I'm dumb and need help

Coming to Veeky Forums because theres so many confusing things on the internet and i just want to expedite this process so I can hate myself a little less asap. Right now this is my build(will post pics) and I'll show what goal I want to head towards(pic related). I'm 5'6" and roughly 150lbs depending on the day. I know what I'm doing at the gym but im not the most confident its the best way to go about it. I play hockey about 3 times a week just incase that dictates what I should do cardio wise but I want to improve that too. I just basically want a template on what I should do during the week at the gym, how much cardio I should put into the mix because people say you "lose gains" and others think its essential and I also could use dieting help lol I basically just need someone to point me in a certain direction and I'll do the physical work. Also, I have a slight thyroid issue that is controlled and being handled but the reason I'm mentioning this is I don't like to take supplements like preworkout or anything just so I don't complicate things. Obviously okay with Whole whey protein and open to other ideas.(Pic is goal body)

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My body part 1

My body part 2

-cut until you're lean
-lean bulk until your goal

What is lean bulk???
I understand the idea of cutting is using more calories than you take in but what is lean bulking?

You should read the sticky but basically just count your calories and lose weight until you can see abs. Then eat a little more per day and lift weights.

How are people able to get such dramatic changes though in such a short span? Is it supplements? Also what is the general opinion on creatine? I feel like some people talk about it like its gold

Supplements make a 5% difference at the absolute most. The answer is not supplements.

I'm not really sure what your question is. Did you read the sticky?

Wanna join in on the conversation cause similar body to op.
Age 27, Bench 1pl8 ,Squat 2pl8s, DL 2pl8s
Been lifting since march but havent noticed changes in my body aside from an increase in my lifts weight/rep range.
Also, am I balding?


I'm 6'2 and weight 200 lb (90kg)

Plz shave

I did but it doesnt answer a question like cardio while doing all this. If i want to maintain some of my muscle that I do have..do I do cardio or not? some places i read say limit cardio but isn't that almost essential in cutting?

Cardio isn't going to affect your muscle mass much unless you run marathons for your morning jog

it is better/easier to not eat the cheeseburger than to try to "run off" the cheeseburger.

Eat less you fat shit. Eat better quality shit, you fat shit.

desu at your current position you don't have to worry about losing anything. since you look like a complete beginner youll probably even make noob gains if you lift a few days a week even while cutting/cardio.

is right. and a bulk is just eating at a caloric surplus and intense weighttraining to build muscle. "lean bulk" just means clean bulk aka clean foods and only a surplus of 200-400 calories.
a lot of new lifters think bulking means eating whatever the fuck is in front of them and end up getting fat

your diet sucks and you dont lift. stop thinking about cardio so much, start eating 100-150g protein a day and not more than 2000 calories, and google a routine for building up your upper body. its good that you're not using your thyroid as an excuse but you can still do a lot better than this

Thanks for the help/advice. I'll start putting it into motion

First off, the cardio kills gains meme is just that, a meme. If you're not doing more than 45mins of cardio you aren't going to lose anything.


You mentioned you wanted to improve your hockey performance. I haven't played a lot of hockey but i get the general gyst that it's about power/time. So things like deadlifts, squats and bench (which should be already part of your routine) you should do to improve with "explosive power/strength".

Alot of people mentioned lean bulk, the idea is that you eat at a caloric surplus but making sure that those calories come from wholesome meals and not from high saturated fat sources (This is still under debate for many). My tip, is that since you probably haven't even touched the end of your noob gains period, eat as much protein as you can pack (1g of protein / lb of body weight) and lift heavy. There's no point in cutting if there's nothing to cut to. I made this mistake cutting way to soon and just ending up skinny fat. Hope this helps!

>What is lean bulk???

tracking cals/ makros while bulking.
usually slightly higher protein intake, and a small calorie surplus of around 350 calories. You can also time it better, like more calories and carbs on lifting days and less calories, less carbs, slightly more fat on rest days.
it's just moderate bulking with to goal to minimize fat gain.

i kind of like cutting first just to know exactly where youre starting from, but like you say if youve got no base anyway then its moot