is it just a meme or does it work?
share your experiences
is it just a meme or does it work?
share your experiences
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Total bullshit.
Mostly people with erectile dysfunction force it.
I can fap 3 times a day easily, and i'm 30 years old (sex too, 2 times in a row? no problems). And i do not have any problems.
It works.
t. low t manlet with no willpower
meme made by virgins to make themselves feel better
The only people who rail against it are masturbation addicts
It absolutely enhances confidence, test, self discipline
incredibly hard endeavor but a critical one.
I train everyday and i like to fap after training, nice feel.
I'm 184cm too.
And you most likely can't get erection easily.
Its bullshit. I fap at least one a day and im 35. I also fuck my wife at least once a day if everything is normal.
There not one single scientific study but just some insecure faggits raised with stupid traditions and questionable morals.
Instead of beeing ashamed you could be proud too. Nothing wrong with cummies
>enhances test
Post bloods.
Eh I think it's a bit bs, although there is something obviously related to not busting for awhile and trying harder to get with a girl.
There's a connection with it but it isn't anything ground breaking. "You get horny when you don't nut for a few days so you try to talk to chicks to let one rip"
If I fap and have a gf I take forever to finish if I finish at all and she complains and tells me to stop fapping since I have her.
>mfw no gf
Not fapping to porn is the most important thing, that shit ruins you
It's useful if you are a basement dweller who does nothing but sit and fap all day, but I don't think it's because of any health reasons. I believe the benefits people see are due to the fact that they are cultivating self discipline from abstention. That can be meaningful if you have too much fapping time on your hands.
So yes, it does work, if you are in such a low position that
>not masturbating is actually challenging
I have been doing Nofap for a long time...
And before you fat and skinny cunts will say something remember it works.
So in the end what does it change?
It does change you, If you are some cunt who jacks off himself 7 time a day.
Basically It all starts with understanding your body, Thing is masturbation is needed you want it or not... Including sex. But you can do it between long periods of time. Even if you wont do it, it will still happen in such way as Wet dreams. is it helpful ? Yes it is.
But lately it became like a meme.
For fuck sake you dumb cunts.
Jack off once a week, most importantly Without porn.
Personally if you don't jack off, you'll have wet dreams every two weeks or so.
Just how many fucking time will we have to say it ?
I am tired of this failed miserable piece of rotten meat slapping eye gauging dumb morons asking same shit!
This is my final answer on such topics.
They Say Nofap one more time, I'll have PTSD and stick a fucking fork in their Carotid Artery,while i am having dinner with their parents.
You motherfucker....
It's the highest form of magic for men.
Retaining your man milk enhances neurokinetic energies which allows you to tap into the higher dimensional planes of energy. The energy enhances your body's other functions.
Power flows out from you in all directions, so that you may crush your enemies and achieve greatness. Chicks dig that, I guess, so decent side effects.
>I fap at least one a day and im 35.
That's not even close to how many times some people jerk off. Why do these threads always get faggots bragging about not having an addiction?
No fap is more of mental thing, if you are single you should be hunting for girls, letting the hunger feed you.
less masturbation is good but many people can fap daily with no issues.
Best scenario is fapping less than 3x a week, going totally sterile will wreck your test after more than a month. Masturbation has existed for over a millennia and we're still doing fine.
NoFap is fucking retarded... If you don't cum at least once a week by sex or fapping, your body will force out a wet dream (if you have any test at all). The true answer is NoPorn. Fapping to bitches you've seen irl actually improves your drive around real-life women.
The momentary joy I get out of fapping every day is less than the increased good feels I get out of infrequent fapping. Basically being ragingly horny all the time makes life feel better. If you fap you satiate that feeling then feel less motivated. I have high t and raging boners all the time.
The most it did for me was make me more restless, eager to socialize and cum more easily.
None of these are bad in their own right but it's not a magic bullet.
this is what people that beat off to porn write
these are the words of a porn addict
he wrote this shit because writing down 'beating off once a week isn't bad' because it makes him feel better about himself
>heh, hey, I beat off 4 times a week to porn, thats really close to once a week! I dont have a problem! fact, most (((doctors))) ENCOURAGE MASTURBATION! SEE! Its healthy to self gratify without fulfilling a purpose! I'm A-OK! Thanks me!
Why does this always get asked
You can try it yourself you stupid fuck.
And if you can't go a week or two without molesting yourself while watching vietnamese tranny porn you probably need it.
I don't really care if it works or not, but every time I jack off I feel pretty depressed afterwards, so I haven't jacked off in a week.
How to tell if you need nofap:
Did you have the hardest boner of your life today?
If not you need to nofap
Nofap is a meme, NOPORN is the true movement.
Do me a favor you long tongue snake...
Making False accusations.
Think you know shit. While i see that fucking Clear Browser tab on ya browser.
I said what i wanted to say, and i meant it
Now eat your own words up.
Because i don't care less about your nonsense
Fucking moron.
Real truth is you are the one like that, and it makes you feel like shit. when there are real people who can deal with their own problems.
Not like you, Pathetic scum .
Just a bunch of idiots perpetuating the "system only works if everyone fucks instead of fapping" bullshit.
In the end, its all up to you.
You make decision, its all about your actions.
I tried to make it sound real.
But reality makes people flip. They better jack off to their fantasies.
I care less.
Because it's shilled as a fix all for all your problems, regardless if you have an addiction or not. Yes, if masturbation consumes your life and you can't handle it in moderation, abstinence is probably your personal best bet. Acting like it turns you into an ubermensch is plain retarded. If NoFap completely turns your life around, then the problem wasn't masturbation, it was you.
I only ever got to 5 days without masturbation so I dunno if it rly helps or not, but porn really fucked up my mind since i started regularly watching it at age 14.
if you masturbate once a day max it's definitely not necessary but may or may not make you a bit less neurotic
if you masturbate twice a day or more and are trying to argue against nofap : lol
Why not fuck your wife twice?
it's been 1 month with noporn and every fucking day is a mental battle not to watch a vid and fap my balls out
Im on day nine and I feel good.
I'm on day 15 and I have been arguing for a while with myself to stop "No Fap" to do "no porn".
I am on day 19 and I can see changes in my daily routine, maybe nofap is just a placebo but it work and that's the important.
I respect you, user
As long as you are not a chronic masturbator you should be fine. I personally will look at porn before going to the gym as porn has been proven to increase testosterone in the short term, once I finish at the gym I can go home and masturbate. Call me a freak but it works for me.
The voice of reason.
I don't know why nowadays people have to turn memes into personal revelations... From diet to ways of showering, everything is going to "change your life". Meanwhile, the recipe hasn't changed in 10 000 years : Hard work, Inherent talent and Dumb Luck in random proportions...
I blame the clickbait culture
Do it man. Masturbation isn't the problem, watching porn while doing so is the real problem. Really you wanna get out there and slay poon, but no porn is a good alternative.
Certainly has been noted for the future. Today I'm very content without touching myself and the next time I have a strong urge no porn it will become!
>is it just a meme
>or does it work?
>It works
It's pseudoscientific bullshit
I thought nofap was supposed to give you more energy due to the extra testosterone. I'm at 111 days and I still feel lazy.