How is this fair again?
How is this fair again?
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Why should it be fair?
We know who got participation trophies.
Because we can rape them if we really want
It's all a part of The Game.
Which you just lost.
Who gives a fuck if it's fair? There's no gender quota stopping us from joining the gym.
It's a lot like taxes, the top 5% of men get fucked while the rest complain they didn't roll a female.
Son. Have a seat. Here, have a beer. Oh I don't care if you're only in high school, drink a fucking beer with your dad. Now, I hear that you've been complaining about not having things that other people have, or crying about having to put in work in order to obtain something or meet a goal. Well, let me boil it down for you. LIFE ISN'T FAIR. Good talk son. Now go upstairs and take that faggot dress off and for the eleventh time no I will not acknowledge your pronouns, you are still my son. Even if you are a gigantic flaming faggot.
what's stopping you from doing this user?
Kinda this
women have a gift to give birth which risks their life for months and years ahead, so it's natural that men, who are more expendable because millions of sperm a day and so on, are subject to more raw competition and standards.
the only problem nowadays is c*mmunists and other creatures who want to rid men of any power that comes with the responsibilities that still remain and make it impossible to respect the natural balance of both sexes specialities.
tl;dr: if everything was still okay, the women couldn't / wouldn't run fucking around without risking to feed their baby alone and helpless.
“Fair” is a socialistic idea, which is entirely feminine. Until you shed this idea you will never make it.
We are not gonna argue about this again. You're an NPC, here in this world to please Chad. That is all. Now shut the fuck up and fap to your tranny homosexual shit.
Life is unfair
>t. They might be giants
Men are providers and thus should work more anyways. Women are designed for sitting on their asses all day
>implying women don't have to wear make up, do their hair, their nails, shave their entire body, visit a beauty salon etc. etc.
I bet you're fucking women who look like trash (that's if ur not a virgin lmao)
Girls still have to go through body shaving but I don't mind a hairy girl during the winter ya feeeeeeelllll meeeeee
no one ever claimed it was fair.
>be woman
>your level of attractiveness is dictated almost solely by genetics
>if you haven't nailed down a good man by 30, game over
>be man
>genetics matter, but personal growth can push you ahead many who don't work hard
>age like a fine wine; 20 year old women more the fuck out of silver foxes
Why are you such a little bitch? Why would God give you the body of a man without the will to use it?
I'm better at being lucky than I am at working hard. Does that make me a woman in a mans body?
Hello, fellow slav
they pretty much wouldn't have to do anything except trim _excessive_ body hair and men would fuck 80% of them without thinking twice.
diseases like obesity aside.
Hot damn that's some vintage meme right there
All the way back to middle school
Fuck off roastie. You cunts are so fucking easy to spot.
Nothing is fair op
>bang drunk sluts
what an incredible accomplishment, if you couldn't do this in the first place idk what to tell you
based max "nuke the spook" stirner
but face though...
Close but no cigar. I do fuck livestock but I can't squat for shit.
Don't call my sister livestock
Skinny women with no assets can still be hot at 40 as long as they take care of themselves. I suggest you get a reality check.
Nothing is fair, and there is no real point to living either. God doesn't exist and humans were the result of hundreds of millions of years of evolution. You can either be a whiny depressed bitch and do nothing, man up, get help for your mental disorders, work out, and become hot, or you can kill yourself. The choice is yours, no one is making you do anything.
>little fats.
Fish oil, salmon, avocados...yeah only fat asses consume those.
only soyboy fairies and women think life should be fair, queer
If you fuck a woman she'll give you a son, she has inherent value. Your value as a man is linked to what you can produce in terms of attractiveness, comfort, childrearing, and/or wealth, which should be inherent to your nature and form but instead you're here shitposting on Veeky Forums.
Who said life was fair?
Cringey as fuck from beginning to end
Oh wait, i just realized that this is 2 hours long. The first 3 minutes are cringey anyway, maybe the rest is fine.
>genetics matter, but personal growth can push you ahead many who don't work hard
I bet you think height doesn't matter
Nice to see other anons recognize it.
Fair? I'll tell you what's not fair: Spending a lifetime on a dime-store shelf watching every other toy be sold! Well, finally my waiting has paid off, and no hand-me-down cowboy doll is gonna mess it up for me now!
~ Stinky Pete
You know, by conventional reasoning this picture makes sense and makes the world seem unfair. But the reality is different. The factors by which women judge men deviate wildly from men. A man has decided in the first second based on physical factors whether or not he finds a woman attractive.
This is not the case for men. Being simply attractive is not enough. You must be confident, charismatic and emotionally stimulating as well. Being physically fit and perfectly sculpted is not a negative, but men seems to believe it has way more bearing on a man's attractiveness to a woman than what is reflected in reality. Assuming women base attraction on physical traits alone is the same reasoning that drives men to send dick pics.
A man must be more than the sum of his parts to attract women and in the grand scheme of things a perfect physique is a small part.
Wrong board buddy
women are less intelligent and incapable of being on par with a man so they are held to lower standards
So basically a woman still doesn’t know what she wants and a man does... no matter how many essays you write trying to explain it, this is all it is.
lol, thank you for reminding me of what is important and true
>How is this fair again?
I like working out and improving myself so sucks to be women who have nothing better to do.
I agree, my sentiments exactly
It's not, get over it.
Fucking this, you manchild.
Grow the fuck up. Ask for broader shoulders, not lighter weights