Meat eaters who hate vegans, why don't you become at least vegetarian?

Meat eaters who hate vegans, why don't you become at least vegetarian?
Not as good for the animals and the environment as full vegan
No bacon and steak, although the alternatives for bacon at least are not half bad
Still miles better for the animals and the environment than eating meat
Still get to eat high quality animal sources of protein like whey, eggs and quark
Still get to eat delicious fried eggs and pizza
Not socially inconvenient, you won't go crazy reading labels or asking details about a dish in restaurants and the houses of relatives, friends or coworkers. You still get to go out with friends and eat pizza, or eat ice cream with your gf without explaining yourself like an autist

So yeah, meat eaters of Veeky Forums, why aren't you vegetarian?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm an omnivore.

Me too, how is that a reason to not be vegetarian?

desu i dont give a shit about chickens

Because I like myself thus I can't value the life of a brainless animal over mine.

I just don’t like your pretentious attitude about being vegan
You think you deserve a noble peace prize for it

Can't argue with that
Noone is asking you to value their lives over yours, it's not a live or die scenario. It's a life or bacon scenario.
user, the only brainless animals are sponges and oysters.

That's not a reason to not be vegan or vegetarian, user, you can be vegan and be the most humble guy on earth

I enjoy fish, chicken, veal, rabbit, roo and the occasional steak.I see no reason to go vegetarian outside of feefees and I guess some people like making decisions based on that.

Of course I was not talking literally. The point is that I couldn't care less for the life of an inferior animal like a pig or a nigger.

Meat consumption is ruining the environment.
- Pollutes rivers
- Forests cleared for livestock
- Causes soil degradation
- Massive inefficiency to grow crops then feed them to animals
- Major contributor to global warming.

Wikipedia - Environmental impact of meat production


Vegan Health (meatcucks please read the following before leaving a stupid comment)

Vegan diet healthy for all stages of life

Vegan ethics

Animals and Ethics -

Most common and well known argument is the argument from marginal cases. Loosely speaking, the argument contends that animals as sentient & intelligent as retards should have the same moral status

(Meatcucks please read the following before leaving a stupid comment)

Ad Hominem - e.g. vegans are faggots

Strawman - e.g. vegans want white genocide

Appeal to nature - e.g. meat is natural and therefore ethical

Tu Quoque - e.g. vegans buy computers

Morality is relative - Science, logic, mathematics are all based on axioms that are not proven nor justified, what is different about morality and moral axioms? Think this argument through before arguing for it, it is not as simple as you think.

Also read the following

Moral Realism -

Earthlings -

Dominion (2018) Trailer -

You understand that a post like this doesn't generate meaningful conversation, right? If yes, why post it?

Why is it bad to eat meat from my neighbor who has a local meat production business where the animals lives good lives?
How is it worse for the environment to eat some local meat than to import fucking exotic foods from all around the world just to please the animals?

Not saying Vegans are good/bad but i just find it kind of lunatic to go out of your way that much just to avoid animal products at ALL COSTS.
I agree that the meat business in other parts of the world is disgusting and i wouldn't eat meat from the 3rd world or mass produced animal products but as long as you eat stuff that you can find in your country I don't think it's really bad.

Is this a meme or something?

I don't give a fuck about animals, that's why. I don't give a fuck about most people either so it's not a surprise.

I extensively experimented with vegetarianism for almost a whole year and all it did was give me health problems even though I did it entirely right according to everyone here and according to my own research. I even posted a summary of my findings here, and vegans came in posting that although I had new health problems that I did not have at baseline, the way to fix these health problems brought on by vegetarianism was to double down and do more vegetarianism. The problems went away within a few weeks of reintroducing fish and eggs to my diet.

So why am I not a vegetarian or vegan? Because I've empirically determined that it is harmful to my body.

If some retard tried to force vegetarianism on me again I would fucking stab them in self defense.

What health problems?

