Constantly Fucking Tired at 20 Years Old

Why am I always so fucking tired, I am sick of this shit, I tried everything:
-Clean Diet
-Ran testosterone checks (test is normal)
-Vitamins (Taking fish oil, zin, vitamin D, Vitamin C, 5 Htp, vitamin B, niacin)
-Sleeping 7-9 hours a day
>cardio everyday
>gym every 4-5 times a week
>alright diet

I am so fucking tired all the time, I can feel it in my fucking eyes, I am tried to go to the gym, I am tired in the gym, I am tired after the gym, I am tired when I am sitting down, I am too tired to fucking speak.

I am sick of this fucking bullshit, how do i fix this, what the fuck why do i feel like i have HIV or something.

Other urls found in this thread:

-Too Tired To Eat
-Too Tired To Do Anything
-Too Tired To Think

that sure is a dilly of a pickle

are you just bored?
I feel tired when im bored.

I am bored all the time, I am never not bored, this state fucking sucks, I wanna feel shit

Do you ever rest? For how long have you exercised every day?

1h30mins a day

I have the exact same problem op. Hiv test kit arrives tomorrow, wish me luck.

Go somewhere new. It's stimulating.

How is the quality of your sleep?

Might seem like a troll thing to ask but Sleep Apnea is a common cause of chronic fatigue. You don't necessarily have to be morbidly obese to have it too.

How much sleep are you getting?

Take a week off from working out.

Take a long almost scalding epsoms salt bath.

Its fucking annoying, normies can eat poop, sleep 5 hours a day, inject heroin and still have more energy than me.

meanwhile i am borderline fucking straight edge and feel like I have both brain cancer and aids at the same time.


>cardio everyday
there's your answer

No I mean have you ever taken a day off, or a rest week?
If you've spent years exercising hard every single day without regulating rest eventually you might crash.

Shouldn't be a problem for a 20 year old if he isn't going overboard

you probably have chronic stress. it starts as this existential worry that is always in the back of your mind and stays until you confront it. it never lets your subconscious truly rest and recuperate and if i had to speculate it always feels like your brain is going a million miles a minute.

you probably will notice this now, im guessing you have this dysfunction where regardless of your sleep length you always feel the same exhausted sensation, like you couldn't move fast if you wanted, or move into a colder spot of your surroundings.

this is very typical of chronic 'worry', and i would say there is probably something big in your life that you have to confront, and the only way to best it is to let it go. look into some philosophy, watch some alan watch videos, learn to meditate, and find out what's really bothering you. this is very common these days, especially among Veeky Forums users, not an insult, just appears common


i know what you mean, I read power of now by Eckhartt Tole. And yes I am stressed as shit (i run a business).

any tips on letting go of the buzzy shit, I don't necessarily think about business shit, I just think of useless, irrelevant thoughts that just waste my mental energy. Is jacking off more an answer?

im same as you just that im a neet thats stressed about being life inept, irs fucking me one day and general existential problems. i never feel happy or feel like im having fun.

Too tired to eat too hungry to sleep

can post lunch naps fuck you up?

Yeah don't nap
I started napping recently and it just got me constantly tired

I call it existential fatigue. Even though everything is in check I'm exhausted.
Only thing that fixes it are the short and sweet moments of pure concentration, like when lifting or having a genius sparks when working.

Is your bedroom dark, as in pitch black? Since darkening my room I have felt less tired.

If it's not low T, then check if it's a yeast problem. Look for white shit on your tongue. If it's not yeast, then try supplementing iodine. Odds are you're deficient.

get a sleep study done, you may have congenital sleep apnea

you probably don't have much going on in your life, no goal to work towards, that shit can be tyring as fuck

>test is normal
Did you get the actual numbers?
I had 200 ngdl and my doc still told me it was normal

Basically I went to another doc and he found out I had a prostatitis which was the reason for my low t but that's another story

Probably got sleep apnoea, you fat cunt.

