How mach harder will it be to get Veeky Forums after the age of 25?
Getting Older
Ohhhhh boy
I'm turning 30
Have dedicated my life towards a career and dropped all friends and dreams of getting serried. The older you get and the more successful you are life just gets harder. The worst thing of all is probably the self hate and remembering when you were in your early 20s, had gf, friends, drank whenever i wanted, former chad, used to smoke
Started focusing on success and lost everyone in my life, but became a rich man who made some good choices later on. Frankly, it gets harder because the women you date are sometimes garbage and don't expect to find a good woman over 30, many are broken and will see you as a rich daddy figure to buy shit for them meanwhile you're walking around looking for a real connection with someone
To each their own btw, don't take my words to be something bad or wrong, try to work on yourself and build out your life for the next few years and who you want to be.
Not. Am 26. Your still young. Men are young for a while. Start lifting. Eat healthy. Most important is to remember to focus on your small incremental improvements. It'll snowball over time. Be patient and keep your goals in mind.
>get injured much easier
>takes longer to heal minor injuries
>muscle growth slowing down
>not as much energy as before
No, please
25 is peak. 30+ is harder but still quite achievable with good diet, proper rest and sleep and cutting back on booze and smoke.
God this meme is getting old.
Real muscle deterioration doesn’t kick in till your mid 50s. People in their 30s and 40s can be just as fit as someone dumbass in his 20s. People are just lazy and use their career, age, kids, whatever as excuses to not have to sweat.
Pic related is Tony Horton he’s in his fucking 50s now I think he was 45ish in the pic.
35 here, started lifting at 27
It's not harder at all, I have a 6-pack and good muscle mass
D-do you have friends?
D-do you have qt gf?
D-do you have kids?
D-do you get respected at work?
D-do you work hard or did you start relaxing after 30?
39. recently divorced. started lifting a few months ago. keep getting injured, now back, hip and glutes. can't squat or deadlift. halp
How successful are you?
How much did she take from you?
Any kids and how was the divorce?
I have a lot to lose if I ever get married..
26 here, started lifting 2.5 years ago and still making good gains.
>moving to a new city where I won't know anyone at all in 4 weeks for work
A-at least I'll have a ton of money..
>>moving to a new city where I won't know anyone at all in 4 weeks for work
You've taken a path I took years ago, try to be social at least. That's the key, the money, success will not matter once you have it for a few years and you learn that in the end you've been alone the hole time working for some goal and wealth status but you really had nothing at all since no friends ,...
Don't make the mistake I did
Make friends in the new city
25 year old woman
How fucked am I?
I didn't start lifting until I was 28
You're not fucked at all. I just want to meet a qt 23-26 year old woman who has her shit together once I move.
Thanks, user. I'll definitely do my best to do that. Maybe join some coed sports team and I'll join the local powerlifting club. I'll be at a huge company too, so I'll be sure to do lots of work social events.
I think it would start to be noticeably harder past 40 but you’re at your peak pshycially right now, build muscle now so you can get close to your limit before you hit 30
ehh, you're probably alright'
Regardless of what career you find yourself in your primary role and true happiness will probably be a mother and wife to some rich guy
Depends how you want me to fuck you..
not that much, but saved some money.
she got pretty much what she deserved. end-to-end relationship was almost 18yrs.
no kids. best decision ever made.
i'd recommend you to not get married or get a very good prenup if that's available were you live or use a very creative accountant to protect you.
dude you're only 30
You are about to hit the wall.
Find a man in the next three years and reproduce or the chances of it ever happening will diminish very quickly.
lol don't tell her
They need to learn on their own, she probably has a bf anyway
>roasties out
lol, imagine being this exasperated with life before you're even 30. despite being successful.
Buddy I'm almost 30 and I'm stronger, more energetic and can fuck longer than I could in my early-mid 20's. Don't act like an old man
>do you get respected at work?
what did you mean by this ?
Try becoming successful from 22-27 by running a business
Try becoming successful in a large company from 27-29 and finally all the trips you take over seas for business events, all the events in other states you still realize all you are is some guy in his 30s who is slowly dying and has no friends, has no gf, and only have money. That's all you have in life? That's it, after you are on your death bed the last words I don't want coming out of my mouth is I wish I went outside more, I wish I didn't spend hours on end in an office while my life slowly withered away
Once that reality hits, yea it can get a bit tougher. Let me guess, open another business one day and find more success? For what purpose? You still end up alone sitting on Veeky Forums
>yfw 18 and unsure what to do about life
>went to Uni for CompSci and not really liking it
>no idea what to do now other than lift everyday and hate how things are going
i feel like i'm at a dead end, any advice older Veeky Forumsitizens?
