Tfw acne

>tfw acne
>life is literally on hold, refuse to even talk to girls until it clears up
>look disgusting, face constantly in pain when it gets really bad
>not bad enough that any doctor would prescribe me accutane
>literally nothing I can do but wait until Im probably around ~21 so it will go away like it did for my mom
FUCK THIS I just want to live a normal life even getting Veeky Forums is not helping

have you actually gone to a derm to ask? You could easily get a different prescription like an antibiotic or recommendation for an exfoliant.

Ive used antibiotics but they stopped working. I dont want to put anything at all on my skin though besides water. I tried moisturizers, etc, and multiple other products that all said they didnt clog pores and were good for oily skin but they ALL made me break out even more

it sick it hopeless

lol you need to wash your fuckin face with salicylic acid and order some indian accutane online nigger

put your foot down with your derm, tell them you want accutane and if they refuse ask for the strongest topical they have

>until Im probably around ~21

wew lad

No dairy

I "waited for it to pass" from age 15 to 22 and nothing happened, then I went on Accutane (after trying every prior alternative) and it fixed it. Should have done it earlier because I had a shit time in my teens with no confidence.
Do anything you can do get your derm to give it to you, put him in a chokehold if you have to.

I don't know how it works but you can also order it online (illegally?) I think. Roiders do that so maybe ask /fraud/.

>literally nothing I can do but wait until Im probably around ~21 so it will go away l

haha he thinks it will go away when he is 21. I tried waiting, I am 22 years old now and still have plenty of acne. Its basically making me unable to form romantic relationships, and keeps me single. Even if a woman doesn't mind the acne, she will still mind the lack of self confidence as a result of the acne.

I slept with a girl once, and in the next morning woke up with a big yellow zit on my upper lip that looks disgusting. No wonder she didn't respond to my messages afterwards. Scenarios like that have happened so many times. I always look like shit in the morning.

I have done three anti-biotic cures that didn't solve it. I have used a cream called basiron on my face for several years every night, it keeps it somewhat better.

I went to the doctor, and for some fucking reason the day I got the doctors appointment, my face fucking cleared up. I came in there with a clear face and told him about how I have acne. He refused to give me accutane or antibiotics, but instead gave me a topical cream that uses 20% azalaic acid. Currently its making me break out hard, but apparently its supposed to make you purge all your acne out of your face before it clears up.

My only recommendation to you is to not accept the acne. Don't wait until your are 21, because you are going to disappointing when it doesn't clear up. You have to fight it.

Waiting until 22-23 worked for me though. But I've also stopped eating shitty and sugary foods and drinking soda. I hope you get better.

21 here with horrible acne all over my body. There are just hundreds of small red bumps all over my upper back, chest, and especially thighs and ass.

Face is pretty bad too, but that's mostly blackheads and whiteheads. Can you still drink alcohol on Accutane or is it a straight no go? I was thinking of doing a really small dose (10 mg) for 6 months to try and avoid all the horrible side effects, but I'd like some input from anons that were on Accutane before.

Stop eating/drinking things that taste sweet

Do you drink coffee regularly? Coffee fucks my skin up

Im on Oratane and it works pretty well, my lips are drier than the Sahara tho, I need to reapply lipbalm once an hour

>salicylic acid
There's a chance that this might make things worse as it dries out the skin, causing the face to compensate with more oil.

Here's what I did:
>Drink 3L of water a day
>Replaced my pee-sleep cup of milk with almond milk
>Scrub face once in the morning, post-shower, and once before bed with a cold damp washcloth, then pat dry
>Put a clean towel on top of your pillow every night to sleep on
>Start nofap
>Maybe get a haircut if you have greasy hair

You need to learn how to eat that means you have to cut sugars for at least 6 months to starve out the bacteria on your skin. Then you can eat somewhat normal just no fast food or soda or even chips

Just realised Oratane is a brand of Accutane whoops

Ignore all the "just wash your face/eat clean xDD". The only thing I've seen help real acne (not the occasional zit you fuckers) is Accutane. Recommend lower dose for extended time to minimize sides (you'll probably still feel like shit)

>Not bad enough to get prescribed Accutane

The only thing holding you back is yourself .