You might have an infection or some hereditary disease. Go to the doctor

Test red blood cell count

therein lies some of the problem, thinking of different little solutions to each issue compounds them all together overall makes it worse, the stress of mediating stress, it's a vicious cycle. masturbating more won't help, its ultimately identified as another task your body has to carry out and causes an up and down effect as well, and you're at risk of other enjoyable things having the dopamine they give nullified.

the only thing to be done is to collectively lower the stress of all those things and worries, by overhauling your lifestyle and outlook on life. i used to have this problem and what helped me was to stop doing things i wanted to 'improve' myself for a while and challenge why i was doing those things. another big thing is the monotony of that sort of life, getting used to things wears your brain down as the enjoyment wanes but the effort remains.

i would say stop lifting for a month, don't worry about your gains or anything as this is what i'm talking about in reducing your worry, and make your daily routine that of a yoga session instead with some meditation in the evening to wind your mind down. a big problem these days is having a screen in front your eyes right up until you go to bed, which im sure you are guilty of even if only from time to time, and stopping to have time to let your mind really quiet itself is really important, since your brain is actually extremely active during sleep.

ignore all the other posts, it sounds like it has absolutely no medical root whatsoever

user injecting heroin feels great and give tonn of energy , if you don't nod of course.but don't try it , it will ruin your life.

Think this guy is on the right track
& 43323131

If you want more causes to your stress, you may have a sleeping disorder.
I'll presume your "clean diet" isn't some shitty fad diet, but actually tons of food like meat, milk, eggs and vegetables.

Do you wake up after 8 hours of sleep by yourself, or do you need an alarm bell to go off a couple of times? Sleeping a lot isn't the same as getting proper sleep. The various phases need to be measured.
Bad sleep usually results in bad temper and fatigue. Stress is more of a secondary side effect.

Low sodium intake might be a cause

Leaky gut bro shit is fucking epidemic. Get some apple cider vinegar.

kek, taking apple cider vinegar already my man. Seems like the root of the problem is either my depression or shitty sleeping habbits.

anyway, how much vinegar you drinking?

It's because you have no true friends and are a paranoid depressed dispassionate Veeky Forums addict like everyone else here.

Go to the doctor! After ruling out all the usual stuff, especially vitamin Bs and folic acid, they are now testing my genetics for something called Ataxia. Don't wait like I did, I'm now in my 30s and I regret not going to sort this out when I first noticed it in my 20s.

Feel you OP. I literally can't do shit. Like I can't study for an hour because my mind is going crazy. I can't do anything. I can't even play video games really. This way, I get even more stressed because every single minute I feel like I'm wasting away my life. I have 160/100 blood pressure and I get sweaty from the smallest shit. I can only function with benzos which I can't get anymore

> do a sleep study
> get checked for viral infection, EBV can be in the body for quite some time (months) without having the more obvious symptoms like swollen lymph glands etc
> chill the fuck out and do nothing for a week

Are you a masochist? I have a humiliation fetish and have been tired everyday since the 8th grade.

> In addition, allergies can make you feel like utter shit without the more common symptoms like sneezing, painful eyes/nose etc etc. You could have some kind of food allergy or an overreaction to something in your surroundings (dust, mold) that stimulates an immune response.

Aka you feel like utter crap

Have you tried beta blockers?

I feel tired a lot but probably because of a cold I caught

You could have sleep apnea. Basically it'll rekt your sleep and you won't know at all. The key diagnostic factor, is your mouth dry when you wake up? If so you got sleep apnea, there's an easy fix. You use surgical tape (3 dollars at most pharmacies) and tape your mouth shut. You'll wake up feeling energetic like you used to as a child

Kinda random question, but do you feel thirsty a lot of the time?

There's like a million possible reasons for this. Bad sleep, Vitadmin D insufficiency, not enough hours of sun light per day, actual depression, almost any imaginable nutrient insufficiency (some tests don't check certain values or you can simply be unlucky that you have a spike during a test). There's no easy way but to literally try out everything. May take years. Hopefully you live in a country with good healt care and not in the third world or worse - hopefully not in the United States.

Wtf dude you just described me

Here you go,

Fix your apnea then fatty. Shit isn't a joke apnea has serious medical implications. It puts a huge amount of stress on your body, as you are effectively starved for oxygen all fucking night long. Can also slowly damage your brain over time, and massively increases your risk of strokes.

I drink it as often as possible. About 1 tablespoon in 8 oz water 1-5 times per day.

This is me. Fuck I have sleep apnea. My mouth is dry as a Camal’s cunt when I wake up.

>The Chadpill

I'm afraid of sexual side effects desu

>>cardio everyday
>>gym every 4-5 times a week
If you're new to exercise, or at least this type of frequency, give your body time to adjust. If not, lower your frequency.

check estradiol.

I’m on one. No side effects.

This made me feel better, thanks user I’ll look into it

stop fapping

Do you grind your teeth at night?

