Are Deadlifts as good as people say?

I have never done a Deadlift in my life

Are Deadlifts as good as people say?
What is so good about them?

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they get memed for and against here. virgin chinks deadlift all the fucking time but so do the strongest people around. they're good for building strength.

If you don't want to get injured either playing a sport or just doing outdoor tasks, add muscle mass to your posterior chain, and build overall body strength and awareness you should do some kind of deadlift. This applies to pretty much everybody.

I can't seem to do them right. Every time I try, I end up feeling pain in my lower back.

Yes they are good. Use lots of muscles. Develop good booty. Must not be done more than 2-3x per week to avoid CNS rape. Learn them properly as to not get injured. Don't get egotistical and go too heavy. That is all.

They feel really good

You feel like a beast after crushing your PR

I hate them. It's a meme lift, to compress your spine and turn you into a manlet. It's easier for people lower to the ground.

are you making sure the bar is stuck to your body at all points in the lift? dont try to lift the bar in front of you, it should be sliding up your shins then thighs

Squats are worse