Should overly revealing outfits be banned from gyms?
Should overly revealing outfits be banned from gyms?
They should be encouraged you faggot.
there is this 9.5/10 with a belly top, very short pants and a camel toe
Nah. If I could go shirtless in the gym I would. When you work hard it can get hot. There's nothing wrong with them wanting to alleviate that, and if I get to subtly enjoy the view while they do, I fail to find an issue with it. Granted, I've never been so distracted by thots at the gym that I can't get anything done.
Men (with the exception of me & my bros) should be banned from the gym
>no Greek style dress code no girls allowed gym in my area
Gymnasium derives from the ancient Greek term gymnos which means 'naked'. *tips fedora*
I won't be happy til women start wearing just nipple pasties and ultra sheer yoga pants/straight up VS thongs
no but women should
you're either a giant pussy or a fat chick
I have been doing cardio for the last five years so I can hide my nice body under this burka, i guess.
I won’t be happy until roasties are banned from the gym
whatever fag
>Not joining a male only gym
It's really distracting and if I wanted to see naked women there's porn or I could go to the strip club. It isn't like I get to fuck you just because you're wearing a revealing outfit.
I purposely wear slutty/revealing cloths to the gym so guys will take to me.
>tfw only roided out black guys hit on me/talk to me and everyone else just snaps pictures on their phones of me
btw you aren't stealthy about it. no one just awkwardly angles their phone at you for a few moments for no reason. if you like what you see why don't you come talk to me, you little bitch?
Post ass
Agreed. Show us what you're working with.
unless you live within 50 miles of me, no way
I'm only a slut to find a man, not just for the sake of being a slut
t. fat girl
but I thought Veeky Forums liked fa- err thicc girls?
I wish you were allowed to wear less clothes in the gym. I want to workout shirtless. And girls can workout in their fucking underwear for all I care. Free test boost
Dont lie to us, youre a trap arent you. Only traps are this cock thirsty
Bruh, this chica knows exactly what she's doing.
former weird goth girl.
I spent all of HS and college alone due to being an antisocial cunt
trying to change that now by being a wannabe stacy
it's mostly working, just for some reason normal white guys don't ever hit on me. just black guys, and for whatever reason, asains.
girl can't catch a break
This. Whenever I do calisthenics at home I'm usually down to only briefs, or at the very least I'm shirtless. If I could do that at the gym I'd be ecstatic.
>burns the coal
Hi roastie.
this, unless you're a hamplanet
free test boost + eye candy
I said hit on me
not smash me like the hulk
She's not even wearing underwear, that's a purposeful slut shot. Guys AND girls can both wear leggings when working out just fine. Go hire a hooker to lose your virginity, maybe then you won't be so easily distracted
So you were formerly a girl? (Male)
formerly a weird goth
what the fuck is it with guys and traps? do you all just want a bro you can dick down because he looks like a girl (sorta)?
>lying on the internet
I think my biggest problem is that a lot of the time when I hear about how a guy approaches a girl at the gym, or in public, she's always uncomfortable with it. It's very difficult to tell who's looking to be hit on from who's "still not asking for it" so I typically find it's just not worth the trouble.
This is now a SHITTED thread
Making her cover her skin in the gym won't stop her from being a Modern Woman aka a slut.
>>>> all these noobs falling for this obvious troll
It's obviously some neckbeard hitting all the triggers for you bitter , woman hating basement dwellers.akthough your willingness to fall for such an obvious troll should be a red flag for yourselves, you're trying too hard to find reasons to hate half the world's population
That means you're fat and/or ugly
t. Former fat chick who used to only get hit on by blacks and Mexicans.
If losing weight doesn't help, then you're just ugly
This, girls can be fucked up and if you talk to the wrong one you might get kicked out for 'harrassment'. Fuck that, I aint fucking around with my gym, gym is sacred
>I'm only a slut to find a man
every time
I intentionally ignore gym hoes. If you’re dressed like you’re about to shoot a porn scene I KNOW why you’re there. Looking for attention to feed your insecurities. For that reason I pay you no attention. Besides I go to lift and hit gains not to store mental images for fap material. There are far better ways to pick up women than catering to the gym ho looking for an ego stroke.
bitch im in the gym to feed my muscles not your ego. gym hoes need to be ignored, literal gains goblins
Why can't you get to know them as a friend before sleazing out all over them? That's the shit that makes you creepy AF.
