Last rep face
Last rep face
You shouldn't be doing that many reps on that weight if you look like that on the last rep.
alcoholism is degenerate
why is this face getting spammed rn?
Because it's a good meme and sam hyde is le edgeman
dude's looking worse and worse by the year, how does he do it?
who is sam hyde?
mass shooter
Someone who can't keep getting away with this.
who the fuck is this creepy shitter and why do i keep seeing him choking the grills?
Sam is only in his 20’s and looks as JUST as JUST can get, what happened?
spotted the dyel
He’s in his 30s
he is unironically the le ironic type
>i do kickers i do fucking twisters
get a gallon of milk, do my uppercuts
ah fuck where's this from?
E3 2017
The weak should fear the strong.
nice trips btw
this guy will fuck you up you manlet
mfw bioenergetics
potion seller..
I just realized I used to think he was big.
>inb4 he's a manlet
i know, but you know what I mean
Anyone got the Elliott gif? You know which one I mean
is that richard spencer in the back?
fucking kek'd
Lennart? or is it another mantis from atlantis?
Indeed from the Lennart video at Sergels torg
you're done for kid
Dis is all I got user