How good is your bed and pillow?

Was waiting for this

Maybe carbs are among you tired ?

I get this horrible feeling of being tired all the time lately.
It sort of feels like an eye strain and I muscle fatigue to breath.

But once I actually do somthing like gym I have energy.The rest of the day and night or in work I feel more mentally drained.

What benefits do you see

My acne is cleared up. I’m 33 and was still getting pimples in my beard and shit. I tried so much shit. Antibiotics would clear my face up and then I’d stop and acne would come back worse than before and in new places on my face and body. I also have terrible gas problems. Fatigue. Dry eyes. Dry hair. Unhealthy bowel movements so messy I can’t get clean without a shower. Mild erectile dysfunction. Probably more too.

It’s been such a long road getting here. I’ll spare you the details about how I decided to try Apple cider vinegar. I’ve been taking it regularly for about 9 months now. My skin is almost completely clear aside from some scars to remind me of this hell. My eyes are starting to appear less bloodshot. My dick is working a lot better. My gas is significantly better.

All of this is because of Apple cider vinegar. I love this it has literally saved my life.

>Do you grind your teeth at night?
Mom used to ask me this and I said no, i think I do

Bed is alright, pillow is good

I trust this man, never had any acne but apple cider vinegar definitely cleared up my skin

>eat more
>drink coffee


Sounds like low test m8

>Do you grind your teeth at night?
I do. what does that mean?
>not OP btw

do you have a normal work/school and are you productive for it?
do you smoke weed?
did you try cutting caffeine?

Why don't you just blow your brains out and save yourself and everyone else the drama you'll be putting them through? You're a fucking waste of space anyways.

I have been tired fior the past 7 years.

this - try sleeping at a 15 Deg angle at first

also how is B12 ?

Thyroid? Also are you eating enough? Had a stint of a few weeks where I was constantly exhausted, turned out I just wasn't eating enough

Get your thyroid checked bucko

Honestly same here. I'm 20 too.
Whenever I sleep it feels fragmented as fuck, like I'm randomly waking up a bunch of times during the night
this is such trash

I know what your problem is OP. Not drinking enough water

Start drinking a gallon a day and enjoy your youth again

your welcome

I'm identical to that. I'm gonna steal your terminology

I can't get enough air when I breathe through my nose. I had a really bad bout of flu or something a few months back and now my ears always pop and my nose is constricted. Talked to doctors and they say I'm fine.

Do some magic mushrooms that will force you to reboot and you will be back to normal.

i know your feeling... thinking about it makes me feel sick to my stomach. It' super rare I feel awake. I feel awake for about 4 hours a day

haha ruined 2 of mine. on 55mg methadone now, reducing quickly and haven't used for about 4 months.

the reason i got addicted to opiates is because they gave me so much energy in a otherwise chronically tired life. feelsgoodman. heroin energy.

Which one are you on user?

Get tested for sleep apnea. I'm 21 and have it. I know wearing a breathing mask to sleep is a turn off to yourself and the sloots but trust me, after three months of wearing it i have so much more enrgy. I didnt wear it for the past month and life has been horrible, stopped getting up at 5AM, tired all the time, less focus, worse workouts, put on weight, you name it.

Drink more purified water.

This is not sleep apnea and not how you fix sleep apnea. Regardless of whether you breath through your nose your airway still gets blocked.

most importantly it kills gains and makes you fat

literally depression

My eyes look like this every day even though I sleep 7 to 8 hours a day
My sleep schedule is consistent.
What do?

>cardio everyday
>gym every 4-5 times a week
>1h30mins a day
Try resting for a few days.
Also you said "alright diet", are you sure you're eating enough? Are you eating all food groups? How diverse is your diet?

jack off more

Jack off less

Go to a sleep clinic. You might have sleep apnea or some shit.

Do you snore?

Usually ill jack off 3-5 times on one day, then I won't do it at a for a couple of days.

Is there any mold/water damage in your home? That stuff will fuck you up

it's okay you look dreamy

Why is modern life so fucking shitty

>hormones in the water fucking men and women up
>shitty food is cheaper than healthy food
>nobody can get enough sleep
>everyone is addicted to sugar and caffeine
I hate it. I'm really close to ending it lads

If a couple of days means 3, then you're overdoing it. I try to keep my fapping down to once every 3 days
Also reading your original post again, there might be something medically wrong with you like sleep apnea. There are no changes you could make to account for tiredness like this