I don't have the full list with me, but it was stuff like gingivitis, low energy, thin and dry hair, low libido, not recovering from exercise even eating 200g protein plus sufficient calories/sleep.

The gingivitis is what really bothered me. I started eating near keto paleo again and that shit went away promptly. I used to have big flaming red gums and now a few months later it's entirely gone.

Did you see a doctor? Genuinely curious what can cause this many diseases, given the nutrients are the same.

By coincidence I actually am one.

The symptoms I got were consistent with hypothyroid.

The nutrients however are not the same. That's what most people do not get. The nutrients we /know about/ are the same, however food is more complex than we are aware of. This is why things such as Soylent are always going to be a pipe dream, only feasible when 100% of nutrition knowledge is achieved.

fuck the animals

for me to live something has to die every single day

get over yourself

Why not just go vegan and enjoy delicious gains?

>The nutrients however are not the same. That's what most people do not get. The nutrients we /know about/ are the same, however food is more complex than we are aware of.
What do you mean?
Semen is not a good source of protein.

I'm struggling to figure out how to explain that.

So in microbiology, you have to grow bacteria on plates to study them. The foundation of microbiology is the ability to culture an organism.This requires giving them an environment and giving them food to eat.

There are two main types of food for microbes: simple and complex media. Or something like that... it's been a while so I don't remember the exact terms.

The point is though that most microbes, we can make a liquid solution with known ingredients: X concentration of zinc, Y concentration of glucose, Z concentration of iron, etc. down the list of known raw ingredients.

There are other types of microbes though that science only has any idea how to grow if they put them on a mixture containing pig's blood, or blendered beef, or other things like that. In other words we do not /know/ what specific ingredient is letting the microbes grow, but we know it's in there somewhere in blood or beef or whatever and if we remove it the microbe dies.

This situation - where we do not know the exact ingredient responsible for the effect - is called I believe a complex medium or something like that.

That's the situation we are in with human nutrition. If you go on pubmed and search around, there are plenty of studies out there demonstrating odd effects from eating large amounts of this or that, leading to some pretty funny memes. For example, onion juice can hugely boost testosterone. Cinnamon fixes up your blood sugar. Garlic, turmeric, olive oil and red peppers all decrease inflammation in the body (measured with serum TNF-a, CRP and some iGF related thing). The issue is, in a huge amount of these studies, nobody has the foggiest clue what ingredient within the food causes the effect. It's a complex medium.


lel good argument bro


There is one study I can think of off the top of my head where they took a bunch of rats, fed them food pellets and water in a certain amount, then took a second group of rats and fed them /the exact same amount/ of the /same/ pellets but crushed them up into powder instead, and these rats became hugely obese despite eating the same amount of the same stuff, same calories and ingredients and everything.

When navigating the world of nutrition, the reality is we simply do not know everything and will never know everything. This is obvious to people who actually read the science and look at reality.

Vegans however typically have this "We know EXACTLY what is best because FUCKING SCIENCE! Checkmate Christians!!!" attitude about nutrition, as though they can cook up their own homemade Soylent with all vegan ingredients and achieve perfect health.

That'd be great, except in order to do that would require knowledge of nutrition that humanity simply does not have.

Instead, we have imperfect knowledge and we have to navigate from there.

Vegans however have really bad studies where they take 1000 healthy volunteers, randomize 500 of them into an all organic vegan diet with supplements, then randomize the other 500 to a diet of tendies and donuts, make them eat that way for 8 weeks and then compare their health.

Seriously, every pro vegan study I've seen has some glaring and awful bias in it, like putting red meat in with processed/cured meats without ever explaining why those should belong to the same group.

Basically they are retarded and cannot deal with the uncertainty that is a natural part of life. Their utopian ideals are like communism: poorly thought through and only work on paper, and then only if you cherrypick the information. If it fails anyway they will double down and say "you just didn't do enough of it."

>i know youre right and all arguments i make are easily countered

Links to some of those studies?

I could, I actually have to get up and go to work so it'll have to be later today.

