Weak as fuck

>little over one year into lifting
>gained 25lbs of bodyweight
>60kg ohp, 75kg bench, 85kg squat, 145kg deadlift all x5 at 223lbs body weight
why am i so weak, what the fuck am i doing wrong??

Diet is probably terrible and probably need to work on your form

>Diet is probably terrible
did gomad for the first few months but started getting fat so i stopped that. make sure to eat at least 1 gram of protein per lb of bodyweight everyday. what else do i need to do?

also as far as form goes thats why my squat is so weak, i was doing 105kg but i was doing it lowbar (which hurt my back) and i wasnt going deep enough. switched to ass to grass high bar and now my i work at 85kg.

It's not rocket science, you just gotta eat right. Stop being autistic about it, you know damn well what you need to do.

i feel like i am lifting right though? im eating the shit the sticky recommends, i dont eat any sugary crap, i eat enough to gain weight. i dont understand where im going wrong.

eating right*

unironic bump

Month and a half.
90 kg deadlift and squats, 60 kg bench and Ohp.
Never lifted before but I'm not a Skelly, am I doing well?

Well keep fucking doing it then? What did you expect to happen in a year's worth of lifting? By the way, your OHP form is probably way off. I don't believe for a second you can OHP 60 kg with good form and only bench 75 kg.

>What did you expect to happen in a year's worth of lifting?
well according to most people here, most fitness youtubers, mark rippetoe etc. i should have hit 1/2/3/4 by now, im nowhere near that. my ohp is done seated, dont know if that affects things?

I honestly have no idea why you suck at lifting so much, 75 kg bench is pretty pathetic for a year, not to mention 85 kg squat, ESPECIALLY for weighing 223 lbs.

i did starting strength for the first 7 months or so until i started stalling then started doing texas method which i kept stalling on or even going backwards. last time i tried a 77.5kg bench i got pinned at the bottom and when i try going any higher on my squat i have to use crazy amounts of forward lean to the point where i might aswell be doing good mornings.

Could you give me a rundown of how much you benched month by month during this year?

January: 30 kg
February: 40 kg

Don't bother posting the squat, squats are a meme, just the bench

started with 40kg, added an extra 2.5kg every time i benched, if i failed a weight increase i would try again the next time and if i failed again i would deload by 10%. no idea what i have been doing month by month, spent the last 4 months or so getting from 60-75kg though

So that means it took your eight months to get from 40 to 60, which is on average 2.5 kg per month, then you increased from 60 to 75 in four months, which is 3.75 kg per month? Like something is just off here, you see what I'm saying? Are you simplifying things a little bit for us here?

i had to deload multiple times getting from 55kg-60kg, was putting extra weight on the bar every week up til that points, just kept failing to rerack the weight when i was finished and nearly crushing myself.

>benching PBs without a spotter

You’re a fucking idiot m8

nobody else in the gym was using a spotter, i didnt realise i would need one. i just wish i could progress my lifts, everytime i squat i starts to feel really uncomfortable and i cant go any heavier.

At 60 kg you don't need a spotter, look up the roll of shame and perfect your roll

>lift literally 3 weeks
>63kg bodyweight
>no diet changes
>already 50kg ohp, 70kg bench, 80kg squat, 110kg dead all in 5 reps

i guess youre just low test - see doctor

Adding 2.5kg each workout is way too much for bench, 1kg is plenty! You're probably quite high in bf% too at your weight with such lifts, so your body wpuld be storing more fat than muscle.

I went from 60kg to 85kg bench 1rm, only training for 2 months (where I'm at now). This is exactly 1 year after fracturing my spine and sternum. I was also in a caloric deficit. So you're probably not training right if I can do it under those parameters and you cannot. I can point you in the direction of the program I followed if you'd like?

That OHP looks manlet tier

are we just going to ignore the picture?

It's in every biology textbook, not noteworthy

You OHP can’t be 60 if your bench is 75 get to fuck you faggot

>50 kg ohp