Does being Veeky Forums automatically make you a d-bag/jerk? Society sure makes it seem thay way
Does being Veeky Forums automatically make you a d-bag/jerk? Society sure makes it seem thay way
I embrace my dickishness.
Does being OP automatically make you a faggot? Veeky Forums sure makes it seem that way
>Woman: It's all the men's fault!
Some things never change.
>Use the combined forces of schools, media, law to simultaneous try to demonize masculinity and at the same time have men beaten down and pinned into their gender role
>let women entirely off of the hook in regards to any expectations as to their behavior as "women", they only really have to participate in society in their role if they please
>Be surprised when men eventually just check the fuck out of society and its expectations
Tbh I don't think anybody is really surprised, this shit was orchestrated, there is no way they didn't see this shit coming.
Yea or maybe its because a women has the power to literally ruin your life now.
Better to be safe than sorry.
It's really entertaining because they've orchestrated it so 80% of women consider themselves worthy of the top 20% of men with zero social pressures to settle. It's just mathematically not possible to win in such a game.
Find me one "childish" adult male (read: he plays video games) who did not want to commit to a gf when he was in high school or college.
Find me one who had a gf in high school or college
I got my gf in 2nd year, play video games most days for a little bit.
Women are having kids later in life because feminism and business interests have all conspired to make women into a debtslave race o business and government dependent breeding sows.
Those bitches are having children in life later because they goddamned well chose too.
It's women's fault that they decided not to have children. Women's movement that tells them to wait till they're knocking on the door of infertility and relative youth and good looks.
Not mens' fault for not wanting to be RAPED, which is essentially what lying to have a child against a man's wishes is, and forced to have children they aren't ready for or want.
Take that shit and fucking shove it.
>all conspired to make women into a debtslave race o business and government dependent breeding sows.
Which is the exact thing that gets them wet, yet they fight against it to make exactly that happen?
Fuck I wish I could just turn gay.
id be your bf user
video games are for children
says who?
Truely, my greatest sadness in life is being 100% hetero. Oh well.
can no booty tempt this man?
>walk around town dressed normally
>no mires from women
>walk around town in my Stanford engineering shirt
>every other woman with the wall looming tries to make idle conversation with me
>some* Adults
fixed that for ya.
t. child
Calling fit people douchebags is just how normies cope.
I stopped caring about getting girls
If I have a chance I’ll try to get a number but I’m done stressing about it
I’ll play vidya, do homework, and I’m thinking about buying some weed to just live the bro life
I’m done being a fucking nerd who watches anime and gets perfect grades all the time with no fun in life