>Had that dream about her blue eyes again
>It's been a year since she left already
How you holding up, Veeky Forums?
>Had that dream about her blue eyes again
>It's been a year since she left already
How you holding up, Veeky Forums?
My mental state just seems incredibly fucked.
Today I feel amazing but yesterday, fucking hell.
The only day I don't go to the gym and I just feel this insane blackness surrounding me, felt incredibly paranoid and depressed.
I kind of feel like phenibut is doing this but I don't know. I mean, I go to the gym 6 days a week, have a pretty good body and a great career but I feel really, really down a lot of the time, suicidal often. It's not normal for someone who works out that much.
How much do I need to lift before I get her back?
I have to see her everyday. It's like I'm being stabbed, I can't forget her seeing her beautiful face at all fucking hours.
Y'all All sound like my housemate.
Heartache fucking sucks but it's good for a few reasons.
A) you can't have happiness without sadness
B)you learn more than you ever expected
C)you cocoon mode a little and become a sick cunt.
In my eyes there's no way to overcome a heartache nice and quickly, and personally I wouldn't want to do that even if it was possible because it's always such a good learning curve.
One thing that always helped me get through it though, is think about it this way.
She was amazing and wonderful and beautiful and the best girl ever, and you pulled her BEFORE your weeks/months/years of self improvement. You may not have her yet but just imagine the quality of your next girl.....
I'd like to say it gets better but..
How much a I suppose to lift before I'm mentally strong enough to kms
I never wake up with any memory of my dreams, but I bet they are shit.
>God gave you a perfect girl who was a virgin and pretty conservative
>You drive her to leave you while being a cunt most of the time and trying to control her
>Says she can't forgive you after 2 years of our relationship and leaves
Now she's got multiple tattoos, fucked loads of guys and I still want her back.. Things will never be the same
If you end it then they win user. That's what I've told myself everytime the dark thoughts start to overwhelm me and I haven't slit my wrists yet.
>Protein in my shaker is at least 3 weeks old
Fuck lads I don't want to open it incase I die
It's not fair bros. What did we do to deserve this?
At least you've fucking experienced love before
I'm so fucking lonely that I fall in love with every attractive person I meet
Sometimes life just has to take a big shit all over you. If I didn't have the gym I might have killed myself from these last couple months.
Known gf 10 years, marraige plans etc...once drove 700 miles on whim to see her, wreck car hitting deer 3am, almost get hit by drunk driver going wrong way on highway same trip. Be told I have nothing to offer, never wants to see me again after mentioning we don't sex enough.
What I would give to go back and not swerve away from drunk driver. 70mph head on collision = peace
>decided no longer want to be fatty
>eating at deficit while working out
>always feel hungry even after 10 minutes of having eaten previously
How do I stop this?
It's much worse to have it and then lose it.
t. kv until 24
>I made the first move
>approached her
>she acts all passive aggressive at me
>I get the impression that she's not into me
>We kept actively avoiding each others
>Her friends laughed whenever I'm within 2 meters of her proximity
>we both kept spilling spaghetti
>and now my best friend said that he likes her
How do I unfuck myself out of this shit?
Why the fuck can i not leave this website???
You don't. Welcome to your new hell.
Does your friend know what happened? If not then tell him
>It's been 2 weeks since we split
>I haven't removed the pictures of us together
>talking to crush
>"oh haha I went on a date today"
Im not gonna make it am I fellas
Take the time to grieve. It will help you in the long run. I still have pictures of her on my phone but I look at them less and less often. I miss her a lot still but the pain is lessening.
That's brutal. Fuck this gay earth
He knows I got a big crush on her. I considered just giving up and letting him make his move, but I'm afraid a girl will wreck our friendship
hes a faggot then, ditch him
>skinny weak lowtest soyboys having gfs
Thanks dude I'm real fuckin sad atm
idk which day I am on nofap, maybe a week after relapse. Holy shit brehs,help me! I want to explode. I know I won't feel satisfied after I jerk off, but I want it so bad, I can't stop looking at women and fantasizing me being balls deep in them
>Constantly depressed
>Bad sleep
>Have to force myself to eat because my appetite is non existent
>Always insecure about my garbage gains, strong urge to take roids so I can finally get big
>Still an autistic sad fuck that didn't gain any confidence from 1 year of lifting
>Can't stop to think about my ex who I left 3 years ago
>Everytime I dream about her my whole day is ruined and I wake up wanting to kill myself
I just want to end it.
Are you me?
