>tfw dad asks you to get a burger
>no thanks dad
>are you sure?
>okay fine
>tfw dad asks you to get a burger
>no thanks dad
>are you sure?
>okay fine
Try to make it fit into your macros bruddeh.
I try to not let dieting keep me from enjoying the occasional extra meal but if you'd like to that's of course your prerogative.
You counting your calorie intake?
>eat burger at schools dining hall
>bite into something hard and then chewy in the meat, tastes gross and makes me gag
>dont finish the burger, havent had one from there since
how do I get over this? the burgers are delicious otherwise. also what was it? what are the odds itll happen again? also check dubs
>being so autistic that you don't enjoy life so that you can look good in mirrors
He was testing your willpower.
And you failed.
You failed him, your grandfather, your grandfather's father..Basically you failed your whole line of ancestry right there and then.
I hope you take this into account the next time you succumb to your urges
Beef cartilage, slipped through in whatever cuts they ground to make the patties probably.
I'd say just go have one, it's not that likely to happen but it won't kill you if you do eat some.
Just careless butchery, happens sometimes.
>can't enjoy life if you're not stuffing a burger down your throat
>tfw dad swongs by your place with some of his leftover chili
>gf got pizza
>fuck it ill eat it
>didnt eat the day after to make up for it
proud of myself there.
>tfw wish dad was still alive
Not them but
Virgin: Hedonist
Also-Virgin: Autistic Purist
Bruce: Enjoy in moderation you pooftah
So what, just eat less food later you fucking aspie
Actually it's about sharing something with your father. Spending time with family should be a top priority, and eating together is one of the most common ways to do so.
read some vegan propaganda thread here earlier and got scared it was prions/ nerve tissue or some chit that would contract mad cow disease
pretty spooky desu
>implying you're sharing your burger
You're not even sharing your large fries, fatty.
>Not IF high fat low carb leanbulk for godly insulin response
Feelin just embarrassed for you, brother.
>doing IF and not carbmaxxing
idiot, it's like natty dbol
>lifting on low carb diet
enjoy your nopump and noenergy gains
Lmao, yeah nah I apprenticed as a butcher under my grandfather and have had to grind hundreds of pounds of meat some weeks.
You get distracted and shit happens, had to give a refund for it once on like 5 pounds of ground chuck and almost got the belt right there in the store.
Cartilidge doesn't taste gross at all, let alone enough to make you gag.
>Postprandial spikes like a mother fucker when I just shovel down a bunch of carbs
I'm not doing keto or anything, I still get carbs just like 15%-20% instead of 50 or 60 and mostly from vegetables because that fiber.
Feel fine so far, pumps look good, energy is high but never had fatigue issues before so take from that what you will.
Texture overwhelms a lot of people, beef prions are a meme, I've handled a lot of meat in my day you fruit and have never had a cut with BSE.
>shitty mental fortitude
>cutting during winter
Could be southern hemi
unless you actually have betus you should legit eat like a whole fucking bag of potatoes covered in fat after fasted training. Jock diet = HIGH CARB
kek based grandpa
alright thx for reassuring me user
I swear first year Veeky Forumsizens always try hard to make themselves stand out
You do you my guy, I'm willing to take your advice if you show me a pic of that hot bod, I've read into it a lot but I'm willing to do more research if you're getting good results.
I don't even lift anymore and am like 20% body fat, but carb loading is a pretty damn well known concept and goes together really well with IF.
I'm coming at this from an athletic perspective though, which basically DEMANDS high carb.
I turned out alright so I think he did a good job.
People should really hit their kids more often.
I got the message with the belt a few times, saw my grandpa knock over the mexican stocker with a paddle strop once though, might have been over the line in retrospect lmao.
Yeah I'm familiar with carb loading, used to be a student athlete and did it a lot, I get really bad bloat from it though, honestly might check and see if I'm IR or something because it's fucking with me.
frat as fuck desu
This, just fit the calories into your weekly allotted amount. You might be off on your macros, but that's the price you pay for some time with your dad. If your dad is one that like to eat with you a lot, begin introducing some Veeky Forums approved meals. Who knows, maybe he'll begin to like it.
Frat full of butchers might be cool, never run out of shit to barbecue at least.
They crack down on that shit now though on my former campus after some kid died during some hazing ritual.
Anything involving physical contact, alcohol of any sort, all good way to get your frat suspended potentially indefinitely.
Phi Gamma Delta got a 4 year ban for yelling some shit at some women's march protesters on campus.
Eat anything, check singles
Fucking looser.
Love you dad and my si n g l e s noob
>thats the price you pay for some time with your dad
This. Gotta cherish those moments; even the smallest ones. Even if it throws you off one day; time with your pops is worth missing one day of cutting.
Having a good relationship with your dad is more important than maximizing your physical potential.
Lifting is a cup of tea. Each choice you make is a grain. Good choices are grains of sugar, bad choices are grains of salt. A grain or two of salt won't fuck up your tea. There is no hard cut point where it's bad tea. But the tea gets worse and worse as you make more and more excuses for bad choices.
So you can save a grain or two of salt from going in your lifting tea, at the cost of a lump of salt in your family relationships tea.
>Barrel of wine
>Drop of shit
Yea, your analogies only work when you want to prove nothing
God that looks so fucking comfy hnnnnnggggg
Wish I could just make enough money to live comfortably and then move somewhere like this and chill for the rest of my days
wow i wish my problems involved my father offering me food