>wah I only want to use them for a quick fuck, I don't want to know them as actual people
Yeah, and that's why you're creepy. Next time try treating them like a friend; not like some predator stalking it's prey
why would any straight man want to be friends with a women?
I have males for that, and they do it way better than any women ever could. women are for fugging
>because one delusional troll on Veeky Forums represents all 3+ billion women on this earth
Do you ever pause to think how stupid you sound? I'm guessing Not, by the looks of it
Kek don't fall for this bait impressionable young Veeky Forumslings. As soon as you treat girls like a friend you will no longer be seen as a sexual person in her eyes. Realise the fact that you are the predator and she is the prey and that's how it's meant to be, ie show masculinity and intent while keeping shit flirty and light
>someone took time to make this
>they had to stare at black dicks longer than anyone else
We live in a society where girls are expelled from school for shoulders, bra straps or legs above mid-shin showing because they could distract the boys. The mindset apparently sticks, are all of you such horndogs that seeing some skin ruins your workout? Sure, if she has cuntflap-revealing-tight leggins, I too cop a glance in my rest periods, but besides that, who cares, I go to the gym to lift heavy weight and improve my body, not to drool over random bitches.
>They should be encouraged you faggot.
Yeah, that's exactly what's repelling any sane female.
I don’t know about the whole predator thing, but yes, soon as you become her “pal” you can forget tapping it from behind while spanking her and pulling her hair. Men and women aren’t meant to be friends. This is a meme. Anytime a women or a dude tells you “we’re just friends” you have the right to laugh in their face. Because in 99.9999999% of all cases one secretly wants to fuck the other.
No. They are what help me squeeze out that bit of strength to finish my last rep.
this tbwqhwy
Remind me why we make these threads again?
It's just for the excuse of sharing photos of test-raising women, right?
>We live in a society where girls are expelled from school for shoulders, bra straps or legs above mid-shin showing because they could distract the boys.
It does distract boys, though. Hard to pay attention in math class when there's some ripe teenaged tits to gawk at.
muslim detected
>if I wanted to see naked women there's porn
>still watching porn
n-not at all, p-please stop doing that
Random bitches who would just blow you off anyway for not being chad enough. Remember even the most average mundane women believes she “believes” nothing less a movie star with a Bill Gates wallet.
She’ll feed off your hitting on her then blow you off to get her next ego fix.
why is angie such a little cockslut
s-sorry, it's an addiction
>why are women such cocksluts?
Good advice if you want to end up getting butt raped in jail; not so much if you actually want to be happy in any way shape or form. I've never dated a guy I wasn't friends with first, it's also statistically the best way to find yourself in a happy ltr. Enjoy your life of misery, user! I've done my part to try to help you. Certainly can't help those who are content in their misery and in playing the victim role
Because getting to know somebody as a friend removes any chance of banging nearly every time. Starting as friends develops into friendship 9/10 times. You have to establish romantic and/or sexual interest fairly early. Most of us guys are very heavy-handed at this though. It takes practice that they don't know how to get.
thanks for proving my point
not what I meant, but yeah, that too most times. so why bother
Women should be totally excluded from gyms. Luckily Crossfit and yoga drains a lot of them away.
I feel like there's a line between being confident and straight up whoring around.
As other anons have said the eye candy is great, but I still think a bit of modesty is better.
Now go ahead, call me Ahmed.
What girls say they want is the opposite of what they actually want. Thats why you never listen to advice about girls given by a girl. Sorry but youre simply wrong
I forgive you. let it all out and post away, high test catharsis is the only way. I will make sure not to look at (let alone save) any of them
No I was just adding to your point.
Actually it happens quite often that male and female friends become great ltr. It's especially useful when you're ugly because of if you have a good personality it will make you appear more attractive over time, and you can have relationships with people who otherwise wouldn't have looked twice (hint hint all you uggos, time to develop a decent personality). Your comment just shows how uneducated you are in the subject - love and relationships have a lot of research out there that you clearly have never bothered looking at
Which was? My point was that we should stick with that mindset that women should cover up.
