Another KEY exercise to build a strong deadlift and pulling power is heavy bent over rows
Another KEY exercise to build a strong deadlift and pulling power is heavy bent over rows
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I'm sure she loses sleep at night over your opinions of her ink
why do women wear shorts that are basically underwear in the gym?
>Leaning on the dumbbell rack.
God I hate this, just get a bench.
>bent over rows on the squat rack
fuck right off and move ya cunt
chicks getting tattoos is second only to getting fat in terms of destroying their looks
nice bum tho
>female bodybuilders
so men look at their asses and then they can go online and complain about men objectifying them.
awful form
her form is only bad because she's lifting too much weight you fucking misogynist
Nothing wrong with that form esp for strength purposes
No one saw that dog in the gym?
wow chloe got strong af
looking at shit like this is just like looking at a guy put on makeup or paint his nails. just looks wrong. women should lift for bone density and strength but not fucking get into powerlifting ffs./
Why do you fucking care.
Let her do with her life what she wants.
You don't go to the faggots in the trap threads who want to look more feminine and bitch at them there do you?
just sharing my opinion man, she can do whatever she wants. and i don't go to trap threads because i don't go to porn boards to talk.
this is nightmare fuel
Those aren't really critical for the deadlift
Pendlay rows are decent for it, but it isn't a main builder, for that movement at least.
no, newfag
there's at least one trap/tranny/feminine faggot thread on Veeky Forums every other week or so.
it's a thing, surprisingly enough
>Another KEY exercise to build a strong deadlift and pulling power is heavy bent over rows
This is such a fucking meme, literally only Americans believe this. Everywhere else in the world, both in powerlifting and weightlifting, rowing type movements are programmed 1-2x per week (depending on number of training days, training age etc.) purely to strenghten postural musculature.
Actually, a lot of people do this, for good reason. Any destructive influence on society should be discouraged. These instincts exist for a reason.
yeah, i've seen the ones where op posts a pic of their ass or something. i guess i don't engage because i don't like to think about that shit if possible. this stuff while unnatural isn't really disgusting.
Why wouldn't a variation of a pulling exercise help strengthen another pulling exercise?
But when it's one person doing it to themselves and they understand the consequences then who cares. Let them fuck themselves up.
I only say anything or bring it up when the obvious gay agenda/bottom line people try to push it as fantastic awesome greatest thing since sliced bread on ignorant bastards and try to sell a bullshit narrative.
also, i've kind of made myself believe that it's just guys trolling. going into the threads would disabuse me.
The hide function exists for a reason user.
I hide basically all gay threads, the obvious race bait threads, the race bait posts, the shilling threads, and since I started no fap and no porn basically anything even slightly sexual or starring a hot half naked chick. It just makes things so much easier.
I rarely keep a thread open that doesn't agree with me.
i find scrolling to be less infuriating than actively hiding. although it must add up over time.
Because neither any of the classical lifts nor the deadlift are pulling motions.
I'll take my advice from the guy pulling 900lbs thanks
Oh it does.
That one single simple click makes surfing the board so much better.
You sure about that?
Thanks to his proportions he would pull a lot no matter what.
Yes, your upper body should only be engaged isometrically (hence why you do a row-type movement 1-2x week to strengthen posture)
So the deadlift isn't a pulling motion?
completely agree
It's not, I said "pull" because it is common shorthand, just as we call the initial movement of the clean the "pull" even though it is a knee extension and there is no upper body movement.
>leaning on the rack
get fucked lady
So those lifts are done all with the knees? And when you bring are holding a weight and bring it upward you are _______? Fill in the blank for me.
No, not entirely, that only goes for the initial pull of the clean, however knee extension is also a significant part of the deadlift. Both lifts are hip extensions more than anything. You gain absolutely no advantage from row type movements other than postural strength (making it easier to maintain back angle)
>he's never seen a gymdog herd the manlets into the pit
Are those prison tats?
Maintaining back angle makes you significantly stronger in the deadlift
yeah, look at this genetic FREAK. probably pulling 3plate out the womb
He probably did pull close to that his first time lifting, his proportions are perfect for deadlifting.
Yes, but it should not be a "main movement" nor is there any particular reason as to why it should be a certain kind of rowing movement over another, personally I prefer something closer to an isolation, as do the chinese weightlifting team (seal rows)
>bouncing the deadlift
You're full of shit. But he did seem to have early success.