>full on cocoon mode
>havent interacted with friends/women in months except to tell them to fuck off or reassure them that im alive
>get back from my run
>black coffee and oatmeal
>find a free dating sim on steam
>decide to try it out
>going through the first stages, some girl says hi to me
>player auto responds "y-you too"
Boys ya gotta grow a bit harder
The wolf that wins is the one ya feed and all that
I know that feel bro. Took me literally 3 years to know that I am over my ex. After 3 years of still thinking about her I met her at some ex-highschool meeting after not seeing her for like 2 years (both went to the same school). Talked a few sentences to her. After that I knew I am over her.
It can take a long time brother. Don't give up. Pull through.
I tend to get insecure about my gains as well. Am I making any at all? How do I look? Just focus on your life, continue to work out, try to increase weight, improve your life. Go out, go for a walk, preferably in nature if possible. Start a diary. We are all going to make it. You are going to make it
I'm not really sure about cocoon mode. How does it help in improving yourself? I mean even if you are social, you can still work out a lot. Don't hide yourself from the world
Cocoon mode will just turn you into a good looking aspie.
she's destroyed herself too user, even if you got her back now she wouldn't be the same as before
You cannot stop it, but it does get easier the longer you don't give in (which is almost just as good). After a few months, it becomes as easy as making yourself brush your teeth.
Why are you friends with a fuccboi? If he breaks the bro code, do what said.
...You know that cocoon mode is a meme, right, user?
She was all I've ever wanted.
I feel nothing but empty.
i went cocoon mode because the people I were with were influencing me negatively and i was picking up on bad habits, slacking in my work, i stopped going to the gym as much, and i ate like shit. i decided to change it by cutting contact with 90% of people, except for close friends who i know I can trust and family members. essentially i realized the direction i was going lead nowhere and I need time to revamp myself and figure out what the fuck i want without a crowd of people trying to peer pressure me into doing dumb shit, tho I guess its not complete cocoon mode since ill go to parties every few weeks to socialize and make sure i dont become a complete tard
I have the same problem, I tried intermittent fasting and that kinda helps, the best thing is to drink water when I crave food
It never gets better user. But it does get easier. Everyday it gets a little easier
How about you lift enough to attract a better one. Oneitis is harder to lift than your PRs. Lift for yourself and learn patience, the results come naturally IF you improve yourself.
I'm so fucking depressed and my appetite has disappeared immediately. I need to bulk and I'm severely underweight (5'9 m, about 48kg)
It doesn't help that I have no motivation to cook for myself either.
How the fuck do I eat?
>pic related
Buy cheap discounter waffles. They have lots of calories and taste good.
I'm mentally in the shits too and can't bring myself to cooking but I stay alive with cheese, waffles, some fruit and lots of workout.
Eat man eat!
Or drink your calories
I share a similar feel
>Fall head over heels for perfect girl, attractive conservative, smart.
>My mate of many years is also is in love with her
>We're both fairly close to her, spend a lot of time "as friends"
>I go on a date with her
>She confesses her attraction
>Progressing well
>Tensions building with mate
>Mate is legitimately a near suicidal alcoholic
>Some friends accuse me of stealing my mates girl (wtf)
>He's in tears every night, drinking heavy
>Absolutely crazy for this girl but make the choice I feel I had to make
>Completely cut contact with her
>Date one of her friends briefly
>Cut contact with mate and all related friends for a while whilst I figure myself out
>Meet up with them on new years eve
>Mate and perfect girl are together
>Shes aged a decade, drinks like a fish and smokes like a chimney, feminist.
3 years later, Great job, good fitness and I've been with a new GF for a year years and STILL I want her and can't stop looking back nearly every day.
Still reasonable friends with the mate.
>got the cute girl's number yesterday
>finished my paper
So that's really exciting, but:
>was too tired/sick feeling to lift yesterday
>throat is sore this morning from drainage
>have to visit parents this weekend
Idk if I'll be able to get a date or workout this week. JUST
>heading to class in uni
>run into a qt 6/10 girl that I haven't talked to since orientation week
>talk about classes, exams, etc
>conversation is ending
>she looks me in my eyes, smiling heavily
>"we should really hang out more user!"
>"heh, y-yeah"
>walk away
How the fuck do I learn to hold all this spaghetti?
Meet up with her. There is no shame in telling her that you are nervous. Rather tell her than sperg around
>(5'9 m, about 48kg)
I am the same height 50kg and also depressed. Stay strong skellybro. Take solace in the fact that if we keep eatan and liftan then we will look like gods and our confidence and depression will be cured. Eat simple meals that have a lot of calories. We're all gonna make it.
>Meet up with her
I didn't take her number and it's the first time I've seen her since orientation. I literally said yeah and walked away. If I see her again I can tell her I'm nervous but then I'll look like a beta bitch (which I am) and then she won't want to hang out with me
I just made a meal plan, and I'm going to fucking do this.
We're all going to make it.
gf broke up with me on Monday. One day before my birthday.
