
Which one is healthiest?

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gf milk

whole milk has less sugar

hes not wrong

pic related

- Estrogen in milk lowers test and stops you developing into a real man

- Casomorphine in milk is addictive

- Milk gives you prostate cancer

- Milk gives you acne

Pick one.

I mean you could do a lot worse but there's no need to pretend that it's actually good for you.

whole milk has more protein and doesn't take like dirty water

cat milk


Raw Milk

Trips of Truth. Delicious af, desu

So is soda, doesn’t stop you vegan faggots to drink that shit

me and my nigguhz only use dat unhomogenised milk. keep dat homo shit away from me trynna steal my IGF GAINZZZZ and immunogoblins.

Goat milk.


>people actually pay the same price for milk that's been cut with water
That's the same as me paying the same for a gram of coke that is cut with 10x more baking soda than the next.

Milk from cats OwO


Milk is terrible for you

-stomach problems

no thx

>stomach problems

Milk is great, because it automatically divides the untermensch and the Ubermensch.

Whole milk is higher in calories but I drink it because it's lower in sugar and I need fat to absorb my vitamin D3 pill.

It's also more filling.

There are two acceptable classes:
1) those don't drink milk
2) those who drink whole milk

Anything else is pure, verified faggotry

Whole milk for sure
Thing is all milk has substantial amounts of puss in it from the cows udder
Kinda gross now that you can't unknow this

Dog milk. Full of goodness. Full of vitamins. Full of marrowbone jelly.

Pic related of course


I dunno, here in Canada we have literal labs which are constantly testing milk purity and quality, you are not allowed to put anything into cows producing dairy besides the grain or grass that they are fed. Any medicine or hormones have to be administered by a veterinarian and the cow must be taken out of the milk rotation for a long ass time to ensure that everything is out of their system.

So I drink whole milk.

Whole milk for sure
Thing is all milk has substantial amounts of puss in it from the cows udder
Kinda gross now that you can't unknow this

Mein neig

I prefer skim. Whole milk is too thick and it clogs my throat and I have to clear it all day. Aside from the texture, I literally can't taste a difference and less calories means I can drink more of it.

As a bonus, it's also easier to wash out of dishes than whole milk.

this , milk isn't a great source of vitamin D or A in the first place so you don't really miss on fat soluble vitamin , the fat literally double the calories content and add close to no nutritional value .

A complete bullshit statement. Did you hear someone tell you that and just run with it? Do some research before you post

Who cares it tastes good.

Grass-fed raw cows milk

Who gives a fuck? There's all kinds of shit on your hands at all times, chemicals in your food etc, but it takes a special breed of faggot to start totting it all up.

>he doesn’t get milk with extra pus for more protein.
Seriously though, there’s literal shit in all our food. Vegetables have feces on them, and most grains have bugs and rat hair. It’s not going to hurt you in such a small amount, so who cares about a few cells in milk?

Impartial sources only pls

Straight from the udder m8. Anything else is pleb tier

milk isn't drunk for its fantastic health qualities. more for its fantastic protein/energy qualities

Still bullshit you can't legally buy unpasteurized milk. I love that stuff but you need to know people to get it. Definitely miss it.

Shut up faggots I'm trying to be swoler than everyone else not give them the keys to the kingdom

whole milk =/= raw (unpasteurized) milk yah ninnymuggin

Though I wish we had the option

Unsweetened almond milk

Anything else is trash and back for you

>stomach problems
I drink 1/4-1/2 gallon a day, feel fine, no problems, shit 1-2 times a day effortlessly

Is this why so many bodybuilders, power lifters, strongmen, and Olympic lifters drink milk?

>stops you developing into a real man
You have to be 18 to post here.

But I'm a filthy mixed breed and I can drink loads of milk.


How many times are people gonna post this single study on a handful of fucking Japanese people? They are lactose intolerant and historically have never consumed milk up until like 50 years ago.

Absolutely retarded to use such a small study on Japs when there are much larger studies on populations that have consumed milk forever and they find none of this.

