Never directly train arms

>never directly train arms
>they grow fastest of all your muscles
>train calves during every workout and often at home too
>they never grow at all

Stop jerking off.
That should remove 95% of your arms exercise.

>he presses with his tri's, and pulls with his bi's

what shallow faggot trains calves isolated anyway. just do squats and deads you retard

> big three are still shit
> can curl more
Come on let me just do 1/2/3/4 world I eat a lot like you want

>train arms 4 times a week with a million sets
>no growth whatsoever

>train calves during every workout and often at home
>train calves
>often at home
Dumbass,dont do any leg exercises besides the squat(low bar preferably) and do them 3 times a week with 3 sets and 5 reps.Every workout add another 5lbs/2.5kilo to the bar.

they literally don't employ my calf muscles at all, likely due to my poor ankle mobility.
My fucking forearms look more impressive than my calves as they actually grow from deadlifts.

u eatin nigga? u gettin enough volume?

you arent training your calves hard enough. you have to train them harder than quads. think of the suffering that comes from a heavy set of 20 atg squats - that's how every set of calves has to be in order for them to grow

>take a glance at my tricep
>doubles in size permanently
>6 gazillion sets of neck curls, neck bridges, neck extensions and neck lateral flexions
>0.00001mm of neck growth
w-we're all gonna make it

>mfw I am the opposite and am gifted with large calves but all the volume I put on my arms doesn't grow them


Fucking hell, I'm the opposite, a god-tier armlet. No matter what excercise I do, my arms never grow and my legs are getting more and more absurd. Worst part is that my arms ALWAYS end up limiting my other excercises; they get tired and shakey instead of the muscles I'm trying to work on. FUCK.

>he presses with his shoulders and chest
Literally me, I bench 2plate, OHP 1 plate for reps but you wouldn't know it because I have noodle arms fml

Ive found calves arent like your other muscles. As in, high reps seems to be what builds them. Years ago i worked at home depot being the one to push heavy carts of building supplies across the store for little old ladies all day. Between that and hiking a lot, my calves have never grown as well.

id recommend doing hill sprints and sled pushes. jumps wouldnt be a terrible idea either.

Calves are such a reddit tier meme muscle

Make sure ur neck curl form is on point, dont assist with ur hands

>big legs from years of soccer
>arms growing just fine, including forearms

the trade off is no chest growth whatsoever

"Grow, grow, grow"

Muscle development is a mix between your genetics and your habits and the calves are muscles were is like 95% genetics. To put an example I have tiny shitty calves despite years of training and active lifestyle but my brother, who sits all day playing Vidya and watching anime, has calves better than some bb roiders I've seen in my gym.

Whoa did people really fall for the neck meme?

>train calves

just go for a hike a few times a week. i have pretty decently sized calves and never 'train' them at the gym. pretty sure high-volume walking up a hill for 30-40 minutes at a time is better than doing a few sets of raises.

Calves are genetic. Everyone here saying "just squat brah" are just lucky and don't know what they're talking about. The best thing you can do is gain weight and make sure you're doing both standing and seated Calve Raises at high reps. I've gotten the most growth from them doing 4 sets of 20 each, and make sure you're doing the full movement everytime

wow what a fucking tragedy kill yourself

I have a similar problem

>Squat in 3/4 of my workouts
>OHP in 1/4 of my workouts
>2.25pl8 squat
>1pl8 OHP
Disproportioned? or is 1/2/3/4 a meme?

use reverse psychology and start training arms and/or drop the direct work for calves

how did you figure that excessive volume is optimal while you're natural, even tho arms are smaller muscles?

yeah, should be common sense that basic reps don't do shit while normal people are half-repping toe raises for like +10 000 reps every day. not sure if you could get somewhere by either doing like you said or adding ton of weight while doing single foot raises.

Seriously me...i have godtier boulder calves cause of genetics. They already look good hahaha. It's hilarious

you also gotta consider that a calf raise is such a tiny ROM. it's like trying to build your quads by doing nothing but 1/10th rep squats. so for calves you really gotta milk every part of it; big stretch at the bottom, squeeze at the top, and slow negative

>never directly train ass
>ass is massive