> women are socially conditioned and peer pressured to be submissive and generally not asserative
> they already expect regular mediocre men to make the first move 99/100 times
> you go to the gym, take care of diet religiously, hopefully try to dress well and have a decent haircut
> you're already better than 90% of all guys after a year or two of lifting
> they see you
> buff, quiet and well groomed
> in her mind, cannot possibly talk to you first. literally not allowed.
> realize "chads" are really just like you but don't worry about what others think so they talk a lot. literally try to have conversations with 10 random people every hour.
> realize why skinny ass dudes with no dress sense or even own a decent cologne get pussy is because they talk a lot
> finally, realize that you need to talk more. to everyone. about anything and everything you can.
i propose a solution that has been working very well for me. go out into the world, preferably a bigger city and walk around and talk to people.
it's that simple, start with small talk with older people, that's the easiest. then move on to younger and younger people about stupid shit. talk about how nice/shitty the weather is. talk about how you like their jacket and where they got it (even if you don't) or ask someone where they got their haircut and YOU try to keep the conversation afloat. connecting with random people on random shit helps you to be a cool person.
some people won't want to talk to you, that's fine. some people will think you're weird, don't worry about it. you might get into a weird/awkward situation and that's fine! try your best to maneuver around it.
after the 1st time you do this for a few hours, you'll be fucking exhausted. next time you find some time to do this, youll be tired. eventually, you'll be talking about everything to everyone and it'll be completely normal. now i do this shit all the time, everyone in my apartments knows me.
try it !