How have you all been this terrifying week? How are you going to keep your diet clean with the holidays upon us?
sticky like taffy:
How have you all been this terrifying week? How are you going to keep your diet clean with the holidays upon us?
sticky like taffy:
I'm not
I just probably had like 2000 calories of alcohol last weekend
im not a virgin anymore though so i don't mind that much
I feel that, I keep trying to stay away from candy but it's fucking everywhere now, then it'll be thanksgiving food, then candy again for christmas, an uphill battle always.
I feel tired all of the time no matter how much sleep I get. I think I'm starting to finally figure out how to get a daily routine going, and I haven't missed a day of lifting in a couple weeks now.
I've been terrible, lots and lots of booze and cocaine, yesterday I hardly ate all day and tried to smash as much food as possible to make up. Woke up the same weight as yesterday so not too bad at all all things considered
back to normal until tuesday lol
Spiraling towards destruction in terms of grades but other than that pretty good
Trying to increase bench
I've always wondered though
how much does one weekend of drinking and eating shit set you back as far as fat gain/muscle loss/hormone disruption/CNS adaptation goes?
well there's ya problem
user go to class and do your homework
Depends how hard you binge, because I mean you have 4000 calories to work with that dont count for saturday and sunday, but if you binge hardcore like 10,000 calories that's about 2 pounds of fat gained in a single weekend. No idea on the hormone distribution.
yup. I know.
>tfw should be studying for SAT in 8 days
Sorry that you've gotten into that shit, I hope you can get out of it buddy
I’m done stressing about grades
Was a turbo virgin in the top 10 now I’m just chilling and trying to live the dude bro life
I've been debating to talk to this girl on FB I haven't connected with in over 2 years now, we used to talk all the time but we stopped for whatever reason, I see her online every day and I'm not sure I should go for it out of the blue, anyone know how to initiate?
Just remember that your future depends on it.
lol its not a habit. once a month indulgence at absolute most. But yeah its very very bad for health
What's the worse that could happen?
ok that's 1 thing
just don't fucking fail. aim for B's at least
I really need to start on homework though, been watch too much Netflix
Started my cut, which I'm super unsure about. 190lbs, at around 3000kcal a day. Trying to get enough protein is a pain.
Moving with the gf to a new house and a new job, so all my habits are on the backburner as I move.
We can make it
why the fuck can't i open the /sig/ wiki? it redirects me to another page wtf
Same here
I've been good so far. I'm at 162.9lbs @ 6'1"on my scale after being around 168 last week so I'm a little worried that I'm losing weight too fast on a 1500cal/day diet. I'm hoping it's just water weight nonsense.
Currently halfway through How To Make Friends, going to read The Ascent of Man soon. Going back home this weekend and I'm gonna bring my guitar up from home and work on learning that again.
Question: is it wrong to ask a girl on a date this week and then bang a fwb back home this weekend?
Depends on your motives bro, if you want a serious future with her yes, if not then why would it be?
I guess just make your your intentions are clear so you wont lead anyone on, that's when shit gets sticky
I think she'd be good gf material because she's a cutie and likes similar shows. However, the moment I get her or someone as a gf my friendship with my ex will get weird and I don't want to lose her as a friend either because of how much we've been through.
Any thoughts user?
Will your ex only stay with you if you two are banging? if so then there's some unaddressed feelings there either from you or her desu.
I guess either stay in the safe port or leave, you can't do both easily.
I mean we're buddies still we just bang because we can and it's fun.
I think I need to leave though because I'll still be hurt whenever she finally hooks up with another dude
That's the thing though, there's no such thing as sex with friends without any kind of emotional bond, the fact that your ex gets weird when you start hanging with other girls shows that she's not over you entirely yet. So your options are to try to restart things with the ex or say goodbye to your fuckbuddy and hang with other girls
I'm sorry if you misinterpreted something but I don't know for sure if she'll get weird, I think our relationship will have to change a bit if I do. I get a bit upset if she hangs with other dudes though. I think I'm gonna have to take a bit of a break from her
Sounds like that's best, hope you find a solution bro
thanks user
Assuming they share same social circles, she can shame him all around for being a creep or some shit.
Do not ever trust a woman.