20+ Dead Hang Pullups

How can I get past my plateau of 15 pullups?

Do 5 more pullups


My plateau is also 15. if i push for more ill sacrifice my rotator cuffs. Live with it. Or lose weight

Do multiple sets and work towards less rest, use a chair, do negatives.


Will losing weight actually help immediately?

do weighted pull ups

If you do it slow, yes

take some methamphetamine, instant progress.

In theory, won't I be proportionately weaker as I slim down?

For me greasing the groove and adding/increasing weight seemed to work

That's why he said slow. If you cut correctly you won't lose much muscle. Therefore, less for your body to lift

Do 7 pullups every day, multiple times in the day.

You will become weaker as you lose weight (very likely), the faster you do it the more strength you'll lose. As long as you don't go too fast and keep training pull ups frequently numbers will go up.

Weighted Pullups.

While were on it, how do I increase my pushups for the apft. I usually just do weighted dips and when a pt test is near i grease the groove doing reps of 20 or 25 throughout the day.

Do you even take a rest day when greasing the groove? Not sure if an additional 100-150 pushups a day with no rest will affect my gym sessions

Also, do the pull ups slowly, it uses the muscles in a different way and can increase strength quite quickly.

Do you do diamond pushup? If not, I definitely recommend doing them for a stronger chest.

Warm up with 2 or 3 sets of 5.

Train weighted and assisted to change rep range.

Also, do a set an hour for a week during the workday. Mad gains for anything like pushups or pull ups.

kick your feet our and send a wave of strength up to your arms, propelling yourself over the bar.

I've been stuck on 16 for a couple months now. Been doing the Armstrong program but haven't improved. I've heard negatives help

Do assisted pull ups most gyms have a machine for that. Its the most underrated peice of equipment