>what did you mean by this ?
I'm an overachiever, pretty much can't make friends at work and things just don't work out. Not sure if they just don't respect me anymore or what but being so high up in this field I'm just tired of it
BTW, people at work tell me maybe time for a vacation?
try sucking cock for money, worked for me
How do I hit the wall slower? Is there anything I could do?
You're 30. Get your head out of your ass and take a vacation
Getting a gf and friends isn't that hard if you try hard. It's possible to be successful and have a good work-life balance. I think I'm pretty successful for my age and I've had 3 different 2+ year relationships in my life and have quite a few close friends.
You need to really ask yourself why you don't like comp sci. If you just want your 4 years of college and then start working immediately, comp sci and engineering are definitely the best choices monetary-wise. I recommend really taking some time to think about what you want to do in your life for your career and what you enjoy. I think it's more important to do something that you really enjoy than something that makes you money. However, if your true passion is something that makes no money at all, then try to separate that from your work and keep it as a hobby.
eh... just do nothing probably it doesn't happen to you hoe...I mean woman
You realize for women from 25-30 they age very fast. I have an info graph about this and women will usually from their mid 20s-late 20s age pretty bad, its the makeup and hygiene they've had for years. Makeup and all those layers on their skin fucks them up not to mention genetics..
Eat healthy, have a good social life and don't let work eat all of your energy. Basically don't become a frustrated fat ugly lady
You have two years max to get married to a non-orbiter.
old fags im 20 yo going to be 21 in feb, im lurking and appreciating your wise words. Any advice/things you wish you did at my age? Im currently a junior in finance, grades could be better, but by the looks of it It should be back over 3.0 this semester, currently a 2.9. Scared I wont get an internship this summer, and overall just feel unprepared for the real world
you're acting like this is forever or something
dude, i'm not going to meme you i think you're going through something, maybe talk to someone or see a therapist. hope things get better for you but honestly you're not in as bad a situation as you're making out. if this is just a coping mechanism that's fine but if you really hate your life you need to do something about it rather than post about it on Veeky Forums.
>Any advice/things you wish you did at my age?
if you're career focused you'll regret not building relationships, if you're focused on having a good time you might regret not putting more into your career. have a plan for your life but don't do things that you don't enjoy just because its something you're supposed to be doing.
I have a chinese colleague who is my same age (25) and a few of us were telling her exactly this the other day. She says she wants to get married and have lots of children but she's getting her PhD and is a kissless virgin. She's cute too, I don't think she's ever going to have children at her rate. I feel for her because she admitted to me she would be much happier staying at home and raising a family but is basically expected to get educated and have a decent job. At least she's self aware enough to admit that to me.
My cousin is 33 and highly successful in her field
She is also a loner and has never had a bf. Some people will just be alone and live with their parents for ever
my best advice is to not fuck up on your gpa. That shit might come in handy in the future if oyu ever decide you need to get into graduate school or some shit
Do what I wish I would have done at your age and join the military, learn to lead, and get your education paid off (I'm assuming you're american). I have decided that if i'm still single when I graduate with my PhD i'g going to try for officer training school
lifes hard, user. Thank you
Does your cousin want lots of children? I feel like this is going to be a very common future for a lot of women in our generation due to being mislead their entire lives as to ignore any maternal urges and to become what essentially amounts to an inferior man.
>25 years old
>still don't have my driver's license from a combo of being a worthless shut-in my whole life and not having anyone to practice with me
>finally take professional lessons this summer/fall
>take test last friday
>live in america, test is piss easy, literally just driving around for 15 minutes and then backing up against a curb
>literally fucking fail it
>have to wait a fucking month to take it again because of DMV backup
the thing that pisses me off most (besides being this age without a license) is that i failed because i approach a 4 way stop to turn right same time as someone across the intersection who is turning left, im supposed to have right of way but wait an extra second because nervous, other person steals my right of way an instant before me and then its my fault for going
i cant even pass a basic test that even teenagers pass.
uhhhhh, it takes more than 1 mistake to fail this test.
because it was a stop sign right of way it was counted as a "critical error" which is an automatic fail
the worst part is that i had literally two "minor" errors (when you can get up to 15) for the rest of the test. two minor errors and i fail because of some other asshole not following their right of way
Word of advice, do not research history at all or you will get trapped in a fox hole back in time. These past wars are not of your concern, do not look into them, do not spend your nights watching video footage of various declassified war footage
Do not do this
I feel like this is what I will become when I am 30.
