Rack Pulls

rack pulls esp below the knee will explode your power.

My deadlift started going up and up when I included these. Mad at myself for waiting so long to add these into my routine.

funny enuff the youtuber Chris Jones says for his bodybuilding purposes he does ONLY rack pull, skipping the full deadlift all together. I'm coming around to his way of thinking

Other urls found in this thread:


What's a good set/rep amount for hypertrophy?


3-5 sets for 1-5 reps

imo it's still a power movement I train it like that
get all the volume on rows/pulldowns etc

I'm doing Eric Helm's intermediate BodyB routine which is basically PHUL with Linear Periodization, if I don't plan on competing in PL can I eventually switch the Deadlifts slots with rack pulls? I'm talking above the knee Alpha Destiny's style, so basically 0 hip hinge. The thing is that I would see it as an upper back movement not a hip hinge. Thoughts?

here is CJ working up to 5 plate


he recommends 4 working sets of 6 to 8 reps

So many memes in one post holy shit

As I understand it that's gonna be more trap focused. You should get in some work below the knee

maybe some RDL's or stiff legs just to keep the erectors and lats strong. Fuck it, make it your accessories and throw in 3 sets at the end

Don't do rack pulls unless you want to fuck up your barbell. Do block pulls, faggot.

>be born a woman
>all you have to do is not get fat
>everyone will provide for you forever

>ruin your body with male hormones


a woman just by the nature of what they are is ALWAYS gonna have some man that's gonna want to stick their dick in 'em.

It's us as a men that have to do the work to make ourselves useful to the society.

I don't begrudge them that, I'm the one with the dick

alphadestiny himself said its not worth doing rack pulls until you can do some serious weight. like over 3pl8 rack pull at least

yall formcheck my deadlift. I do jeffersons, but i havent deadlifted in a few months, i was getting back into it today and wanna make sure im doing it right. sorry for foot wobble, tryna get the balance back.

why the fuck you moving your feet when you pull

its fuckin terrible do you even have to ask? read up on form


you are moving around way too much, you should be locked in.

watch Kai "Grapefruit" Greene tutorials on it


he's a big fan of only using the 25's to give the max range of motion

>these are the people giving you advice on this board

I want so suck braps out of her thicc booty

Rack pulls teach hitching and bad form. Do block pulls instead.


Reevaluate your choices


damn i guess it was as bad as i thought just tryna get some advice but i got demolished instead. none of you actually did provide useful advice though

Just watch Eric Bugenhagen


thank you i now have a will to live

please tell me you're trying to meme

yeah i did

don't pick up your fucking foot next time

Heres some advice: wear an entire shirt next time, twiggy.

I find this actually disgusting.

A fuck isn't a boyfriend, a husband, or father to any children she more then likely won't be able to ever have(you know because of the steroids).

Also her choices in men and the amount of positive emotional reinforcements given to her by men are drastically lowered by her being swole as fuck.

A succession of fucks from men and...other things isn't a good relationship and it even ruins any and all ability for her to be able to attain and maintain one later and no man is going to be willing to put up with that shit when she's old and ugly and her very short life is close to it's end.

Well you have to do them to be able to do more weight. You don't just start off with 3 plates.

yes you do if you deadlift

btw im p sure he said over 3pl8 deadlift before you start rack pulls above the knee. you can rack pull more than you can deadlift

If they're above the knee you kind of can. Anyone who can pull 2plates from the ground is more than likely able to pull 3plates above the knee for a set.

how much more should your rack pull be vs conventional deadlift? ~5-15%?

Rack pulls rule. I've worked up to 310kg x 5, below the knee, and seen huge improvement in deadlifts and cleans

Below the knee? Tends to be pretty similar.

Above the knee? Higher. Much higher. It's like doing a 5board press or a squat lockout - the potential for going above your regular lift weight is insane.

Yeah but why? I do them now and I'm a begginer, barely pulling 150kg and it works my back amazingly

thanks for your insight bro. maybe you could post this to her instagram so she can reassess her priorities. she probably never considered all that stuff, it's not like it's actually her body, life or happiness and self-actualization we're talking about here

fuck you seem mad af. why?

user, I don't know that chick nor do I give three squirts of piss about her.
Her life is hers to do with what she will.
Just as mine is for me to waste and yours is for you to use.

its comfy

I do my rack pulls at 20 inches.

Also who is that brap lass?

Fuck you, that Kai video IS good advice

dude she's in her early 20's
she found something shes loves to do and is good at it. We should all be so lucky

Let the bitch live. We are not running low on humans, it'll be alright.


What a freak of nature.

Good for her.

Anyone have that video of that Asian kid who used to post on Veeky Forums it was a YouTube that would scream way too loud when doing deadlifts and rack pulls?

Nigga, I don't fucking care.
I took issue with what that other faggot said and corrected him on his stupid bullshit

I nor anyone reading this thread do not give a fuck nor are we hating her for her decisions. You don't have to white knight some random lifter chick you don't know.
Grow up nigga.

lol she's ugly as shit bet she's lifting to compensate

wtf she's giant asf

>is asked how to train for hypertrophy
>replies with how to train for power/maximal strength

he said rack pulls shouldnt be done if you cant deadlift off thr floor 3 plates and thats even a stretch

you niggers think rack pull doesnt have hip hinge and its quarter squat with weight in your hands?

You are still supposed to pull with your glutes through, not just push with quads.

i bet you retards dont even keep back tight and you are completely missing point of exercise, enjoy getting hunchback

my best dl to date is 190kg
rack pull above knee is 260kg or more
go figure

>rack pulls esp below the knee will explode your power.
No they won't

They literaly won't do shit for power, if you can't get the bar halfway up your shins.

t. 230kg deadlift, 290kg rack pull

Deadlift 900 lbs easy:


Idgaf mane it just seemed like a pointless thing to even get into in a thread about rack pulls
It's not that you're technically wrong but evaluating the validity of a lifestyle based on how able you'll be to attract romantic partners isn't the most viable way to go about setting your goals and living life

Just like Veeky Forums then

I was doing 3x12-15 but lately I've upped the weight and I've been doing 4x10 for hyper.

Juxtaposing with power 3x3.

>1. Have your arms reach to your knees.

>It's not that you're technically wrong but evaluating the validity of a lifestyle based on how able you'll be to attract romantic partners isn't the most viable way to go about setting your goals and living life

Don't care.
Was talking to the other guy.
Her life is hers to do with what she will.

So, should I do these before or after deads? I was thinking after.

I'd say on a separate day altogether

>Be a gorilla

My split is chest/shoulder, legs, bicep/tricep, back. Which day would be the best? Maybe at the start of bicep/tricep day?

>sleeveless hoodie
Are you trying to get raped son?


fuckin beat me to it lol

gotta show off arms while hiding male pattern baldness

Go on Molly KM's instagram and comment "fuck walter" and watch her rage in your DMs how she will kill you.

Walter is her friend who is in prison.


ur a dickhead dude

Why is she such a slut bros?

Same thing


females are adorable thinking they can be strong