Give me one reason to eat meat

Give me one reason to eat meat.

>Less pollution on earth
>Less disseases

only low IQ ignorant meatcucks can defend their shit dissease diet.

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Plants are grown in animal shit. So you're eating meat regardless. Might as well save the middleman.

Give me one reason you posted a vega thread when there are 3 more up RIGHT NOW.
>hurr filter them
I'm vegan. The question is why do you shitpost and make us look bad?

Holy shit, this is what vegans are like.

No one cares if you eat meat or not, do whatever the fuck you want faggot.

Steroids aren't vegan

To anger attentionwhore vegans like you
Also i dont give a shit about farm animals because they taste good
He's right, you give vegans a bad rep


It tastes so damn good. All that juicy flesh. I fucking love it

it got that protein ma dude

>only low IQ
swinging the iq card while ignoring all the evidence that suggests vegans poison their bodies is ironic isn't it?

>calls meat eaters low IQ
>can't spell diseases

Ah, so that explains the hardcore vegan shilling to idiots.

Because vegans kill first graders.

im a tastelet and vegan food is gross otherwise id be more on board with going vegan.

I will become a vegan if I get granted a girlfriend. I'm sick of eating helpless animals but I need compensation to stop. Can you guarantee it OP ?

posting in the latest troll thread

hey faggots and bait takers! have fun wasting time!

I actually can't come up with any good arguments against veganism. Apart from the fact that it's more expensive and I'm lazy.

Can cause cancer
Most of the vegan foods you eat will have been gathered in very inhuman ways or are gmo frankensteins designed to kill all other crops and be the only ones immune to certain pesticides
Both of which lead to horrifying debilityating diseases and disorders.

>less pollution
I forgot that soy juice gets here on those electric planes

>Most of the vegan foods you eat will have been gathered in very inhuman ways or are gmo frankensteins designed to kill all other crops and be the only ones immune to certain pesticides
Is that true? As far as I know, stuff like soy which causes deforestation does so because we need it to feed animals
I mean, yeah maybe what you say is true but either way we need much more plants to feed animals and I doubt we'd care more about where those plants come from which means that factory farming is worse either way

fuck the animals

>it's more expensive
it's less tasty and more boring I'll give you that, but it's a lot cheaper.
>Can cause cancer
Processed meat is a known carcinogen, red meat is a probable carcinogen
>Most of the vegan foods you eat will have been gathered in very inhuman ways or are gmo frankensteins designed to kill all other crops and be the only ones immune to certain pesticides
This argument falls flat on its dumb fucking face when you turn on one brain cell for 1 minute and realize that animals eat plants too
Welsh or arab?

Not even vegan, you and that guy are both stupid

oh shocker, popscience misrepresenting the actual findings
how could this ever happen, especially in the most accurate of all science which is nutritional science

Post the link to the actual fucking article or post the article here.

Google the title you fucking retard

Still had it open, I wonder how you fucking dress yourself every morning

To anyone too stupid to understand what it says, essentially boils down to people with generational history of vegetarian diets gotta watch their omega 6 intake from processed oils, shit which we already knew


Nice false analogy. Because I don't want others to touch my girl. Why aren't you vegan?

Because hunting and eating meat is part of my culture you bigot .

It says that vegetarians or people who have a family that traditionally ate high levels of veg in their diets will be more susceptible to cancer if the eat veg oil.

Which, you dumb bitch, states that veganism makes people susceptible to certain forms of ass cancer.

This is a health and fitness forum, not a PETA discussion board. Eating meat is nutritious, affordable, and tasty. Everything beyond that means nothing to anybody here.

>world goes vegan
>untold species wiped out because they're only alive because we eat them

Good job OP.

First off you literally just repeated what I said, and secondly, it only made people with this genetic mutation more prone to cancer with the inception of high omega 6 foods in modern diets. Lots of omega 6 will give anyone cancer through inflammation, people with that certain mutation just have a lower tolerance

People who come from families that eat a lot of veg and vegetarians are more susceptible to ass cancer.

