Does losing weight make you more attractive /face/ wise?

Does losing weight make you more attractive /face/ wise?
>25% bodyfat masterrace

no shit mate

>tfw you go from 35+% bf down to 10%
Bitches be mirin until the clothes come off and the skin greets them, I can make a swift escape out of open windows with my flying squirrel skin if need be so no worries though

Depends how far you are but generally yeah.

Not always. Veeky Forums is retarded and likes to spout that if you lose weight you will be guaranteed to have a chiseled jawline. In reality 9 out of 10 times the person will look the same or just slightly better because most people don't have good, robust bones under the fat. If you are ugly at 25% bf, chances are you're ugly at 8% bf. Sorry to burst everyones bubble.

kid had it coming

Good I hate seeing pretentious ass fags thinking they are Gods fucking gift to the world.

>offer someone a job
>get killed for it

if this dude roided and trained neck and shaved his hair he would look much better than his fat self

>Making your face look better
Let me stop you right there