Anyone else on Veeky Forums very particular about working out their shoulder muscles?

anyone else on Veeky Forums very particular about working out their shoulder muscles?
I prioritize broad shoulders over all else

mein neger
face pulls are numero uno for aesthetics

You and me buddy.

I do lat raises every workout. One of the few exercises I prioritize, along with chin ups.

all natties should prioritize ohp, delts do way more for your physique than chest does. plus ohp takes care of the upper chest.

>for delts as a natty

Ask me how I know you're a turbodyel

So what's good for delts as natty?

Wide shoulders, narrow waist. Shoulders at least 1.5x wider than waist.

Seated behind the neck press and face pulls, breh.

You should be doing tons and tons of face pulls, band pull aparts, rear flyes, and lateral raises. Rear and side delts are what gives you the 3D look and the width

OHP is good too, but it mostly targets front delts and traps which get worked elsewhere.

shoulders should be 1.618 times wider than waist