Current body thread
>Twenty five days into getting fit
>Doing amateur stuff, working out at home just calisthenics and dumbells
>Also, the lighting is really good
nice blog
Post bod faggot
>all these dyels
I see this is the amateurs thread
Evening fellas.
What mode?
good genetics senpai, you could get big if you want but you look good also with less muscle.
What are your goals?
look good. stats and lifts?
out of my way, faggots
Nice double dubs.
Mode ? Never squeeze mode.
I see you as a "lifter" who merely moves weight from point A to point B.
You most likely use your shoulders to push the flat bench, instead of drawing it up by squeezing your pecs....
I see you kicking the quad extension instead of lifting it with the 4 muscles above your knee.
I see you using your arms to bring down the lat pull down instead of trying to touch your elbows behind your back.
You need to start over and feel what you are doing.
>pay me
>le SS meme
Just started a few days ago. Long way to go.
Am I going to make it? Currently on a so-much-needed cut
haha jokes on you! I haven't lifted weights in two years. i just work at a dive centre, swim laps and lift 17kg air cylinders around all day.
Oh and pull fat german tourists into the boat.
I mainly frequent this forum for memes and injury advice.
fuckin solid tris m8. maintain
forgot stats,
height: 5'10
weight: 185lbs
bench press: 315lbs x 3reps
squat: 405lbs x 1rep
deadlift: 455lbs x 1rep
overhead press: 175lbs x 5reps
probably should have bulked more before a cut, but you have a surprisingly chiselled jaw for that bf%
Chest 404
I started lifting a little more than a year ago. However, I've been dieting for two years. Went from 187 (5'9", yes, I'm a manlet, i should kms blah blah blah) to 133; as a former fatfuck I'm afraid to bulk because in my mind I'm still fat. Started with no muscle mass, but I think that for only six months I gained a lot, especially shoulders and lats which got swole as fuck compared to their previous non-existence.
I've only did 6 months of a leanest-as-possible bulk in my life, finished it in september at 154, now cutting again.
Currently plan is to cut until 12%bf or until auschwitz mode and then build muscle again.
And the jaw is genetic, nothing to be really proud of.
i've cut 9 kgs in the last 4 months.
My secret is i moved to mozambique for work and only drink tapwater. I haven't passed a solid shit since christ was a boy.
>roiding for this
Are you on a plan? I've started a month a go and have made almost no gains
I thought your necklace was a hair on my screen
Shoulderlets shouldnt even bother lifting
Nice veins, everything else is pretty much mediocre at best
Aiming for 90kg lean and strong as possible kek
6ft 80kg, im a bodyweight fag so idk my lifts atm, probs quite a bit off 1/2/3/4
I just cycle everywhere
Retard post your body then talk. Oh wait I forgot, you’re insecure about showing your disgusting body to ANONYMOUS people who don’t even know who you are
you have a weird body dude
thoughts on 3 week bulk, 1 week cut, then repeat?
Never heard of it. I always believe in eating maintenance but give it a go and post results.
Lookin good but post in normal lighting
Legit my goal body
Please give me your routine
2 months of gym, first time at the gym for me
184 cm, been on no carbs since agoust, doing jump ropes an bw training, im proud of it.
525 deadlift 2day :~) (not good for being 215 tho )
I don't like those spots on your delts and the slightly too big traps for 5'11...
Don't tell me you're roiding at 18 y-o ?
Mi ago
Los fotos... el otro direction por favor
La progresion de la lefta a el righto
why are natty faggots so annoying? do you really think those assorted "spots" are injection sites?
Not that guy, but as a fruadster delt/back acne is pretty common and can cause spots/lumps. If you've got lumps from injection sites, you're fukin up.
Not that all back/shoulder acne is roid related.
as a natty with clogged shoulder pores that turn into spots that literally nothing
keep up the good work breh
Can’t tell if baiting
Try and eat a lot of protons and get my daily cretin powder
Habla bien concha de tu madre, o te saco la cresta frente a todo Veeky Forums.
been out of the gym for like, 8 months, went on vacation in south american and deadlifted 335 for 2 after a few mojitos recently got back into lifting and currently on canditos linear hypertrophy program
6 ft 161lbs, lifting for 3 months up from 147lbs
>ss meme
nah I don't do much legs just cycle about an hour a day
He KNOWS about the neck.
Stop being a faggot.
what's your diet like? caloric intake?
i've been lifting for 1 month. i'm 5'11 152lbs from 147lbs.
I'll post in both CBT cause why not.
5'11" 168lbs as of this morning
You'll get there bro. Just keep it up.
I dont track calories but I'd guess about 3000-3500 per day on average, lots of fast food, about 5 mcdonalds a week and always 1 or 2 litres of milk a day.
good form
looking aesthetic there but i get the impression you'd look super DYEL without the perfect photo
Work your chest and delts as soon as fucking possible, you look super weird
dude curls and abs lmao
that's interesting. I'm only managing 2000 calories a day.
What's up, cunts.
You are correct.
your cholesterol m8
5'11 165 lb
glorious lighting desu
I remember that sad torso
Skinnyfat cursed
Austin TX
don't listen to
keep being a faggot
3/3 any advice (which I obviously need) will be appreciated
>does pushups for a few weeks in his room
>starts a CBT thread
you're not cursed you just spent most of your life until now not lifting weights/eating properly.
Just do it, and check out the cocoon mode thread.
I'm this guy btw. Maybe not qualified to give advice but I think im doing ok
try not caring about the fat and go for a good chunk of mass before you cut
Im going to give up lifting. I want to achieve, but an entire year of lifting and zero strength progression, barely noticeable size increase.
I stopped getting 4000 calories a day and now get about 3500 (i have the highest metabolism in the world) i can no longer afford to eat so much.
1 whole year and I gained only 15 pounds, and just lost 5 pounds in less than a week because im eating 3500 calories.
>takes years to build muscle
>takes literal hours to lose it
Why even try?
And i have APT ectomorph gut. Im just done, i cant make it
Yeah ate horribly during most of my life and didnt do any sports, I have been trying to fix that and thanks, whats your bf?
Thanks, probably going to bulk until December then cut for a while
roids, unironically.
Your routine is probably fucked up but do roids (literally just do some test) + SL and accessories youll make something for sure. If you cant get yourself to do roids m8, you won't make it. Rip that bandaid off
no idea, probably like 13
see read up on the side effect of a moderate roid cycle and find out there's practically none
R8 fags
must be a tape worm desu
Beautiful jaw user
But i dont know how to acquire it. Thanks for advice tho
One of the few pictures so epic I can't even save it out of fear of it destroying my computer
what is your routine?
Dude there's literally a Reddit for this
Look up /r/SST (source talk subreddit)
5'7, 134 lbs
Good trap bod
everyone looks pretty fucking bad in that position
You bet your ass i'm stealing this shit
oh i did this when my doctor first prescribed me adderall, i lost 30 lbs and found out im a 9/10 from a 6/10
My b shit is upside down
Mirin hard. Only started lifting for 5 months and am currently aiming for your body.
thanks brah