Almost all of the estrogen in milk is contained in the fat. For this reason I switched to skimmed

Those are abstracts, the .gov site only hosts them to the public. Goddamn retard.

Who is promoting soda as healthy? If someone wants to drink soda that is their choice, but when you drink milk another sentient being suffers. It's not a choice if there is victims.

Titty milk ftw, it's the Patritians choice.

>bagged milk

Meat, dairy may be as detrimental to your health as smoking cigarettes, study says

Animal Protein and the Cancer Promoter IGF-1

Dairy sugar galactose increases risk of Parkinson's disease

Harvard School of Public Health » milk is NOT the best source of calcium

Eating less meat and dairy may help reduce osteoporosis risk, Cornell studies show.

Milk–the promoter of chronic Western diseases (PMID: 19232475)

Dairy product, saturated fatty acid, and calcium intake and prostate cancer (PMID: 18398033)

Acne, dairy and cancer (PMID: 20046583)

Hormones in milk can be dangerous By Corydon Ireland

Milk consumption: aggravating factor of acne and promoter of chronic diseases of Western societies

Milk Consumption and Prostate Cancer

Dairy Linked to Acne Development

Understanding the Problems with Dairy Products
1. Osteoporosis 2. Cardiovascular Disease 3. Cancer 4. Diabetes 5. Lactose Intolerance 6. Vitamin D Toxicity 7. Contaminants 8. Health Concerns of Infants and Children

its breast milk moron

can you actually drink that?

Canadian milk is bagged though, breast or not. I live in a murican border town and they flock here for our amazing cartons and jugs.

Raw milk from grass fed cows because most Vitamins/ Minerals + CLA and Omega 3.

mouse milk, the true patrician's choice

shut the fuck up, Canadian milk comes in a fucking plastic jug.

>mothers milk

and here i thought mad max: fury road was a fantasy movie

>- Estrogen in milk lowers test and stops you developing into a real man
What a bullshit summary and not what the researchers' said.

Figured the stuedy might be interesting so tried for a while to get the entire paper.
Worth noticing is that they didn't use "average" milk but "selected milk".
They also doesn't provide any information how the milk they used differ in content from the one available on the market.
They also didn't analyze any blood samples = no info on what actually happens in the body.

Their focus is also entirely on young children, a group that has a somewhat different metabolism than grown-ups.
(Just like adult can't just swallow regular testosterone and hope it will pass the liver and make it into the bloodstream.)

>Harvard School of Public Health
Warning for *Harvard* research.
Harvard is a company with a valuable brand name.
They sell research results to whoever pays for it.

Of all the Ivy League schools, Harvard is worse than all the others put together. = Fake Science

Check all Harvard research to make sure it was made by people who put their names on it.
Make sure it wasn't done by students who can print anything you order and then blame it on inexperience and youth, in case it blows up.
Make sure the report is easily accessible, and not buried behind what seem to be odd error or Harvard membership.
Check if other sources/libraries have a copy you can access so not only the abstract is floating around.

The milk that comes from my balls

>Not knowing your local dairy farmer so you can buy raw milk that's cheaper than store-bought milk


Stomach issues?? Fucking kek, real genetically evolved people like milk cause it helps balance shit out. I even use milk when my stomach is bombed after hard liquor, shits like a natural Pepto-Bismol.

The Boogs thinks youre a faggot and so do i

t. Flyover university brainlet

Harvard is fucking garbage. SJW corporatist shithole. And the weather sucks.

Source: went there for undergrad.

>for undergrad
lmao in what? gender studies? your shitty opinion is worthless unless you became a top tier published putnam fellow and aced math 55 while building a 10/10 body there pussyboy

Says the shitskin

>Harvard affirmitive action warrior
>Talks about whose opinion is or isn't worth something.
>Because that's all they got -- opinions.
Harvard -- For those of you who diss education, but value opinions.

>dat projection
delicious low iq tears

>not drinking the blue milk
do they have this kind of system in america (red green blue)?
I've been to mainland europe a few times and their milk is pure fucking shite
especially french milk

bawwwwww is whitey mad that pajeet and squinty had better brain cells and terk er STEM jerbs? :^(

"puss" is just dead white blood cells. To use it in this context is disengenuous.