25 now, just joined a crossfit club. already hit two PR's. one power clean, one power snatch
very hard.. I was fine until age 34ish when I developed "love handles" and I have so far been unable to lose them in the intervening 22 years... keep your fat OFF by 30 or you;re wear it into the grave.
any links for spanish civil war?
It doesn't have to happen to you, try to build out your life and focus on being social. It will haunt you forever if you don't have friends since life and humans are social animals
just learn and pass it next time. No need to be so hard on yourself. If it makes you feel any better, i have a degree in chemistry and i know of people who are making more money than me right now while only having a high school diploma.
Don't let what others can do so easily make you feel worthless. And if people do make you feel worthless, forget those fucks. I was one of those people until i got a humble pie thrown at my face
28 here. Did this after my first try at uni hit a wall. Sucks finishing my BA and working on Masters with teenage peers but puts you light years ahead of the pack. Actually getting a degree in something I care about doesn't hurt either, nor does getting housing etc paid for (in nyc no less), but don't get it twisted, for all the r9ktier memes this guy is on I've been on this site since 05, am single again, depression still kicks in and it will all probably stay that way. The only thing past the late 20's wall is realizing that some things are just to be made the best of, wojack unrelated.
Are you retarded or just ugly?
whats so wrong about not having a drivers licence? im 24 and never in my life felt like i need to have it. But on the other hand i live in Europe and we can get basicaly anywhere around with a bus/train
ugly and bitter
unfortunately in america if you dont have your license, or even a car, you're basically a complete loser. unless youre in like new york city
I'm actually a good looking man
You wouldn't understand if I explained....
>Friendly reminder, if you have seen the face of fit threads you've seen my face many, many times
Most cities in the US basically require a car to get around. This is very much a deliberate thing.
Oh, this one.
Jesus fuck, I am 23 and know my life is not shit just yet. Hell, every year I get better and improve myself. The older I get, the more confident and girls just gravitate to me. I hated my 17 year old self. Didn't know shit about the world. Just stay on top of your shit and grow gradually and enjoy life.
wow, must be hard to live in such a shallow shit country, in here all that matters is how kind and intelligent you are.
Don't worry, the DMV people work there because they never had any control in their lives and so they take it out on people learning to drive by failing 80% of them on their first go. Just brush up on traffic laws if you need to and try again in a month. Nothing to worry about
I'm 30 and I still feel the same as I did in my early 20s. I don't look much different either. People often cant believe I'm 30. 30 is not 40, you don't fall apart as soon as you hit 30.
If you're not stupid, and you're attractive, and have a good job, tons of money, then why are you bitching again? Are you even trying? Many people don't have any of those things and they still manage. If you have some kind of mental illness sadness then use all that money you make to get professional help. I really don't understand people who cause their own misery. If how you are living makes you sad, then make changes to fix what you don't like.
Do you guys even enjoy what you do for a living?
I've worked in shitty minimum wage jobs all my life and I'm thinking of just taking a HR/recruitment job. The requirements for the job are small, so I think I have a chance. I'm not even sure if I really want the job though. I'm sure I'll be around a bunch of retired Stacys and I'm sure I'll be working long hours. But I also feel like I could use this job as a stepping stone into the corporate world.
Should I just go for it or am I just setting myself up for failure?
looking young has its perks. Im back in college and all of the students believe im 18 even though i have 29. But when i go to bars, sometimes the bouncers don't believe my ID is real and try to confiscate it at which point i have to deal with police and all that bs....
I was 25 when I got my licence, failed the first time too, it hit me hard but I went for it again as soon as I could and got a decent instructor the second time so I wasn't nervous
my fail was the road was blocked from parked cars, I looked through the windows and didn't see anything so I drove, then there was a car there but it wasn't even close for an accident they ruled it as dangerous driving.
