A place for discussing all things vegan ethics, politics & health
Meat consumption is ruining the environment. - Pollutes rivers - Forests cleared for livestock - Causes soil degradation - Feeding animals is massively inefficient - Major contributor to global warming.
The most common and well known argument is the argument from marginal cases. Loosely speaking, the argument contends that animals as sentient & intelligent as retards should have the same moral status
(Meatcucks please read the following before leaving a stupid comment)
Morality is relative - Science, logic, mathematics are all based on axioms that are not proven, what is different about morality and moral axioms? Think this argument through before arguing for it, it is not as simple as you think.
Meatcucks please realise the difference between normative ethics (what we ought to do) and descriptive ethics (what beliefs do people have). Normative ethics is what is being discussed with regards to veganism and morality.
e.g. - people should not eat animals for x reason (relevant normative claim) - people eat animals for y reason (irrelevant descriptive claim)
They are saying vegetarian, not vegan Vegetarian is litterally just the same fucking diet that the entire world eats. Lots of plants less meat. That's it.
Second, If it's only about eating less meat then it's actually less healthy then the average omni diet of most people on the planet. Because there is a fuckton of vegan shit out there that is in no way what so ever healthy to eat.
PS Most people have followed the guidelines of those dieticians and we now have more heart disease and diabetes and obesity problems now.
I think we should all be more concerned with basic healthy eating rather then trying to put money and power into the pockets of large vegetable food producers and lunatic fringe animal fuckers and murderers.
Adam Sullivan
>Most people have followed the guidelines of those dieticians
kek, you're joking right?
Justin Campbell
you have to read more than the title bro, it includes vegan diets
Michael Howard
>r/vegan You have to go back
Jordan Perez
Consumption of meat and animal fats and sugars is down Consumption of fruit and veg is up Consumption of salt is down as well
It's true.
Jacob Sanchez
you've been BTFOed brah
there is no coming back
Aiden Price
Lentils + rice can be precooked and keeps well in the fridge. Obviously more lentils less rice.
Baked beans with tomato sauce also keeps well.
Yellow Split Peas are probably the best legume taste-wise, you can just boil for an hour (salt pepper stock and garlic) and they will naturally turn into a puree which you can keep for days, microwave and add freskly chopped onion, olive oil and smoked red pepper, maybe a tomato on the side.
Legumes in general have a good balance of protein and carbs, so if you can cook for yourself you can get pretty good meals if you also pick a lower carb higher protein bread and just eat legumes with some bread every meal.
The main problem that comes up is that if you live with someone who eats meat, these aren't the best sides to meat so they won't want to eat them, so you will end up just having to cook for yourself or give up and have pasta/rice/potatoes every meal.
Luis Lewis
>It's true
>Consumption of meat and animal fats and sugars is down >down
A link to an article saying that they would have to heavily supplement their children to make that diet even remotely healthy and risk developmental disorders because they don't want to give them an egg or a piece of fish?
Adrian Murphy
I mean't animal fats is down and sugars is up.
No one uses animal fats. It's all cheap vegetable oils.
Eli Clark
by the scientific consensus that well planned vegan diets are healthy for all stages of life
Julian Allen
I don't get it? Is this weird looking faggot suppose to convince me vegan shills are right? He looks like Seth McFarlands retarded offspring.
Cameron Foster
If you want to stop eating meat just visit China.
The sight of a billion soulless manlets mechanically consuming all the life around them turned me vegetarian out of sheer disgust.
Wyatt Walker
Well planned = doing a piss poor job at imitating a basic omnivorous diet and according to most fucking child welfare services and people who actually have to fucking deal with the fall out of the bullshit you people peddle severe disorders and actual fucking death.
Charles Parker
It's good not to eat meat but you do not get the right vitamins because there is more vitamin in meat, especially poultry that is good because there is protein and not much calorie in. Therefore you should not eat vegetables without chicken in it because Vegetables are not protein
Carson Carter
lol why are you so triggered bro
Jason Jackson
>because there is more vitamin in meat
Vitamin Naruto?
Asher Green
>protein is a vitamin
potentially the most unintelligible post I've seen on Veeky Forums
Logan Young
I see no difference between this and religious fundamentalists forcing their ideologies on their children.
Benjamin Lewis
he just think cruelty is immoral brah
get help
Alexander Gonzalez
I agree and I am vegetarian. You should not indoctrinate young children into anything like this for many reasons, and they'll usually become twats
Mason Rivera
children are already indoctrinated into thinking killing animals is okay
Robert Robinson
>I literally can't read to save my life
Bentley Morales
Killing animals IS okay.