I'll tell you though that the individual studies are not nearly as important as the underlying point of the eternal imperfection of our knowledge, that vegan utopianism is not possible, and the fact that we have to go from there and make the best of it.

If you just start asking yourselves, "wait, WHY do vegans assert X is best? What data led them to that conclusion?" and begin investigating it yourself, you will find a lot of good but also a lot of stuff that clearly is built out of their own confirmation bias, or a lot of assertions that are basically lay people drawing the wrong conclusion from the results of some study somewhere.

This. Meatcucks don't even realize how they prove us right every single day.

there's no reason to suspect that there's anything uniquely good about meat, only that there are things uniquely bad about it e.g. heme iron being carcinogenic

Peta routinely kills millions of animals
Think those food pigs will survive in the wilderness on their own?
Hell no.
They'd be killed then thrown into a furnace so no one can eat the meat. That's what the vegans and PETA type people would do.
Same for chickens
Same for cows

I hate meat eaters and vegans, your all annoying twats who think I care what you put in your mouth.
I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and chicken. A lot of meat is more expensive than I like.

are you retarded?

demand will slowly decrease until no more pigs are bred

>I hate meat eaters
>you're all annoying twats
>I eat chicken

Your brain cancer is showing, meatcuck.

Because vegans never want to "discuss". They want to force you to be vegan. You don't have a choice in it, or that's just how vegans would have it at least.

Because I don't hate myself and therefore won't deprive myself of steaks, bacon, pizza that doesn't suck and all the other meat based products that are amazing.

They'd be killed and turned into something akin to fertalizer, something that can be sold to regain some of the cost involved in raising them.
You think that if demand decreased farming corporations wouldn't start destroying the livestock to use the land for something more profitable?

>meatcucks triggered by facts

lel, didn't think they'd sink this low

This. They don't want to debate or discuss they believe themselves absolutely in the right to the point they won't consider other opinions, what they want is to convert people. They are basically zealots going out into the world with the goal of forcing people to join their cult.

I bet you're mad that your taxes go towards subsidizing the food types people want to actually eat.

because killing animals makes me feel powerful

>Use the land for something more profitable
>Land we give to animals is fertile land
>Meat is more profitable
City kids are always a funny bunch.

How about this instead, I'll keep eating meat and you keep not eating meat. Sound good?

>The environment
I don't live in a third world shithole where they can't figure out how to raise animals without destroying rainforest
>the animals
I do not give a fuck. I work in biotech and I hunt animals for sport. So going vegetarian would basically mean changing my entire life, for the sake of a barely sentient meat machine. Why WOULD I care?

People do not eat meat because MUH ANIMALS AND MUH ENVIRONMENT.
It is real world, fucking kek.

are you really this retarded? nobody is arguing that being vegan is not more healthy, most people wont ever switch because:
-its too difficult for them personally
-to spite you for being such massive faggots < most popular one
this is the fun part: you are right and you still lose.

>there's no reason to suspect that there's anything uniquely good about meat
Why? Because you don't like it?
>only that there are things uniquely bad about it e.g. heme iron being carcinogenic
It's not

He isn't though. Longevity, athletic performance, disease development all are not different between the two if the meat eater consumes enough fibre (no that doesn't mean 100g like some faggots here post) from his diet.

Actually pigs CAN survive on their own right off the farm, unlike cows or chickens. A real nusance in much of the country, I kill a dozen every year to keep them from destroying the oat patches

You forgot to name an actual reason to become a vegetarian.

take the test

Vegans are only healthier when you compare them to retarded ass normies

I regret making this piece of shit, it's being abused to no end

Kill yourself

I did, in the OP
>miles better for the animals and the environment than eating meat

Yes I know.
Wild pigs are a fucking menace.
Which is why they'll kill them off.

it's abundantly clear that heme iron is carcinogenic, and we even know how it works

'heme iron can catalyze endogenous formation of N-nitroso compounds, which are potent carcinogens.'

Nice try, meatcuck.