I'm 27 now, I recommend getting a shitbox for your first car it'll make you appreciate a nicer car later and you're likely to hit things in your first year of driving
joined a gym when I was 25 and I'm in the best shape of my life, people think I'm like 22-24 when I'm 27
I'm trying, I really am
Guess its just another night of me bitching about something
>Hope these posts are not recognizable but most of us suffer alone
Also, dont really have a plan right now, I'm trying but going nowhere
>Money isn't the answer to all problems, remember tjat
unfortuantely the DMV i go to is the only decent one and appointments literally booked up for a month in advance
yeah i plan to get a shitbox, what sucks is that i actually got my permit 3 years ago at 22 and my mom had an old car she was gonna get fixed and let me buy from her to practice with an have and she never fixed it
But how old was he when he started though? On an unrelated note, Tony Horton's a genius. Failed comedian turned fitness coach millionaire. Perfect example of /making it/.
God you people are fucking retard.
People don't physically peak until their late twenties and they don't start to noticeably decline until their late 30's. You can still be an elite physical contender until late into your 50's. Natty people fall apart in their 60's, even then you can maintain top 5% of the population pretty much until you're dead these days with hormone replacement therapy if you stay in shape.
The only thing stopping you is literally you.
>26 and virgin
>women come up to me at the bar/social event
how do i close the deal Veeky Forums? I wanna make it too ;-;
Training is not linear. Imagine elite level fitness is 100%. Going the first 75% is easier than the next 15% and those combined is about the difficulty of the next 10%.
Pretty much only people whose bodies have already fallen apart (very old age) can't reach a very high level of physical training.
Settle down with a good man and have good children
Good luck with your young people thread
29 here, nothing to show for nothing to lose
i have no debt, that is my only good part
i have no drive to do shit and i hate people because of the politics of today
i just work out but not even that is consistent in my life
my mother kicked me out of her house because she hates me because i remind her of my father, my father hates me from what i gathered meeting him twice in my life
i was brought to another country by my mother and i have nobody to form a connection with
my friends are retarded, either liberal loonies or white pride nazis and i dont care about either
i just like doing 3d but dont do it because it brings back the most painful memories of my longest 5 year relationship where my bride to be girlfriend went and fucked people just to get even with me because she couldnt keep up when we argued so she pulled the 'il fuck your friends you dipshit' card because she was good looking and everyone drooled for her
so here i am today
with nothing to show for
and nothing to give
beat that you son of a bitch, im still here alone without any assets and no wife, kids, career, or debt.
what the fucks your problem.
it will get worse if you dont get your shit in order, see above.
you seek to connect to people in a forced manner
be yourself, invest yourself in something and then people will come to you if they share your interests
no real bond can come from a shitty connection based on "il be your friend please"
learn how to deal with beeing ignored and learn how to ignore that aswell and move past it
you are not the only lonely person either today. everyone is very alone
atleast if you live in the west.
if i look like that 2 years from now imma quit lifting
i look like this after 8 weeks of lifting
Angery much user? What did I do to trigger you this badly you decided to capslock. I was simply inquiring what Tony Horton's age was when he started.
>pic related (you)
>after my first try at uni hit a wall
what happened?
>tfw 27 and never had a gf
>never been on a date
>never held a hand
>never will have a kid
>nor a career because drive a bus
>tfw shit hours and no benefits
>work,go home,lift,eat sleep
I started at age 25 about 6 months ago and my progress is as good as any teenager
Leave the ego, start with low weight and get a good form going, work from there. Be consistent, eat reasonable well and get your proteins. Make some goals, and structure your workout after that. Go for both cardio and strength training, especially in the beginning.
I'm 27 and breaking PRs on the reg.
1/2/3/4 for reps baby
Recovery doesn't seem to suffer yet
Agression is on point
My friend started exactly a year ago at age 26.
Got damn good gains and the train ain't stopping.
When did you realize spirituality is the true redpill?
I'm 40 and without all the milk I wouldn't have been able to make it
Currently 23, and balding like a motherfucker. I graduated last year and I work in a shitty office with no windows. The good news is I only have $8000 total in debt. I'm thinking of just selling my nice car to pay it all off and then fucking off to do some bullshit for a year or so.
Everyone at my office is 50+, bald, fat, and hates their job. I'm afraid of that becoming me.
You're going to be surrounded by stupid, fat women and as probably the only man they'll write all of their actual work on you. Good luck
I'd guess a couple times a day.
You sound more like you are 60.
5 years past your prime. Could be worse.
Pathetic whiner, keep on never starting because "it is too late to try".