Got my haircut at the barbers today lads
I normally think I'm small but realised I'm fucking huge compared to a normal looking guy
6'0 210lbs here with a 2pl8 bench and not natty
tfw bigger than most of Veeky Forums
Anyone else have bigorexia?
Got my haircut at the barbers today lads
I normally think I'm small but realised I'm fucking huge compared to a normal looking guy
6'0 210lbs here with a 2pl8 bench and not natty
tfw bigger than most of Veeky Forums
Anyone else have bigorexia?
Can I get a name on this semen demon
>not natty
>has natty stats
Dyel pls go
Lagertha Lothbrok
>2pl8 bench and not natty
what's the point of juicing if you can only bench 2pl8
post your current physique and today's macros
you too, physique and macros
do you mean 3pl8 bench
because ya then you'd be kinda right
otherwise if you're 210 lbs at 6'0 then your legs are gigantic or you're kinda fat
pic related is me at 6'2 212 lbs
>talking about yourself being yuge w/o posting a pic
Katheryn Winnick
top two abs are visible so I'm not fat
what are the rest of your stats then?
>lmao2pl8 bench
>not natty
>consider themselves big
LMAO you think your small because you are small.You have the stats of a first year natty.
2pl8 squat for reps
2pl8 bench for reps
>2pl8 bench
>not natty
my fucking sides. it's like 3 months of natty lifting for most people
maybe you are made of water
balloons idk lol
>still hasn't posted physique
Fat and dyel HAHAHAHAHA
I know that feel bro
I'm 5'11 220lbs (fat and muscle, 7 years lifting on and off) and everytime I look at a picture of me and a "normal" person, I'm like twice as wide and look like a different race of human. Yet if if I post a solo pic, I don't look big
>3pl bench
>doing barbell benchpress at all when you only lift for aesthetic
>2pl8 bench
>not natty
That's absolutely pathetic.
Yuh most of my life I've felt smaller than I actually am (6'2".) It still takes me getting right next to someone to realize, "Oh, they're actually shorter than me."
>Size queen
This is my fetish
>2pl8 bench
>not natty
Holy fucking kek, Roidingforthis.jpg
>Veeky Forums unironically believes strength equals a good physique
Jesus you all really are 17-22 yo dyels
>t. Dyel
it does, for natties
>if you're 210 lbs at 6'0 then your legs are gigantic or you're kinda fat
Can confirm. 6' 210lb Cyclist with fucking huge legs and dyel upper body here. Feels bad.
2pl8 at 210 pounds is nothing to boast about. puts u between novice and intermediate.
TFW you realize "magnum" condoms are only about 2 mm bigger than regular ones
>210 lbs
>2pl8 bench
>not natty
roided for this
>not natty
stop trolling.
Hahaha 2pl8 bench at 210 AND you are not natty. That is actually fucking pathetic, i feel sorry for you.
They look so huge though. Like the same size as the girls face. But i guess that's mostly due to the packaging.
>roiding to bench bodyweight
Its a shoop
In the original shes holding something else.
Astrid Lesbosdotter
let me get in on this
>6'2" 212lbs
>BP 215lbs 3x5
>BS 275lbs 3x5 A2G
>FS 245lbs 3x5 A2G
>OHP 155lbs 3x5
haven't done DL in forever but got 345lbs 1x3 a year or so ago
>tfw not huge but frequently called "big" and have large legs
it's okay i guess
>2pl8 bench
>not natty
>roiding for this
here's me benching 2pl8s after 4 weeks of lifting without supplements. I can bench 250now at 8 weeks but I started eating 10 scoops of whey a day.
>start dating girl
>about to do some sexy time
>she pulls condom from bedside drawer
>it's a magnum
>I have no business using it whatsoever
>realize it's leftovers from last dude she was seeing
>tells me to put it on
>shit is kinda loose but fuck it I'm going in
>feel self conscious about my average penis the entire time
>we've now been together for 9 years now
>still feel like my dick is inadequate
>should have dumped the roastie ages ago
>in too deep at this point
Just end me lads.
lad, that shit is in your head.
ffs, let it go.
or at least try and talk about it.
just divorce
you can manipulate her into cheating on you, get evidence then she doesn't get a payout. go find a young tight girl.
i've literally been married 3 times. each time i wait 10 years then i act on purpose in a way that makes her lose attraction to me and divorce her and then go find an 18yo to marry again. i also have like 12 or 13 kids so i do pay a lot of child support
you should watch the tv show vikings
>tfw people always say I'm big
>tfw feel small until I see a pic of me beside a normal size guy
>tfw I'm more muscular than 90% of people I see day to day
Calla the person he has spend a decade with a roastie. You're human trash.
Bro you barely bench bodyweight and you're roiding? That's laughable.
>roiding for this
breh you're fat and/or have roid muscle but congrats
Lol you sound really fucking stupid and also too old to be on this site
>trying to dietmog users on anonymous Scandinavian shoe shining forum
this is your brain on steroids, kiddies
I go from thinking I'd look comically if I got any more muscle to thinking I look small in the mirror daily.
Regular magnums are 2mm bigger but xxl magnums are a good inch bigger in length and half an inch bigger in girth
I have to use magnum XL's but I feel like my dick isn't THAT big.
To be fair I'm 6'7" so maybe in comparison to my own perspective my dick is normal, but I feel like my magnum XL's aren't as large as the ones in that photo. Is Lagertha just a womanlet, perhaps?
i could bench 2 plates when i was 16 doing hs football
was like 170 pounds outside backer
try reading the thread
hint: it's photoshopped
are you saying its not real, on the internet?
Do your top two abs have nipples?
two plate bench isn't much lol
Holy shit i thought is was real. That's fucked up. They fake the truth even visually.
Me @ 6'4 210lbs
You're leaner than me but who really cares when I dwarf you in size and height anyways? Peoples first perception of us will always be me being bigger, stronger and more masculine than you
Probably should have been clear to most people if they've ever held a condom in their hand, even an XL which aren't really much bigger at all.
Garga Thalondralon
Do you like the spud neck harness? Is good for neck curls? (When the weight is behind you)
You barely can bench above your bodyweight while not natty? I'm 5'7" 160lb manlet with chub, and I can 1rm 2pl8.
When the weight is behind you and infront of you yes. It's super heavy duty and will hold as much weight as you need.
Just wear a hat or something under it because it really digs into your forehead and just above your ears when the weight gets heavy
>lifts in a long sleeve under a short sleeve
Kek dyel
That's a shitty shop.
No you shouldn't.
I love it when people over 200 pounds think their 2pl8 bench is impressive. You're not even strong
>tfw 5'8 and can't even bench 1pl8
should I end it right now boys? I'm 2 months into my strength training and I am a disgusting chestlet.
god I hope your arms aren't your strong point
are you just pretending to be retarded or are you really a few fries short of a happy meal?
A first year natty would look betrer than you do now with roids. What the actual fuck are you doing?
Just 5x5 every big movement (bench, swuat, deadlift etc...) and eat at a slight caliric surplus. Do this for 1 year = gains and strength? People complicate everything too much.
Noice, way cheaper than an iron I don't too
Lol 210 at 6'0
I'm 232 at the same height with a three plate bench, you just got 1 upped son
You're pretty fat, arentcha
>everyone has the same frame.
You just have narrow shoulders and think wrists.
95% of men have never been able to bench a plate. Simply getting started puts you way ahead of the pack
were the barbers chatting you up? they were probably looking for a better tip
210lbs and 2plate bench on roids....
thats fucking funny.
What is it like being a 6'7 tall guy?