Got it.

Just about as susceptible as you eating big macs and french fries deep fried in corn oil

Nope, they have a genetic marker that states that they'll have higher incidents of colorectal cancer and heart disease then someone who doesn't eat vegan and veg oil.
The study outright states it.

It's a genetic mutation that makes their bodies more efficiently turn omega 6 precursors(highest in concentrated veg oils) into the mammalian bioactive form of omega 6. The standard American diet of deep fried foods in veg oils is detrimental to everyone because it'll cause ass cancer in anyone, regardless of whether they have this genetic mutation or not.

I'm not even a vegan but you're pretty stupid thinking veganism or vegetarianism is going you give you colorectal cancer

Oh it will.
But it will be faster and more efficient process in vegetarians and vegans.

That's what the study says. A strict vegetarian group that does not eat red meat or much meat at all, gets inflamation that will lead to ass cancer and heart disease at nearly 50% higher rates then the average burger fucker.

Dumbass it's for people born with that specific genetic mutation. It isn't gonna magically go away if you stop eating a vegan or vegetarian diet. If anything people with this mutation should stick to traditional vegetarian/vegan diets since some animal products have the mammalian omega 6 which will only kill them faster

Don't. If you don't eat meat then you're helping demand go down which will lower the meat part of my grocery bill. Now fuck off to

>What are pandas
>What are species going extinct daily because deforestation for cattle feed in the Amazon takes away their homes

That specific genetic mutation isn't just in indians. It might also be of the same kind of genetic muation found in other people who have a vegetarian diet and appear in people who have strict vegan or vegetarian diets over long periods.

This outright states that vegans are more susceptable to inflamation that will lead to ass cancer and heart disease.

A fucking omnivorous balanced diet has been the go to for health in every culture on the planet user. Grains being to heavily vegan or carnivorous has fucked the entire world.

We fast and eat diets that agree with us, not whatever is fucking trendy or has the most political and business backing.
That leads to obese sick people who don't know how to eat

>I have no idea how supply and demand works

Clearly you don't. Lowering demand lowers the price a merchant can command for an item. If no one buys, they have a sale.
>babby's first economics lesson

Sounds like you need to take the second lesson.
>Sales are inherently unprofitable, they will just buy less dead cow from the farmer who will in turn breed less cow for the next year. Meanwhile, price returned to baseline.

Dude I hate people who advocate fad diets too but it sounded like you were saying steak and eggs for every meal every day was good for you. That first claim is reaching a lot though, doubtful that long term veg diets would cause a genetic mutation. That's X-Men tier shit

No stupid.
I never even hinted that in the first fucking place.
You jumped to that conclusion because I wasn't outright defending whatever bullshit vegan diet you're shilling now

And genetic mutation DOES happen within a person depending on what they eat and they're exposed too. Even the environment changes gene expression and DNA
For gods sake, have you not heard that the dna in sperm changes depending on the life that a man leads.
That if he was a fat ass and got his wife pregnant and a fit jock when he got his wife pregnant a second time that the first child will have a high chance of being fat while the second high chance of being fit?
That is assuming the mother is normal and doesn't change at all.

Genomic plasticity and epigenetics isn't mutation, and I'm not shilling any diet. I'm just saying you're a moron if you think veg diets are going to give you ass cancer

1) the taste
2) the protein

why is protein an argument? I get that you don't want to miss the taste but you can get big enough even if you're vegan like Patrik Baboumian

That dude roids, shit argument

Nah, cattle farmers will get subsidies from the government since they're a lobbying group, keeping production at a standard level and reducing consumer pricing by some percentage. And even if prices don't go down, dont eat meat. I don't care. More for me. Now shoo, and go joust your windmill somewhere else.

what about Karl Ess (german youtuber)?