies
>no birds opening locks
>dumbbell shrugs
>know what im doing