I fucked up Veeky Forums

i fucked up Veeky Forums

i've been chasing a 2plate bench. I went for 215, and it went smooth. I loaded the two plates, lowered the bar to my chest, and it felt like a muscle spasm in my outer pec, right where my armpit meets my chest. not my rotator cuff. alot of popping, i did a roll of shame. there isn't much pain but some discomfort, it feels swollen. no discoloration yet but that might change. i popped some ibuprofen and am icing it right now. how fucked am i? pic related

yikes, always afraid of my body bugging out randomly like that. Was attempting an incline bench pr when my leg just started cramping so bad I could barely stand it.

did you have safety pins or did you roll it onto/off your bare chest? just curious. get better OP

I benched 225 for 36 reps today

rolled it off. is it a tear or just a strain? i'm worried as fuck right now, I really wanted that two plate bench... now i'm afraid i won't be benching for a while... there isn't pain tho... thats positive right

idk shit about physiology bro dont ask me

pretty cool how you just rolled it off though

probably a strain desu.

I have issues in that area all the fucking time and i rep lmao 3pl8 for 12

You're fine, if there is no pain then it is a strain at worse. Give it a few days and try again.

what should i do ? any advice?

If it's a tear, it'll bleed tomorrow, and more every day for a good few weeks.
If it doesn't bleed it's just a strain. Take it easy for 1-2 weeks and dont max out for a while.

depending on how bad it is, skip chest days or go lighter, more reps for about a week or two, take 1g of ibuprofen a day and drink lots of water

also care on pulldowns/pullups etc. can stretch the strain and further irritate it

thanks bros

does it feel deeper than your outer pec?

probably an issue with your pec minor if its deep (harder to see)

probably a tendon/insertion strain of pec major otherwise and if you cant see a tear or anything you should just take it easy for a week or so... tendons and ligaments take longer to heal than muscle so just chill with it

Most likely a sprain. Happened to me a few days ago putting some dumbbells down after pressing them. I got lazy and just put my arms to the side and let go. When I stretched my right arm to drop it I felt the spasm in the same spot. It'll go away

I understand wanting to chase and hit that 225, but you don't need to go heavy to make progress friend. I got my bench from 185 to 250 mainly doing bench in the 125-160 rep range
I never had more than 175 during that time.
Especially if you got an injury, i'd let the muscle build up so they can handle it. It'd be a shame to get an injury this early. Once you tear a pec you're more likely to re-tear.
Be careful and smart user. You'll get 225 in no time.

if i push at my chest through my armpit I feel it. the outermost part of my chest. i think its a ligament strain

No idea. You'll need to do some movement testing to see what exactly you fucked up. Find a mirror and check if your ROM is compromised anywhere. Pain, limited movement, etc.

none of that. just weakness and sore feeling. feels swollen but doesn't look it


>roll of shame
>not using bumpers

i know. my gym has power benches with racks, and i am a moron so just used a reg. bench

the ability to fail without a spotter and not look retarded is just a bonus
the main reason i started doing bench this way was because i was scared of the minute possibility that i would pass out and let the bar drop on my neck and die

>160 reps

Oh my god


don't fuck your shit up. take a few days. test it with LIGHT weight. not even bench but things that your shoulders and chest and see and listen to your body. if ANYTHING is off see a doc if you can. if you can't, you gotta go full mechanic and figure out what ligament or muscle you fugged and rehab it yourself.

how long should i take off