Post you're waifu Veeky Forums

Post you're waifu Veeky Forums

>he does it for her

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Who dat?


Spudra Finnegan


no leg gains

would wipe her ass every day

She's a perfect match for someone like me, with pathetic pressing power and a magnificent posterior chain.




Mm Katie :)


shes minne

at least she is better looking than the chinese super heavies


It must be so nice to look that amazing and be an actress, although you probably can't act very good. Doesn't matter,because the only important thing is that you look stunningly hot.

You think she is yours,but she will make you hers in the bedroom

im fine with this

She's not gonna win against the champ...
Feels bad, man.

I just want someone to love me Veeky Forums

I used to lift for my waifu, then I realized she'll never be with me anyways so whats the point

best girl



She fucks niggers

irish world champion boxer

Yeah, no. She's a nigger fucker.


I just want someone to like me first...

Katie Taylor you feckin amadán


who dis


I bench press for Christen Press

I usually think of my waifu, the 3rd reich, and fighting people to motivate myself.
How about all you fellows?


My future wife:)


im trying to find webms of this weightlifting chick that kinda looks like a thicc alicia vikander



Seamus McPotato