What are these and how do I get them

What are these and how do I get them

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Ribs, and serratus.
You already have both, user

Serratus, pretty hard to target directly. Aids in shoulder stabilization so do lots of overhead db work and (good form) straight punches, and you can do a sort of rope pulldown serratus crunch (NOT a sidebend) to try and help it along. Nothing else pretty much.

barbell pullovers

>(NOT a sidebend)
why not?

Why aren't they prominent on other body builders like Jeff Seid or Jon Skywalker?

that one targets pretty much only obliques. as sad as it feels to recommend that awful site, t-nation has a good article on training your serratus where the serratus crunch is also mentioned, cant link it from this device but should be easy to google

close grip bench to the upper abs

Serratus anterior?

Really hard to get defined serratus - google serratus exercises.

>how do I get them
Dumbbell pullovers
Machine pullovers

i do side bends with an overhead plate. mostly for obliques of course but serratus also gets some work that way

If you do it overhead, of course it will. Talking about the more common side bends where the weight is held next to you at thigh level here.

Contrary to what every dumb bodybuilder thinks, pull-overs DO NOT work the serratus anterior. If anything you'd have to do an inverted pull-over.

Best way I've found to specifically hammer the serratus is with ring push-ups. Focus on maximum protraction of the scapulae i.e. push your shoulders forward in the top of the movement. Hold this position for a second each rep. Don't be surprised if you experience actual serratus DOMS for the first time ever.
Incidentally it's also an amazing pec exercise and great for shoulder health.

got a vid on this?

Its a good job that Im a smart bodybuilder because my serratus anterior are thicc from pull overs

>db pullovers, keep chest high
>low bf

Thats it, theres no magic to it

im pretty fat and serratus shows on my ribcage

what gives?

Your body stores fat in different places, it doesnt store it there for you i guess

It's simpler than I probably made it sound. Just do a push-up and try to push yourself as far away from the ground as you can.

>Im a smart bodybuilder
So smart that your muscles have different origin and insertion points than the rest of the human population? Damn.
No sorry for being a dick, but your serratus anterior are probably thick from other exercises. There's really no argument here. There's right and wrong.

>these posts
Jesus Christ, you fucking morons... This really is the absolute most garbage forum to come to for actual fitness advice.

Serratus anterior and external obliques.

Close grip pulldowns are the best exercise serratus anterior.

External obliques are tricky. Hanging side leg lifts, side crunches (bringing your knee close to your head), and Side planks (raising up as high as you can) will work the external obliques well.

Anyone who says side bends is an idiot. Side bends work your INTERNAL obliques (lovehandles/adonis belt) much more than external obliques, giving you a fatter looking waist. If you want more developed internal obliques, that's fine, but saying to do side bends for external obliques is like saying to deadlifts instead of squats for your legs.

Pic related. Just took it.

>Close grip pulldowns are the best exercise serratus anterior.
What the shit. I'd say running in circles would be equally effective. Shut your fucking pie hole if you don't know basic anatomy.

Unless you and I have a very different idea of what a close grip pulldown is.

i guess

also yeah op also marked obliques there which arent visible for me unless i brace hard (im 20% bf or so so understandable they arent visible)

i can agree with this
i have poverty bench, but i do pullover to press with heavy weight (like Eric Bugenhagen does them)

I think some lat development could also help serratus show.
Im lifting for 1 year so theres no huge development in there but it will come

ofc on my pic you can see the ribs not obliques, but aboce them its serratus connected to lat

Mate, great abs, but your serratus anterior is hardly visible on that picture. The serratus doesn't stretch all the way down to the rectus abdominis. They're the bump that you can (sort of) see to the left of this guy's pecs

pushups (weighted)

and other side

i know my ribcage has weird shape, it flares out at bottom, and pulls inside when i brace core

fuark looking juicy brah

i have long way in front of me, im just lifting for 1 year, but i made some progress, and got to 1/2/3/4 (with bench being by far worst)

You must be imagining something different then. Using the pulldown machine, I switch the bar to the close grip handle you see people sometimes doing rows with.

It's hard to see because in order to flex the serratus anterior, you have to raise the arms up over your head, like Zyzz in OP's pic is doing. My arms were not high, just out. Here's a better pic.

mirin chin brah nohomo

Seriously great abs and now a clearly defined serratus anterior also, I'll give you that. But close grip pulldowns still won't do a thing to develop it. If you choose to keep believing that, then that's your choice. I mean, it's not like you have any problems with your physique. You're just wrong, technically.

>Close grip pulldowns are the best exercise serratus anterior.

WTF kind of advice is this lmao

Close grip pulldowns don't touch the serratus AT ALL

what is wrong with your face

it's Chad

lol thx
How is this a hard thing to believe? Go do a close grip pullup and pay attention to your serratus anterior. A close grip pulldown is basically the same thing. "Doesn't work it AT ALL"? Wtf? Then why the hell do I have them at all? And I only work them once a week.

Haha yeah, I don't know why my face looks like that in the pic. I saw it too. That pic makes it look fucking weird.

>are probably thick from other exercises

No other exercises target them as much as db pullovers for me. When I started keeping my chest super high and using a long rom (the weights were touching the floor) they blew up pretty much in the first week

>Go do a close grip pullup and pay attention to your serratus anterior.
You'll see them clearly because they're shortened in the top of the movement, just like your biceps is more visible when you flex it. But the resistance (pulling down) is actually the opposite direction of what it needs to be to hit the serratus. To use your biceps, they're lengthened/relaxed in the top of the pulldown and shortened/contracted in the bottom, and for this reason the pulldown works the biceps. You will also note how the biceps look most impressive in the bottom when they're shortened/contracted. It's the OPPOSITE with your serratus anterior. If you PUSHED the handle up rather than PULL it down, THEN it would work your serratus.


im here and i do my pullover to press on decline, where weights are pulled from floor above my head

i think its the stretch and bottom part of contraction that works that serratus then


i also do plenty of dips, so theres plenty of stretch in the area

From exrx.net (legit source)

"If you note the function of the serratus anterior, you will see these motions are virtually the opposite of the motion of the scapula during the concentric phase of the bent arm pullover. Contrary to what certain books suggest, serratus anterior does not play an active role in this motion. In fact, Serratus Anterior is involved in the opposite movement, such as in front raise. During pullover, serratus anterior could be activated if the shoulders are raised from the bench, somewhat like at the end of a pushup. The Serratus Anterior is also known as the boxer's muscle because of the movement during the end of a punch. The Serratus Anterior is also involved during overhead presses.

I can only speculate why this misconception came about. Older exercise guides (Pre-1970s) suggested performing pullovers, while breathing deeply could expand the rib cage, particularly if performed in the teen years. The External Intercostals (involved in rib elevation) and the Internal Intercostals (involved in rib elevation during inhalation and rib depression during exhalation) are somewhat in proximity to the Serratus Anterior; but this is only my theory to explain a misguided idea."

You know what? I think you're right. I think my other lifts are why I have developed my serratus anterior. My OHP is 165lbs, so that motion probably is what developed them for the most part.

When you totally lock up at the top of the OHP pushing your scapula high, you are using your serratus to do this movement. It was probably that, because your OHP is good enough to work them hard

Prolly genetics

>Close grip pulldowns are the best exercise serratus anterior
fucking autist