I know that I made this chart. You're just jelly that you cannot provide as good arguments for your retarded diet as me.

You actually have a point tho. Eggs have more protein than chicken and only less than tuna, cheese is also top tier protein, you can eat vegetarian without ever use protein powder or stuff like that.

I'm not a vegetarian, but the only meat I eat is chicken and fish. Maybe I become a vegetarian in a few years, like I said, you can eat normally and get the same gains someone who eats meat gets.

How many % steroids?
Steroids vegan?

Also cholesterine. Or you just throw away food?

Literally retarded, enjoy your fat.

I wonder if he knows that steroids aren't vegan.
Nah, of course not.
His veganism is a fucking marketing gimmick, he wouldn't give a fuck if they were pulled directly from the smashed corpses of babe the pig and kittens.

>An n=500 survey study with no controls for confounds
Also that mechanism is completely speculative you retarded fag

>Iron intake from all dietary sources was not significantly associated with risk of either cancer
And this was on an Amerifat turd of a diet

Justify this

The other guys in the thread can't tell which one of us is shitposting, and you have no reason to believe I made it, but you and me both know you didn't make it.

>le cholesterol and fat are bad even if you're lean meme

I eat Vegan 6 days a week and then that 1 day I will either go full Carnist or just go Vegetarian with dairy. Maybe if I ever get pussywhipped I'll change my tune towards another routine. I like treating animal products as a treat. It's really easy I dunno why there are fags that think they need to eat bacon every day.

>eating cheese for protein
>Not retarded
ok m8.

>I like treating products of rape and murder as a treat

You can live 6/7 of your life vegan. Why don't you just become full vegan?

Cottage cheese, tvarog?

As i said, you are retard. It isn't cheese. It is totally different dairy product.

Milk only causes acne in those who have shitskin tier lactose genes
I want to grow as much as a cow does
Milk is a good source of calcium
All industries are driven by money
All animal sex is rape
If the milk cows weren't eventually slaughtered, it would be a waste

Cottage cheese is not cheese interdasting.

>Milk only causes acne in those who have shitskin tier lactose genes

>I want to grow as much as a cow does
You think rape juice will help you with that?

>Milk is a good source of calcium
It isn't. Listen to some scientists, retard.

>All industries are driven by money
But only nonvegan industry is greedy >All animal sex is rape
>implying if I push my full arm inside you, it isn't rape

>ameritards naming things
No wonder.
It isn't cheese. And when you say - i will eat cheese for my protein, nobody will think about quark.

>Ameritard naming
Nah lad a fresh cheese is still a cheese the fact that it's also a curd doesn't invalidate it. You're being retarded. Unless you have a definition that invalidates it from being one.

Why is it that only like 5% of vegans remain vegan and for the other 95% its a phase they go through in their 20s? Its almost a certainty you'll be back to eating meat like a normal person.

Well it doesn't give ME acne. Nut milk, on the other hand, would fuck my shit up, as I'm alergic to tree nuts
Yeah, cow rape juice does help me with that
I am a scientist
Grains, sugar, starches, and alcohol are all vegan, you fucking moron
I didn't imply that at all you retard, I implied that it would be impossible for any animal species other than our own to continue to exist without rape, because no animal besides most adult humans can meet our definition of consent.

>you're lying
Another shitty vegan thread, still no pics of bodies with timestamps. If vegans are so healthy why are they unwilling to post themselves thereby showing the benefits of veganism on the body?

This post will get a 'meatcuck' reply yet no body pics with timestamps will be posted here or in any other vegan thread.

>I'm not lying
So if someone comes to your house RIGHT NOW and asks you to come with him so that he can eat you, will you happily oblige?

>Links to reddit
Thanks for confirming that you're a faggot.


>they don't belong to our group, homo sapiens
If a highly advanced alien race, as in advanced compared to us as we are to cows and pigs, came to earth and started breeding humans for consumption I would accept it. Would have to, because even if I didn't absolutely nothing I could say or do would change the situation. Now I'm going to eat some venison from a deer I personally slaughtered and there is nothing you can do about that either.