Lucas Williams
no child wants to kill an animal. Meatcucks brainwash them into it
Justin White
>Guaranteed replies
Elijah Morgan
guaranteed education
Ayden Young
Justin Ross
Vegans itt, I beg you, post body with timestamp. Show me the benefits a vegan diet has had on your physique.
David Rivera
Non vegan here This cannot possibly taste good, I categorise it as a scat tier fetish, it's the only way anyone would find this enjoyable.
Cooper Jones
thread is for vegans, not to impress homo meatcucks
post your own body if you want to turn people away from veganism
Jason Gonzalez
We can't even get the idiots who constantly shit spam DO YA SQUATS AND DEADS AND READ DA STICKY to post timestamped pics
We have gear heads doing it and that's it.
Nicholas Cooper
If I had a child, I would feed them a vegan diet at home but if they were with their friends and wanted to eat meat or something then I'm not going to stop them. Once they were old enough to buy their own food I wouldn't force any diet on them. I'd give them my reasons for following a vegan diet but the rest would be up to them.
Oliver Diaz
Why not vegetarian?
Ryan Lee
dairy products prevent you from absorbing iron efficiently. Milk is basically estrogen juice, so its not very good for making testo gains. Eggs are high in methionine, sulfur, cholesterol, saturated fat, estrogen and its disgusting. Cheese is probably the best thing to kill yourself.
Christopher Howard
dairy and beef are basically inseparable as industries. Eggs are cruel too
Jeremiah Cruz
>eggs are cruel >thousands of rodents, insects, invertebrates dying is OK but let me guess, you're pro-abortion
Daniel Ward
What about fish? Some "vegetarians" eat fish. Do you use products that are tested on animals?
Kayden Perry
hey OP are you the vegan pedo who babysits kids?
Isaiah Russell
fish is extremely high in metals such as mercury. I dont use any products that are tested on animals, i buy the ones with the v-label
Jack Moore
(((You))) are not vegan. (((You))) are a dumb TROLL.
EVERYONE is on to you. NO ONE believes you anymore. You eat meat likev everyone else. You're probably chowing down on pizza or a cheeseburger even as I write this.
Regardless of that, (((You))) very likely don't lift, at ALL, ever, and very likely never have been in a gym your entire life. (((You))) are most likely a fatass, vidya gayme-playing, Mountain Dew-swilling mountain of fat shit.
Additionally, (((You))) are a foreveralone permavirgin, are massively butthurt about it, and shitpost in places like this to distract yourself from your pathetic, useless existence for a few minutes, so you don't think about killing yourself. However (((You))) should just give in to that urge and DO EET, FAGGOT; become An Hero, it's really for the best (for us, that is). (((You))) are a waste of perfectly good oxygen. (((You))) will never amount to anything. (((You))) will never be loved, by anyone, anywhere, ever. (((You))) are a waste of space.
Henry Miller
>when you're so desperate for attention and validation that your make your diet your identity
Are vegans the most depressed and empty individuals on this planet, and dare say, in this universe?
Jonathan Wright
It's a form of self-flaggelation; they're massively guilty about something in their lives, so they're punishing themselves in one of the most self-destructive ways possible, claiming their self-imposed suffrage makes them noble somehow, cleansing them of their 'sins'. Of course that's complete bullshit, they're avoiding the truth, deeply denying what they've actually done wrong, and denying justice to whoever it is they've wronged. Pathetic, really.
Lucas Taylor
pure autism
Logan Harris
>so feminine that your daughter has more masculine features SOY O Y
Brody Reed
you wish you were that aesthetic kosher boi
Anthony Bennett
>consumption of meat and animal fats is down
No shit. Meat is too expensive for most so they go for fish. Animal fats are down because vegetable fats have replaced them as the primary cooking fat while butter and butter milk are inefficiently expensive for most dishes.
>consumption of sugar is down
Consumption of aspartame and other sweeteners increased.
>consumption of fruit and veg is up
Its not due to vegans. It's due to better information about diets and how 5 veg is best for people. You'll see that most of the fruit and veg increase will be sweet veg like carrots and fruits will be tomatoes anyway.
>consumption of salt is down
Only normal every day table salt. Again it's been replaced with fake salts that are worse for your body, just like sweeteners are.
You are correlating data with your ideals, not the facts.
Rising cost has made meat less palatable, not the vegan nonsense.
Consumption of plant matter is due to proper information, not due to change in overall diet structure.
The lower salt and sugar consumption is entirely due to it being replaced by filler products. It's like saying the cocoa consumption is down when they shove chocolate full of palm oil.