Am I a lanklet Veeky Forums? How do I fix it?

How high is your fucking ceiling?

Skelle mode femanon;
Please marry me.

Wider shoulders will fix you up, plus thighs.

12ft vaulted

what's it like being monstrously tall Veeky Forums? it seems like an absolute pain in the ass

>butt jelly manlets

You have anime legs

I'm 6'7".

Honestly it's pretty fucking great. You constantly get attention for it and it's an easy opener for conversations.

But there are disadvantages: fitting into the backseat of a car often results in your head being compressed against the ceiling; obviously this is dangerous. Having sex with shorter women is a pain; many positions are unattainable. The world isn't really built for you. Countertops are too far down, you have to constantly look down at things, bringing neck pain. People constantly ask if you play basketball, which gets fucking annoying. Flying sucks unless you are flying first class or have the emergency exit seat. Buses suck if you don't have room to slide your legs to the side.

I wouldn't trade it for anything, but it sometimes can be annoying.

Are you that tall just because that's how things turned out or is it because of a disorder? Whenever I see people in the high 6 foot range you can sort of tell they've got some fucked up genetics because of their build

Okay, but do/did you play basketball?