Lifting doesn't improve fighting performance

>lifting doesn't improve fighting performance

that spike-haired faggot is supposed to be a "professional fighter" and could barely do shit to this guy.

It's like saying running on a treadmill improves Parkour performance. Of course it does, but there are more factors involved than just how much you lift

>why do weight classes exist

gymrats aren't athletic we know

Had street fights, however, as soon as you come up against someone much bigger than you and they get hold of you, you're fucked

Although saying that, I knocked a a 6'6 cunt out in the pub, but, if that 300 pound fuck had gotten me to the ground, I'm more of less fucked

wow you are so cool

actually, literally, non figuratively you


When fighting a larger opponent, you want to punch them but swing your punch down as you land it on there jaw.

A hold doesn't mean you're fucked. Though yes, if someone twice your size gets you on the ground you've fucked up. Everyone has taken down guys bigger than them that have never had to fight in their lives because either they're intimidating or they hook someone and down them once because they were weak and stupid enough to fight someone huge.

what is it like to be both a manlet and a brainlet?