Why would any straight male want to hang around with guys or talk to guys?
I literally don't understand this. So many guys seem to enjoy the company of other men. Why? I'm genuinely asking. I get literally nothing from friendships with guys. I don't give a shit what they have to say. I don't give a shit what they're doing throughout their day. I don't give a shit what their opinion is on anything. They look like shit. Personality wise men and women as a whole are equally vapid, but at least women are attractive.
A good woman, with a good personality, who actually loves you and enjoys sex will make you forget about any men you know.
So the only conclusion I can come up with is that you're gay or just disgusting to good women.
So you're belittling all males to uncontrollable animals who can't use their brain to reason and think rationally? Just a slave to your emotions? Fucking pathetic. And let me guess , you like to call women emotional, irrational creatures, don't you? Go live in the middle East where you belong, enjoy your brukas
>found the beta orbiter.
You’re an idiot and virgin if you think a male and female an be “just friends” without or the other want to fuck the other.
What are you 20? Just finished high school a couple of years ago? Get some experience and come back to see me, kiddo.
you can save them friend, they're all yours
Hello Patrick Bateman.
You should get better friends if you think so lowly of the guys you do know.
>A good woman, with a good personality, who actually loves you and enjoys sex will make you forget about any men you know.
Yeah, and good luck getting one. Nearly all women are flakey and waste loads of time, and that's only the beginning of their bullshit.
Low-test white knight detected. A normal human male is going to be distracted by slutty clothes, and possibly aroused if the girl is sexy. Yoga pants should be banned from schools and gyms.
What strip club lets you work out with weights in it?
t. woman
>And let me guess , you like to call women emotional, irrational creatures, don't you?
I don't but my devotion to truth impels me to point this out from time to time.
You clearly lack reading comprehension as I already stated that ever relationship I've been in started off as me being just friends with the guy. I've also read a lot of research journals on love and relationships. I've already said there's both research and over a decade of personal experience with this. Yet you keep repeating this "it just doesn't happen" motto, like some hare Krishna monk chanting none sense. It does happen; I'll say it again- it does happen, and tends to end up in some of the happiest ltrs. How closeted are you? Or are you just that into preserving your personal biases?
Tbh senpai the idea that men can't move past these distractions to focus on what is important is the more pathetic opinion
>help I can't stop staring at this roastie's tits
Grow up
I dont get all of this. I see no point in being friends with a female.
If shes ugly but has a good personality I dont want to fuck her and I dont want to be her friend
If shes ugly and a shitty personality, well no need to explain
If shes hot with a shit personality I might go for a fuck if opportunity arises
If shes hot with a good personality I might want to date her
Theres not a single scenario in all of this where I would want to be friends with a girl
t. Future rapist; possibly already a rapist
>fake ass
>cross eyed
>caterpillar eyebrows
>mongoloid lips
It's like the longer you look the funnier it gets
>How closeted are you?
Why do women jump so quickly to the "hurr durr ur a fag" shit? Your yoga-pants clad ass and and tits hanging out don't mean shit to a faggot. It's like you're invisible.
whose this?
dyel only gym you meant ?
My uni gym bans revealing clothing because it's a uni but I'm okay with that. Gym is for liftan and improvan, not for allowing your hedonistic biological urges control your subhuman self.
>not for allowing your hedonistic biological urges control your subhuman self
Are you not lifting for girls, user?
Just because you can overcome your distractions, doesn't mean you should have to. I want to focus all my willpower on training, not ignoring sluts.
>Grow up
Ironic, considering that you haven't even hit puberty yet.
Oh of course it arouses me, to a point I sometimes rock a halfchub in my shorts, that is not the point. But I have the mental fortitude to ignore it and go on with my workout, because in the long run that matters more to me than ogling random twats.
Jesus how is it not painfully obvious to you why you're female repellent? You're truly lost in the hellish void that is your personality and personal biases. I truly hope one day you grow into a decent, or at least better human, user. Start be gaining some level of awareness for yourself and those around you
Everyday you fags whine about girls in gyms. Just stay in your suicide cubes.
No because I'm not a child.