"pulling 445lbs @130lb 16years old. I won the outstanding deadlift award at this regional meet sophomore year. Was a little hesitant to post this one because of how skinny I was lol. But I want everyone to know that there's always progress to be made. I've come a long way thus far in my training and so can you! I never thought I'd get as far as I am now and I'm just getting started. Just stay determined and never give up. It's as simple as that"
enjoy having your body decorated with regret
When I do db bent over rows my biceps feel it, what an I doing wrong? I get the full stretch but I don't feel it in my back
pull back in an arcing motion towards ur hip
try to squeeze at the top
lower your weights until you figure out your form
>I'm afraid of other peoples hobbies
her life choices aren't indicative of some degradation of western civilization you retard, its just a person doing a thing they like, your "instincts" are just your own internal inconsistenies, fear and bias taking over your perspective because you're a lazy thinker
> my regrets and fears are other people's too
fuck off
Jesus christ those proportions man. How tall are you? Post face, evaluating model potential
That fucking body
Literally built for sumo
lol "she's" not even working "her" lats
what a fat ugly cunt
l m f a o
why the fuck would anyone get their upper body that big when your legs look like chop sticks?
looks fucking horrible and slightly mentally retarded.
>heavy pendlay rows with leg drive
might look like a retard but i swear it hammers my hamstrings and erectors like nothing else
I'm tired of hearing deadlift advice from monkey limbed freaks. I have trex arms and I would love to hear advice from someone with a fairly strong deadlift and bad proportions.
every day i discover somebody wonderful
god bless the internet
a girl can deadlift more than all these people lmao
Why is there a cat in that gym?
>holding for support
isn't that a 30lb dumb bell?
>he's rowing on the pressbench
Omg. much this
holy fuck look at this niggas arms
For people who are easily triggered: don't read that comment because it's the truth.
Tattoos are trendy at best. I was pleading with my nephew not to get a sleeve because it is a fad. He ended up getting a forearm piece.
I LOVE thr heavy db rows.
Upper back can take such punishment.
This should replace the dancing skeleton on the bottom right of my screen. Officially spooked.
People that work directly off the rack for these piss me the fuck off. You're in a shared space. Back away from the rack. If you're not taking or returning weights, you don't need to be there getting in other people's way. There are perfectly serviceable benches right behind her that she could use, but I suppose having the rack in frame makes her Instagram video more interesting. Vapid cunt.
And she's taking her breath at the top, losing her Valsalva while under a load. She's going to snap eventually.
I can't DL 1 plate, this girl can do 4 plus whatever that small plate is
Just end me
Best advice I ever got was to pull the dumbbell back toward your hip. Put it in your pocket. When you pull straight up towards your ribs, you're basically doing a drag curl. Pulling the dumbbell back toward the hip allows you to recruit the lat more effectively.
Should get you hype to do it yourself. Put in the time and effort and you will get there
>sumo deadlift isn't chea-
oh yeah, can't pull much conven-
Thanks bro. I've been lifting for 3 months, I'm sure I'm gonna make it one day.
>looks like he's in his mid 30's
>white genes
Who gives a shit about looks when you're strong as fuck but still ripped and not some waddling strongfat?
Don't complain when people won't hire you then, you entitled little whore.
It's called testosterone. You should try having some.
>being ugly = testosterone
couldn't cope more, lad
post the recent one, he does 800x3 with ease
I see. You're a soyboy.
If you consider the fact that she cares enough about her appearance (i.e., how she presents to external observation, i.e., the foremost basis for someone’s opinion of her) to permanently deface her body, it doesn’t seem unreasonable to believe that she’d lose some sleep over someone’s opinion of her appearance. Tattoos are a visible pronouncement of neurosis if not outright mental illness.
She’s blocking access to the dumbbells instead of using a bench. Fucking clueless. Terrible gym etiquette.
how should you breathe correctly doing diddlys?
If your not on the bench your attention whore in my opinion.
It's fine to breathe at the top, you can maintain a braced core while taking in new air, he's just looking for ways to feel better cuz a girl out lifts him
okay, so that means I should be holding breath when pulling, or breathing out? sorry for such a retarded question
It's strange to me. Clean pull singles, front squats, and heavy front rack holds seem to offer most of the postural strength benefits that BB rows do for deadlift without exposing the lumbar erectors to a long eccentric phase (long recovery) or excessive weight on the bicep tendon. I have no idea how people can BB row 500lbs without this making deadlift hard as fuck to program.
You all are just salty. That girl is strong as fuck and I have nothing else to say.
you tell 'em gurl!
Coan, Leeman, and Rubish all swear by heavy rows as well IIRC.
I have a short torso and short arms. I almost start off with my upper body completely horizontal and lock out roughly at the base of my dick, and rows definitely helped me. I set a new and easy rep PR after not doing deadlifts for almost a month and only doing rows.
My deadlift is still completely shit though, so take this with a grain of salt.
>Why do you fucking care.
People can't share their opinions on what they see browsing this Senegalese skydiving forum?
>Let her do with her life what she wants.
Unless you are the transvestite in the webm, how is calling her what she is, ugly, affecting the way she lives her life?