East asians get fucked by ivy leage affirmative action harder than whites. It's all about the nogs and shitskins

>biological hazards above the rest of your food
>expired eggs
absolutely disgusting

canadians come to my walmart and buy cereal there, then tip the cereal into the trash to fill with milk in the parking lot

you do realize that indians and asians are adversely affected by affirmative action, correct?

only """underrepresented""" minorities (read: stupid minorities, like blacks and native americans) benefit from affirmative action

>he actually believes the expire dates written on food packages


Reduced fat milk is produced by centrifuge, not dilution, you retard

More like squinty and pajeet had rich parents and are literally the 1% of their home countries

but you failed the iq test and scored a 0/12 putnam because the niggers are oppressing you amirite? 10/10 comedy platinum brainlets truly will never learn

t. delusional brainlet

More like they’ll work for the bare minimum wage because they have no dignity and artificially drive wages down in any area they pollute.

It’s got nothing to do with brains and more to do with a willingness to work for much less.

Also, Indians are notorious for forged qualifications and being very substandard workers. Wherever I see an Indian employee I understand that providing an adequate level of service to anyone is far from their employers mind. More just trying to cut corners and save a few extra dollars.

The gooks are smart though, good workers too. They can still stay in their shit country though.

not sure what you're getting at here at all, brainlet

asians are the group most disadvantaged by affirmative action, the fact that the most elite among them manage to get into stanford graduate school is not an argument against this

i also don't see where i implied that i personally didn't get into those schools because of affirmative action, unless you had me confused with one of the people disparaging harvard either

Raw milk >>> Whole milke >>> 2% milk > whole milk

A few hours ago a drank a good amount of chocolate milk but aparently I exceeded the amount I'm able to digest and got diarrhea.
I'm lactose intolerant but for the last months I have been able to drink a glass or two of low-lactose milk and yogurt. Oh well.

There aren't any non-elite Harvard and Stanford math grad students. How much of a mental pygmy do you have to be to not get this?

Damn, it's good being white
*chugs a gallon of milk spilling some on my shirt*
Ahhh I really needed that


DYELs dont know about this shit yet
dont let them know

Your statement doesn't conntradict his you fucking moron

are you actually dogshit stupid enough to pretend that if affirmative action was not in place, the proportion of asians, indians, and whites to blacks and latinos admitted to ivy leagues would not change significantly?

because that's what this argument is about, whether or not affirmative action puts certain groups (namely asians) at a disadvantage relative to other races of equal academic merit (which it does, which is why harvard is now being sued)

This shit is completely true. The average MCAT score for Asians that get into med school is like 6 fucking points higher than the average black. Hao has to score an entire fucking quartile higher than Tyrone to even be considered.

Asians scoring a 30-32 on the MCAT (old scale), have a 57% chance of getting into med school. Meanwhile, Tyrone has essentially the same odds (56%) if he can score a fucking 24. To put this into perspective, I made a 24 on a practice test I took as a 1st semester college freshman (aka ZERE prep), then later went on to score a 32 the summer between sophomore and junior year.

Even with such awful scores (and GPAs) to match, black applicants are more likely than not to get into med school. This makes me really angry for a couple of the black guys I went to med school with that actually were really smart. Because of affirmitive action, people will assume these guys are retards simply because they're black, while they were actually really bright dudes.

just ate a pound of mozzarella three hours ago and feel completely fine.

What argument? Somebody started throwing around buzzwords like "affirmative action" when someone else implied getting into those schools for graduate math is a competition of pure intelligence and is also one during undergrad if you actually make use of offerings like Math 55, etc that lack an equivalent at shittier institutions. That's pure mental retardation, not an argument. There's not even a sufficient number of people on the planet at that level from all races combined to do any kind of affirmative action in the first place.

>There's not even a sufficient number of people on the planet at that level from all races combined to do any kind of affirmative action in the first place
Congrats on typing the dumbest fucking sentence in the history of language

you can do anything on steroids and get results