Okay...weird question

so, weird question, I know this is /fit so that's why I came here, um, my stomach is huge. I'm 5'1 and went from 119lb to 108 but my stomach is still unusually large...is it fat? I'm flat chest too, so maybe it all goes there? I'm just concerned cause it may be something like a cyst...and if it is losing weight will only harm my situation...
photo attached is my stomach
i seriously don't care about looking like a model, I'm just fed up with looking like a pregnant 12 year old. Looking like a 12 year old who isn't pregnant I'm fine with at this point.

get an ultrasound
if you're pregnant at least you're chest will catch up

Jesus imagine all the braps this trap is holding in its belly

Could be fat, could be a tumor, could be a babby.

Go see your doctor and find out.

That's a baby bump.

I would go to a doctor rather than consulting a South Asian stamp-collecting forum.

go see a doctor

Y'all ever heard of a doctor?

hehe sorry user I just had a lil build up in my tummy ;)

Drink a gallon of water a day to lose water weight

i was gonna tell you to stop holding your farts but thats looks unusual see a doc

Pregnant. If you're confused because you haven't had sex, the answer is simple; someone raped you. Enjoy your brown baby

Congratulations on the little one user


Your stomach is bloated most likely. I mean if you can grab it its fat but to me that just looks like bloating. Change your diet or seek medical help.

how many dicks have you had in you at one time?

Could be ascites. Go see a doctor.

Could be an ovarian cyst judging by the location go to a doctor sister had a cyst the size of a gapefruit.
you'll have scar but if you use bio oil and do stomach vacuums you'll be fine.

Looks like you have the african child syndrome
Work on your abs, also do a TON of vacuum stomachs
oh and lose some weight

dude that's gonna fucking EXPLODE

You have anterior pelvic tilt like a mother fucker. Do your deads son.

apply coathanger to babby

Google FODMAPs and see about going from there. Its clearly bloat, combined with weight loss.... I'm guessing you have been having weird, loose shits too and killer farts. You most likely have IBS and just need to figure out whats causing it. Could be gluten, could be dairy, could be FODMAPs.

Look into those and worst case see a doctor/dietician. You can get a test done that'll just tell you whats fuckin' you up if you don't want to deal with an elimination diet for a few weeks

I have a similar one OP. It's like Jeremy Clarkson's belly at those beach pics.
Hate it, it makes me look like a child

might be a parasite, tapeworm type shit. You ever see those pictures with the skinny af african children with arms and legs that are skin and bones but still manage to have round ass bellies? same shit

you're probably pregnant, roastie whore.

Stand up properly. Good posture is holding your stomach muscles flat.

OP please update us after you see doctor, this is some weird shit

Visceral fat. Too much sugar.

im going to need to see a picture of your back


distended abdomens are typically due to lots of gas or maybe even a lack of protein in your diet. Its hard to say without being able to do an abdominal assessment in person. you could just be allergic to gluten or eating something thats bloating you. a safe bet would really just be to stop by somewhere and let a med professional check you out. alot more goes into it than just looking at a picture online

8 F's of distention
Fucking big tumour
Fluid (ascites)
Full bladder