Why though? Give me a reason other than muh fee fees. Meat is a more efficient source of food energy in regards to calorie density.

cucking yourself to aliens

kek, meatcucks are pathetic

I would only go vegan if it was worse for the environment. Pretentious vegans are extremely annoying and make me want to undermine them. Going to cut the cats off my car to make up for some of the vegans.

We should make them wear a pink triangle patch over their hearts so we can identify them easier.

Shut the fuck up. I'm so tired of being disrespected on this goddamn website. All I wanted to do was post my opinion. MY OPINION. But no, you little bastards think it's "hilarious" to mock those with good opinions. My opinion. while not absolute, is definitely worth the respect to formulate an ACTUAL FUCKING RESPONSE AND NOT JUST A SHORT MEME OF A REPLY. I've been on this site for 6 months: 6 MONTHS and I have never felt this wronged. It boils me up that I could spend so much time thinking and putting effort into things while you shits sit around (probably jerking off to traps or whatever gay shit you like) and make fun of the intellectuals of this world. I've bored you? Good for fucking you. Literally no one cares that your little brain is to underdeveloped and rotted to comprehend my idea...MY GREAT GREAT IDEA. I could sit here all day whining, but I won't. I'm NOT a whiner. I'm a realist and an intellectual. I know when to call it quits and to leave the babybrains to themselves. I'm done with this goddamn site and you goddamn immature children. I have lived my life up until this point having to deal with memesters and idiots like you. I know how you work. I know that you all think you're "epik trolls" but you're not. You think you baited me? NAH. I've never taken any bait. This is my 100% real opinion divorced from anger. I'm calm, I'm serene. I LAUGH when people imply I'm intellectually low enough to take bait. I always choose to reply just to spite you. I won. I've always won. Losing is not in my skillset. So you're probably gonna reply "lol epik trolled" or "u mad bro" but once you've done that you've shown me I've won. I've tricked the trickster and conquered memery. I live everyday growing stronger to fight you plebs and low level trolls who are probably 11 (baby, you gotta be 18 to use Veeky Forums). But whatever, I digress. It's just fucking annoying that I'm never taken serious on this site, goddamn.

this vegan shit is the most obvious shilling yet, bravo guys

has this EVER worked?
I mean seriously, i tried your meme diet for about two months as part of a bet (didnt notice a change at all in mood or body) and i didnt see bitches swarming over me simply because im a vegan

if youre gonna use it as a selling point, make sure its true faggot

>meatcucks are pathetic

while you're a shitposting vegan on a Lithuanian cobbler forum using buzzword child words like cuck and kek. definitely won kid

First time seeing this pasta.

`Nobody is selling you anything. Please stop funding the systematic killing of animals


Dont know about other fellow brits that shop at aldi, but their meat is getting a bit weird, id normally get like 6 breasts in a packet, mince or diced beef and tuna steaks, i swear all the meat is becoming more and more smelly even though it looks fine and the date is well in. I remember once a tuna steak smelt like theyd caught and gutted the fish no more than a few hours ago, but now its like its been sat in a barrel for a week. Its definitely putting me off meat, i actually crave other animals products more though, eggs and cheese are the goat right now and packed full of fats that keep me stronk

Industry farmed meat is the problem, not the eating of meat itself...

I'll enjoy my 18 oz steak.

umad, kosher boi?

Good work user, many people get upset by this idea but that is because Americans and their culture encourages people to be emotionally attached to a position like a child.

If the entire earth went veggie one day a week it would reduce the suffering by 1/7 which would be huge. But faggots who build their entire identity around their diet will not accept that because they really just want to feel superior because they have no redeeming features.

The only difference between family scale farming and industrial farming is the aesthetics

>Still miles better for the animals and the environment than eating meat

What animals? If we all went vegetarian we would stop breeding them... They simply wouldn't be born.

Is that what you think is best for them?