I feel like I can't go on. She said she isn't strong enough to maintain our relationship, because of her depression.
I couldn't do anything to change her mind.
Anons, I'm a broken man now. I want her back so badly.
not well m8. Been a week and it still hurts not waking up next to her. Maybe in a month thjngs will be better,
Good job friend. Best of luck
remember how much you hate the loss of progress just to satisfy a temporary feeling.
Hundreds of hours reset to 0 when you relapse. Total waste.
I lost her six months ago.
Broke my heart. I loved her so goddamn much.
>tfw she came back begging for me a month ago and I took her back, but only to fuck her once more and then dump her again, but by the time I started to initiate the break-up conversation I couldn't bear to make it final when she cried and begged me not to, so now I'm somewhat enjoying the power I have over her now while simply postponing the breakup just a little longer even though with every day that passes I fall deeper in love with her still and the barriers that kept her out emotionally are starting to crumble down and I'm seeing that the universe is not without a sense of karma as my revenge plan is turning out to be nothing less than an emotional suicide.
Anyone know this feel?
hey friendo, my GF broke up with me 2 days ago. I hope things get better for us.
If you're not a dyel and look half decent and she's truly a 6, I wouldn't be too worried about holding in your spaghetti.
3,5 years we were together. How can you just stop loving someone and get with another guy?
user, what do you do to stop thinking about her?
I want to text her so badly, but I know I shouldn't do this.
Same thing here, 3,5 years. Broke up with me because of small shit she didn't wanna work on so I guessed she just stopped loving me, but that didn't stop here from crying in my arms throughout the whole breakup because she didn't want to be without me.
Since we parted on good terms, we tried to be just friends.
Didn't take a month before she had another guy she tried to hide from me, despite having agreed to let me know.
Fucking Bitch. I still love her, but I won't be getting cucked like that so I cut all contact.
I'm a dyel and a 5. I'll try though. Thanks for the advice.
No, and I'm very glad I dont
you are my hero
I am six months in and I am 90% sure she ll be back in a couple of weeks.
please tell me your exit strategy
Been about 5 months, started lifting shortly after it happened. Noticed recently she unblocked me on everything, though hasn't made contact yet. Also noticed the fag she left me for already dumped her. Pretty satisfying, while she's alone she's miring the pics of me looking better than I ever have in my life and my new gf who's significantly hotter than her. Though I still miss her, it feels fukken good man.
Ah mate I wish I could help, but shes always on my mind. The only times I feel better are when I'm distracted, like with work or vidya
Leg day tomorrow followed by binge watching Taboo and cuddling with hobbit gf. feelsgud
Sorta. When my ex and I were back in town on college break she tried to kiss me after we finished catching up.
I'll never forget it, she looked at me with her big eyes and it felt like every part of my body wanted to close in (she already was leaning in) but I said "welp cya" and left. Came out a stronger man bc of it.
Resist them user. If I can do it you can too.
>3,5 years we were together. How can you just stop loving someone and get with another guy?
Could be worse
I know a guy who got dumped after 10 years. They were in a solid relationship, she just got bored. He was absolutely devastated and she was almost laughing about it when she told me, I didn't even know her well we only met for a group assignment for Uni.
Started fucking a different guy a month later. Imagine how harsh that is on a dude who was so committed to a relationship.
Same here bros, girlfriend of three years cheated on me 2 weeks ago with one of her friends from class. Told me she just stopped loving me a few months ago and was "working through it". Got drunk on a Friday night, stopped messaging me all night, and I had to wait for her to come home at 8:30am the next day. Then she tells me she's gone out to dinner with this guy before but told me she was getting food with one of her girlfriends instead. Did I mention we live together?
She begged for me to move in with her, told me she loved me more than anything else in the world. She would look in my eyes in the morning and night and tell me that she is mine for all of eternity. I asked her if we would grow old together and she said of course. She told me she wanted to die in my arms. Why the fuck would she do something like that instead of just telling me she was having issues at first? We could have taken it more slowly and worked through the issues.
It's not too bad anymore honestly, I've gotten in the groove of self-improvement and am feeling much better.
Jesus christ, 10 fucking years down the drain. I thought I had it bad with 3 years, but that is absolutely brutal. How do you even come back from that? How do you even avoid something like that?
>its another gf dream
Why couldn't I just stay asleep lads
I only spent 5 months with her, both our first time together, She was all I wanted in a girl and she was very clingy to me, all eyes on me. She's the one who made the first move. She shared with me what she went throught when her mother died of illness, she cried all her tears on me shoulder, wanted to be with me, that I went with her to canada.
Then she leaves (one week before her birthday, you don't even know what I was planning for that) for another guy form her class.
What scared me the most was her total devotion to this new guy, like I existed no more (She knew his routine, hobby, when she didn't care for mine).