What to do about discoloration and acne scars? I don't really get zits anymore but my skin is fucking wrecked.

I've passed on a derm last Monday, I have severe acne and thought she would give me accutane on the first avaliation. Of course she didn't. I had to buy some expensive shit, that im sure it wont work.
On my diet, its almost 4 months since ive stopped eating junk food and drinking soda. I drink almost 3 litres of water everyday, but im not sure if that was the cause. The only thing I can blame would be butter or soy oil.
I'll have to return on 3 months, and i hope she'll prescribe me accutane. Btw the derm was pretty cute tho.

Have you tried going on a vegan diet?

Any major drug interactions for accurate?

Every time I get on a serious medication I ask the doctor and they almost always immediately contradict the pharma manufacturers drug manual thing online they have to publish.

Stop drinking coffee or milk
Do a lot of cardio. Cardio seems to fix most non-cystic acne

This. I waited and tried everything, nothing helped. At 24, I finally took the accutanepill. Wasted so much from my youth hiding because of acne.

Find another docter. Cut dairy in the meantime.

Same boat. Now 22 on accutane

Hell no faggot, if you can’t give up the bottle to change your life forever for the better, you might as well kys.

I'm approaching the first month on accutane (13 cis-retinoic-acid) on a dosage of 9mg, visiting the dermatologist every 2 months to evaluate the progress and consider if a higher dosage is needed. With this progressive way I avoid an initial outbreak and most of the secondary effects.

For the moment, I have the skin and the lips a bit drier, nothing that is unbearable with moisturizing cream and lip balm.

I still get some superficial zits, whiteheads. The doctor said I will be completely clear by the 5th or 6th month of the treatment.

It's recommended not to drink so as not to over-stress the liver. I drank two time while on it.

I'm 22 and as most of you said I waited as long as possible for my skin to clear naturally and avoid an artificial solution with fear of the secondary effects. Nothing changed and in the end I got tired that acne conditioned some aspects of my life and did not allow me to live it fully.

btw before taking the decision to hop on accutane I tried everything, from changeing the diet to changeing the pillowcase more regularly, skincare routines, exfoliation, antibiotic pills, topical cream with acid. It had none or very little impact on my skin.

Coffee is good for your skin faggot, also tea

Use alcohol swabs, it'll sting like hell but dries up quick and really helps with pores like that

Chemical peels help, but they take time.

check out the skincare thread on Veeky Forums those fags know what they're talking about

Drink apple cider vinegar diluted in water 3 times EVERY DAY.


27 still got it just saying. Got it under control most days but I still have bad days

Are you speaking from experience?
How much do they help, and how much time and money is needed?

Listen to me bro
Saved my skin from acne after I developed it at age 25. Lost my life from age 25-33. Finally getting it back. I have one sorta bad scar but the rest of my face is as clear as hell.

Acnedote son, buy that shit in Walmart. Get the face wash and like face cleanser medication bottles, shit works like a charm for me

Antibiotics are making it worse. Temporary relief and then it comes back with a vengeance. You need to fix your internal biome. It all starts in the gut. Eat fermented foods. Raw unfiltered organic apple cider vinegar will save you.

>>life is literally on hold, refuse to even talk to girls until it clears up
This hits home

This might not be applicable to you, but when I was a teenager I never went outside. I had horrible acne. One day in summer I took my shirt off and basically spent the entire day outside swimming. A few days later my acne was gone. I'm 29 and I still get acne, but being outside for a few hours with my shirt off here and there usually takes care of it. Winter is the danger zone, when the tan fades, the acne
I find that stress makes it far worse for me. On days when I feel like my heart is about to explode, I get pimples all over my face. On days when I'm cool and relaxed my skin is clearest.

As far as waiting for it to clear on its own, I wouldn't bother. Be proactive about it. I have some really deep scars on my jawline that I try to keep covered with my patchy scruffy beard. As bad as my facial hair looks it's still better than looking like the surface of the moon.

i dont get acne anymore, but my skin is a really patchy red. i think ive got malar/butterfly rash, i wanna kms. will prob book appointment with doc soon though.

Nigga I currently have braces and I pulled more white having them than without.
It's all in your head