How would you cope with losing all your gains?

How would you cope with losing all your gains?

Mad respect for this dude, whoever he is.

I did. 2015 got into weed and pussy. Became ultra skinny fag. Now thanks to sort yourself out meme man Im becoming tank mode again.

I'm not that emotionally invested into it.


Cry. A lot. All the time.

I started out as a skelly, I don't want to go back.

I thought he died in the accident, no?

Died of cancer unfortunately

No just in a wheel chair now

His name is Marco Pietrowski

Comparing yourself to past you (after learning any relevant lessons) is no more productive than comparing yourself to others.

fuck that the feels are too much

i want to hang out with him just to try and uplift his spirits

these pictures, feels good

Depends what happened. An injury like that? I'd live with it and adapt. If I just magically woke up one day as a dyel? I'd be pretty fucking mad


>If I just magically woke up one day as a dyel? I'd be pretty fucking mad

He found another cutie and is a director at some company now according to facebook.

facebook then dot then com/marco.pietrowski

Chad can literally never lose.

I wouldn't have to feel guilty about skipping leg day anymore.

She's already fantasizing about the miles of guilt-free dick she's going to take when he passes.

never change Veeky Forums. He probably deserved it

Fake muscles = fake girlfriend.
When the fake muscles vanish, so does the fake gf

>Taking it one day at a time. >#BLADDERINFECTION #WEEK3

think about this the next time you "lift for girls"

a dyel isn't a skinnyfat or skellington

Hey ive got some OC for ye lads


fat-faced autistic version of leanardo dicaprio

How come 90% of women can't into makeup?

They seem like a nice couple.

Yeah they were. Its a shame the roids ravaged his colon. Stage 4 all up in in his business

this is just a reminder to make sure you pull the trigger while you still are capable.

My dads friend has MD, his wife has left him after actually abusing him for years, he has gotten bitter and cant even move his hands enough to hold a gun to blow his brains out. He has slowly turned into someone nobody wants to be around (who can blame him for his actions honestly) and stuck in a nursing home shitting himself and having to get his ass wiped... so if you are ever in that situation I want to remind you to save yourself and everyone the pain and suffering and end it while you are still capable.

Fuk this hits close to home. One of my best buddies from high school just earned his bachelors last spring. The uni is a well known party school and everyone chills in the river flowing through town. He was celebrating and dove into the river and broke his neck. Now he's paralyzed :/. This guy ran marathons and iron man's and had his whole life ahead of him.

Guys calm down. He's with another cutie or the same one that left him.

This picture is also proof that jawline is everything.

So I guess he took orals for years and never checked his blood?

Guess it's true any retard can get a bachelors

>marrying a cripple in a wheelchair
>long lasting, fulfilling and happy marriage

pick exactly one

>women marry a man for his personality and physical qualities
>women marry a man for his money and status

you pick one instead

Take a gander at the Lieutenant Dan's watch. He probably has spinners on his chair. Stacy is just waiting for him to kick the bucket so she can get the $$$

My brother could bench 365 before he hurt his back and became a family man. He hasn't really worked out in 10 years and can still rep out 225 while having decent sized arms. He's just got a little bellyfat now.

As long as you're natty and don't go paralyzed you'll maintain a bit of gains.

>tfw pic on the right is the same physique as mine except i have bigger pecs and shoulders...

i am skeleton.