She said harsh things to me, making me takes all the blame, that I was never here for her (for information she was studying in a different town and always made me went after her family and friends during week-end when she was in town), commenting on my height and weight, saying she feared of missing to live something with this guy because she was alway with him during classes and how she felt angry being with me and not him. She even told me how she would confess to him (the day, the place)
It"s been 5 month since, and I still think about her and how she hurted me. I lost 25 pounds because I was feeling insecure and started working on my social skills. People open up more to me now, and I have very deep discussion which I love to have. Girls started to say I'm sexy and interesting.
Truth is, there is very fickle people in this world and they will hurt you. Good then, you got hurt because you're a dedicated person and they are not and they will never be. You're dedicated to be alive, to love, to her, to other people, to lift, to improve yourself. You're better than those people because you care.
>Used to be autistic shut in
>Was never ugly but never made an effort
>Going gym now, grooming myself, getting nice clothes
>Have literally no game due to autistic teens
>Everyone wonders how I have no gf or bitches
Even when I can bullshit them I end up pussying out because I don't know how to lay pipe
I have no idea how you come back from that, or even how it gets to that. Hes a doctor who deals with child cancer. Literally the gold standard for morale high-ground and successful career. So yeah, I hope this other perspective makes you get over your loss easier. Even as a great guy you get fucked in relationships.
Pfff its been 3 years for me. She fucked me up so badly I havent been interested in relationships at all anymore. Been single ever since. While before that I loved dating and was pretty decent with girls
Some girls can fuck you up good
>You're better than those people because you care.
Thanks user, that helped. I hope I find a passionate girl that cares too.
Jesus Christ, my heart is with the guy. This actually brought a tear to my eye. Regardless of anything, there's always a chance for heartbreak. The question I've been asking myself, is love worth it? And even after being hurt so bad I have to say yes. Love is always worth the risk.
Please kill me
Dated for some time.
> Hey user, why dont you take me to your lil bro's graduation ?
My whole family will be there, might be kind of awkward ?
> Nah, I love formal events.
> Brought her as my date, introduced her to my whole family, everyone was nice and nothing awkward, we even danced and she genuinely seems had a good night
> Went to drop her at her place.
> user, I dont want to hurt you and am not ready for a relationship
> ...
Havent spoke to her since March, guess she aint coming back either.
> Miss her once in awhile and havent been emotionaly connected with anybody since then...
fuck man...
Buy a blender and use whole milk and peanut butter and protein powder
it absolutely is not worth it, wait for it to happen a few more times and you will realize this
Man, my ex said the same thing. She isn't really ready for a relationship. Left me one day before my birthday.
But what if it doesn't happen the next time? What if I attract an actually amazing girl? There's always a chance for that to happen.
This is my biggest issue right now. I have been in 2 long-term, dedicated relationships in my life. 3.5 years and 5 years. I loved them both to death. But in both cases they left me out of the blue. One day I thought everything was fine and the other they just leave. No talking, no giving it another chance, just leave and never be heard of ever again.
The first time was hard enough but I was still a teenager so after a while I was fine. But the second time, the 5 year relationship, I was ready to marry her and be with her for the rest of my life. We had the deepest bond I ever had with a person, because we went through so much shit together. Her mother dying from cancer and my own health issues, we fought it together. Yet despite us having such a deep bond that is hard to come by, she just up and left me, again, out of the blue. No warnings, no second chances, nothing.
Im not sure how to ever get over this. Its been 2 years, and while Im mostly over her as a person, I cant bring myself to love anybody again. It at feels pointless knowing that, whatever you build up slowly for years and years can simply dissapear in a heartbeat.
I really do not know how to move on from this
your obviously very young, god speed user
I'm very sorry user. Just know that we're here for you and we love you, wathever little comfort it can give you (no homo)
The same thing, I was with her for 6 years but she told me that she loves me but isnt in love with me, fuck I'm broken now.
nothing happens to any man which he is not formed by nature to bear
you will be alright user, we all will
This means alot to me. Thanks user.
But man, you will one day lose everything. So you're saying it's better not to have anything just so at the end you have lost less even though you gained less too?
Are you sure you want that shitty person that in 1 year went from "perfect in your eyes" to a raging feminist that has taken on shitty habits of your mate (suicidal, alcoholic, smoking etc.)?
>lift for 2 years
>make zero progress apart from the first three months despite diet being in check
>have symptoms that could be caused by anemia, low test, vitamin D deficiency, or hypothyroidism
>get bloodtest
>values are all very close to the lower values of a "normal" range but not low enough to warrant any concern for a doctor
Being a geneticslet sucks.
Leave for BCT on Monday. Ready to get out of the small town I've grown up in, and have so many bad memories in.